
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Sea Train

"More freedom…?"

"Hey, Luffy, what are you thinking?"

Luffy's thoughts were interrupted by Nami who appeared next to him on the head of the Merry, which was still the same as Ten Thousand Years.

The matter of the Seven-Star Sword has been resolved, and Luffy and his party naturally embarked on the journey to the next stop again.

And Zoro's friend, Saka, left Aska Island alone, ready to pursue his dream again.

Although the Seven Star Sword was destroyed, the repaired arm was not broken again when it was controlled by the Seven Star Sword before, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

"Well, about the Rubber Fruit I ate.

The familiar power that Qixingjian mentioned, Luffy always believed that it should refer to the attack method he finally showed, that is, the power of Rubber Fruit.

"Huh? What happened to your Rubber Fruit?"

Nami looked up and down Luffy curiously, but didn't notice any changes in Luffy.

The others heard Nami's voice and turned their attention to this side at the same time.

Luffy suddenly started thinking about his Rubber Fruit. Could it be that Rubber Fruit has made another breakthrough?

No, it's too unreasonable to have a breakthrough with a single sword, right?

"I just heard a little bit of information and have no clue, so I think about it while I have time now."

As for Devil Fruit, no one here can help them.

Maybe look for Shanks?

As the initiator of taking Rubber Fruit from the World government, there may be some information that Luffy doesn't know.

"Is that so…"

Nami nodded and didn't ask any more questions. The others were also relieved. Fortunately, it wasn't because of their strength that they broke through again, otherwise it would be too exaggerated.

Seeing that Nami didn't ask any further questions, Luffy calmed down again.

Stronger, does it mean awakening? If his Rubber Fruit wants to go further, Luffy can't think of a better way than awakening.

It can be said that Luffy of the original book can develop Rubber Fruit to such a limit, and he is only a slight improvement on the original basis.

But the message conveyed by the Seven Star Sword is more powerful and understandable, but more free, what does it mean?

Does it mean the ability to use freely? Is it free to use the third gear now without blowing air?

But is it just that?


Just as Luffy continued to think, the sound of a train whistle interrupted Luffy's thoughts again.

"Huh? Sea train? In other words, the capital of seven waters is coming soon."

Luffy looked up, and on the sea not far in front of the Bumeli, a train passed quickly as if floating on the sea.

"Wow, what is that?"

The whistle of the train caught the attention of everyone on the Merry.

Even Gar-Tino, who had been on the Grand Line for many years, came to the edge of the boat curiously and looked at the fast-moving train.

"How can such a big train actually be able to travel on the sea?"

For Nami of Grandmaster Navigation, the presence was incredible.

"This is a sea train, and there are tracks under the sea, so be careful when the Merry passes by. 35

Luffy is actually curious as to how this sea train was made.

However, curiosity returns to curiosity, and the things that should be reminded cannot be forgotten.

Otherwise, if the Merry is not careful, if it hits the train tracks, it may be a hole.

"Sea train?"

"Is there a track down there?

Hearing Luffy's words attracted everyone's attention, and then they all looked at the place where the train passed.

As the waves rolled, black tracks appeared from time to time.

"But what is that? Frog?

Usopp's eyes were once again drawn to a strange creature.

No way, that thing is nothing if it just jumps out of the sea.

The key is that the frog-like thing actually blocked in front of the speeding train.

Seeing that its hind legs are upright, the front two legs are stretched forward, like a wrestler's posture, as if it wants to stop the moving train.

"Is it… is it trying to stop that train?"

Seeing the frog's actions clearly, Usopp's words were a little awkward.

Looking at the size of the other party and comparing the size of the train, Usopp felt that if he hit it, the frog would be disabled if it didn't die.

"It can't be stopped, on the contrary, it may be smashed to pieces. 39

Robin's words made Usopp stiff again.

"Hey, Robin, don't say such horrible things!"

"Hey, is this a creature from Qinghai?"

Conis's beautiful eyes widened, ignoring what Robin had just said, and seemed curious about what the frog was going to do.

The train and the frog quickly collided, but Robin's words didn't come true.

The strength of the frog can't stop the steam-powered sea train, and it can't even hinder the progress of the train.

Soon, the frog was knocked out by the train.

But despite this, the frog was not harmed.

The frog that resurfaced just glanced at the distant sea train and jumped back into the sea.

".~ Although I failed to block the train, there is nothing at all? 99

Even Zoro couldn't help but sigh that this frog is really powerful.

If it was a human, if it was hit head-on by a train at this speed, it would be almost the same even if it didn't die.

"There is something like a platform in front. Let's go over and take a look. The Capital of Seven Waters should be coming soon."

After the sea train leaves, at the other end of the track, there is a place like a platform.

There was no objection from everyone, and soon, the Merry arrived at the same place as the platform under the command of Nami.

"Grandma, it's not good, there are pirates coming!"

As soon as the Merry stepped on (the king's) shore, the exclamation of a little girl on the shore reached everyone's ears.

"What? Really? Timney! Well, wait a minute!

"Anyone coming out of the county?

Hearing voices coming from the house, Zoro and Sanji habitually stood on the bow, posing in a fighting posture and waiting for the person who was about to appear.

Soon, an old woman with a tall stature and an old face came out with a wine bottle in her hand.

"Um… what should I say? Forgot… hiccup…"

The old woman who came out looked drunk and didn't even know why she came out.

"What, it turns out to be a drunk!"

Zoro and Sanji, who were ready to start, complained at the same time.

Hearing the voice of the other party just now, I was full of anger, and I thought it would be some kind of powerful enemy.

Unexpectedly, it was a drunk old woman who came out, which really made the two of them not know how to react.