
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 The Golden Bell Rings

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The melodious bells spread from the top of the huge vines,

It was obviously just a normal-sized golden bell, but the sound of the bell seemed to have infinite penetrating power, passing through the layers of clouds.


On the Island of Gods, the Lord of the Sky raised the snake's head, and the snake's eyes narrowed slightly, as if enjoying the melodious sound of the bell.

The Proverbs Ark was thrown to the ground by it, and the huge body began to circle around the Ark like a dance.

On the other side, the Shandians who woke up from the coma were sitting by the tree, resting and bandaging each other.

And at this moment, the bell that had never been heard before, but seemed to be carved into the bone marrow~ echoed in my ears.

Let these Shandians, who were still in deep despair because of Enel's power, froze in place.

"Weber, that's…"

Lan Qi, who was slightly injured, looked excitedly at Webber, who had not recovered yet.

"There can be no mistake, that is the sound of the golden bell. Could it be that Enel was defeated by those people from Qinghai?"

Enel will not ring the golden bell, then, the only explanation is that the Qinghai people who defeated the two priests defeated Enel again.

"But how did they beat Enel?"

The others came back to their senses one after another. The strength of Enel before made them deeply desperate, and any attack would be ineffective against him.

Now, those Qinghai people have defeated such Enel, how did they do it.

This surprise even outweighed the excitement of the golden bell.

"God… Enel, is it defeated?"

Ganfur stood in a pumpkin planting field, listening to the sound of the bell coming from the heights, a little disbelieving.

Is it the people from Qinghai?

Yes, on this Sky Island, anyone who can defeat Enel, except for them who have just come here, can't do it at all.

"Huh? Is this a bell? It sounds better than any bell I've ever heard!"

At Conis's house, Usopp, who was still tinkering with those Sky Island shells, heard the bell from nowhere, and asked Paigea next to him in surprise.

However, Usopp, who turned around, found that Paige was already stunned in place.

"Hey, uncle, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Seeing Paigeya's appearance, Usopp didn't know why, so he could only shake Paigeya's body lightly.

"God, defeated!"

Although Paigeya had never heard the golden bell, after all, he was already so old, so naturally he had heard of some things.

I originally thought that the Golden Bell was just a legend circulating on Sky Island, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Moreover, since the golden bell rang at this time, Enel, who had always regarded this piece of Sky Island as his own kingdom of gods, did not impose sanctions.

It could only be defeated, after all, if Enel really wanted to ring the golden bell.

With the ability of his heart net, he has long found the golden bell and rang it.

"It seems that your partner not only passed the test, but even defeated the god!"

Paige said to Usopp, and at the same time, he felt a little emotional, maybe he was about to say goodbye to his daughter.

"Hey, I've said before that as long as Luffy is around, there's no need to worry about them failing.

Usopp wiped his nose with his index finger, and his tone was a little smug, as if he was the one who defeated Enel.

Grand Line Gaya Island

"Boss, did you hear me?"

The orangutan and the ape-man came hurriedly from not far away, and shouted towards Vinbrand Kulik, who was sitting on the coast.

However, the man didn't answer them, just looked up at the boundless sky, those turbid eyes were already full of tears.

"Boss, they succeeded, what they said is true, the Golden Township was indeed washed by the sky and the ocean current to the Sky Island!"

When Luffy said that the Golden Township did not sink to the bottom of the sea, but was rushed towards Sky Island by the soaring ocean currents, there was a faint hope in their hearts.

Now, the golden bell is really ringing, and the long-cherished wish for many years has come true.

giant vine tip

"It's actually a golden bell. It's a pity, I can't take it away."

Nami still misses this golden bell, but he can't help it. Luffy said that he should leave the golden bell to these Sky Islanders.

Naturally, he would not go against Luffy's wishes, and even if he could take such a big bell, it would be inconvenient to carry it.

"Hope this bell can be heard on the Grand Line too!"

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Zoro still has a good impression of Vembrand Kulik, who is obsessed with atoning for his ancestors.

Men who also carry dreams are always easy to resonate.

Now that Vinblanes-Koulik's dream has come true, when will his dream come true?

"In addition to the historical text, some of the ancient texts here are artificially inscribed."

Just as Luffy rang the golden bell, Robin also read the surrounding historical text.

However, what makes Robin a little curious is that one of the two stone tablets engraved with ancient texts is obviously not from ancient times.

"Roger and his pirates have also visited Sky Island, and the ancient characters on this stele were engraved by the Roger pirates."


Hearing Robin's words, Luffy told about Roger's visit to Sky Island.

"Roger? You mean One Piece Roger?"

Gal-Tino's reaction was a bit big, but it was normal. Anyone who heard the topic of One Piece would be just as surprised.

"However, does anyone in the Roger Pirates know ancient script?

What makes Robin curious is the man who can engrave ancient writing.

At that time, Ohara had already been destroyed, and there should be no one in this world who could interpret ancient texts except himself.

Moreover, whether it is the ancient script itself, or even the stone tablet engraved with the ancient script, ordinary people cannot engrave traces on it at all.

"Wanokuni of the New World, there is a method of processing this kind of stone tablet, and it is also there that someone can read this kind of writing.

Kozuki Oden, I don't know why Wanokuni has a method that can read ancient texts and process historical text stone tablets.

Are these things related to Wanokuni?

Or, are these things actually passed down from Wanokuni?


Even Robin doesn't know much about Wanokuni.

However, since there are people in Wanokuni who can interpret ancient texts, and can process historical text stone tablets.

Then, there may be information that you want to know there.

"Wanokuni, we will go in the future, but before that, your strength must be improved. Four.
