
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Seven Star Sword Broken


The jet-black fist collided with the blade that shone with a faint green light.

The dark green light on the blade seemed to come alive, spreading towards Luffy's arm along the collision point between the fist and the blade.

During the rotation of Emission, the Sakura-colored film flowed on the originally pitch-black arm, and at the same time, the entwined green flame was also dispelled at this moment.

"Can you keep up with my speed, is the Seven Star Sword really that strong?"

Logically speaking, judging from the breath that Luffy Observation Haki felt, it was impossible for Saka to catch his extremely fast punch.

But now, Luffy's fist was indeed blocked by Saka's seven-star sword.

With another force in his hand, Luffy blocked the seven-star sword that was still trying to transmit the faint green flame, and at the same time took a step back.

There was no answer, but Luffy kept Saka in the eye.

Those eyes, which were normal before, were now filled with red light.

At the same time, there seems to be a layer of energy on the Seven Star Sword that is transferring to Saka along the hilt of the sword that Saka is holding.

At this time, Saka seemed to be completely unconscious. He neither replied nor acted directly, but stared at Luffy with those bright red eyes.

"Have you been completely controlled by the Seven-14-Star Sword?"

Seeing the state of Saka at this time, Luffy muttered to himself that something was wrong.

I remember that in the original book, even if he was controlled by the Seven Star Sword, Saka was able to speak.

But looking at the current situation, it gave Luffy the feeling that the one standing in front of him was no longer Saka, but the Seven Star Sword.

"The blood of the strong…"

A low voice entered Luffy's mind, and it wasn't Saka who was speaking in front of him.

Is it the voice that is heard by the power of hearing? That is to say…

Luffy's thoughts moved, and his eyes looked at the seven-star sword that was held across Saka's chest.

"Hungry for my blood? Funny! 35

Really interesting, a sword can actually control people directly.

"Since you want my blood, let's try it and see if you can drink my blood as you wish, or if I will destroy you."

The corners of Luffy's mouth twitched slightly, this was the first time Luffy had laughed in battle.

Black and red lightning began to form at Luffy's right fist, starting from the front of his right fist and radiating radially toward his right arm.

"But don't even be unable to stop my punch, the Seven Star Sword that has absorbed thousands of years of resentment!

With the disillusionment of the black and red lightning in Luffy's right hand, an invisible aura swept towards Saka, who was holding the Seven-Star Sword on the opposite side like a gust of wind.

"This ability…what is it?"

Behind Luffy, Zoro and the others also looked at Luffy with wide eyes.

Everyone knows Luffy's ability, Rubber Fruit cooperates with Armament Haki's attack.

However, this is the first time everyone has seen the ability to wrap radial black and red lightning between their fists.

"Looking at that fist, there's always that feeling of confronting Luffy when he unleashes Conqueror's Haki.

Zoro has directly endured Luffy Conqueror's Haki, and naturally knows what it's like to face Conqueror's Haki.

And now, even just looking at Luffy's fist, Zoro felt a sense of shock when facing Conqueror's Haki.

On the other hand, Conis felt a little dizzy when he inadvertently glanced at Luffy's right fist.

On the opposite side of Luffy, the Seven Star Sword held by Saka seemed to feel something.

The faint green light suddenly became stronger, and Saka, who was controlled by the Seven Star Sword, also changed from holding the sword with one hand to two hands.

Saka, who was controlled by the Seven-Star Sword, took the lead in taking the shot, and while he rushed forward, he raised his hands high, and the Seven-Star Sword was ruthlessly raised above Saka's head.

Looking at the seven-star sword that was slashing at him, Luffy was not afraid, and the black and red lightning in his right hand was even worse.

There is no application of the ability of Rubber Fruit, just a simple right fist to face the seven-star sword from bottom to top.

Seeing that the fist and the Seven-Star Sword were about to collide again, it seemed like there was an invisible layer of material blocking the gap between the fist and the sword.

Black and red lightning continued to circulate, and the dim green light on the Seven Star Sword seemed to have dimmed a lot in this untouchable collision.

"There is no contact between the fist and the sword, but they seem to have completely collided together, what exactly is this ability?

Zoro and others could see clearly that Luffy's fist did not touch the Seven Star Sword,

But the Seven Star Sword seemed to have slashed at something, and it was not even an inch away from Luffy's fist.

There was no stalemate like before, Saka, who was holding the Seven-Star Sword, flew out directly under Luffy's punch.

"Real… strong! 35

Under the attack of Conqueror's Haki, the light of the Seven Star Sword has dimmed a lot.

But Saka still doesn't seem to be out of control.

"This power…for thousands of years…finally feels it again…this is…exactly…what I want!35

The intermittent voice resounded in Luffy's heart again, low and gloomy.

"Someone mastered the entanglement of Conqueror's Haki thousands of years ago?

Hearing the voice from the Seven Star Sword, Luffy was slightly startled.

"However, don't you give up? In such a situation, how do you get my blood?"

Even if it was a sword, Luffy had no plans to keep it in his hands. Judging from the situation of the Seven Star Sword, which was much bleaker than before, it seemed that this power could not be used by him.

If so, just destroy it.

620 covered Emission with both hands, to deal with such a seven-star sword, there is absolutely no need to use Conqueror's Haki winding again.

Looking at Saka's Seven-Star Sword that had been separated from Saka's hands, but still seemed to be in control of Saka, Luffy waved his hands continuously.

The outstretched arms kept attacking the seven-star sword that fell to the ground.

As the land shattered, the faint green light of the Seven Star Sword became more and more dim.

Under the internal destructive effect of Emission, cracks have appeared in the blade body under the continuous attack.

"Familiar power…but what I've seen…is stronger…more…free…


The Seven Star Sword eventually shattered under Luffy's consecutive Emission attacks.

The last bit of faint green light also completely dissipated at this moment.

And the uncomfortable aura that Luffy could feel before had all disappeared at this time.

"Looks like it's resolved.


After hearing Luffy speak, Zoro didn't care what ability Luffy used just now, but quickly ran to Saka who was lying on the ground.

Although Luffy didn't take action against Saka just now, who knows if there will be sequelae after the control of the Seven Star Sword, or he will die directly.

"Familiar power… Emission? Conqueror's Haki? Or…"