
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Listening To All Things

"Hey, Luffy, what are you talking about, no one spoke just now?"

Although the giant snake in front of him looked really scary, Nami was still more worried about Luffy, always wondering if there was something wrong with Luffy.

Either now or before, Luffy said he heard something.

But obviously neither myself nor Zoro heard any strange sounds.

But looking at the giant snake, it doesn't seem to mean to attack Luffy, can Luffy really talk to it?

"Ringing the golden bell is one of my purposes here. Even if you don't show up, I'll still ring it."

Luffy did not choose to deceive the big snake in front of him. Although he could understand some human behavior and language because he lived a little longer, he was not a human after all.

"I'm relieved by your candor, I've met humans who can hear our voices, but you seem very different!

Can you hear the voice of the big snake in front of you? It must be Roger!

So now that you can suddenly hear their voices, is it really the ability to hear all things?

Originally thought that the person who came from crossing would no longer have this ability, but I didn't expect that 603 would suddenly wake up on this Sky Island.

However, is there any opportunity here? I don't seem to encounter anything strange, nor do I do anything out of the ordinary.

In this way, I suddenly awakened the ability to listen to all things, what is the reason?

Moreover, this ability to listen to all things seems to be able to hear what he wants to hear, but he can definitely hear it.

After all, there were so many trees and rocks around, and I didn't hear them make a sound.

"After all, everyone has their own path. Even if I can hear your voices, I and that person are not the same kind of people after all."

Maybe Luffy in the original book is very similar to Roger, but the Luffy who came through has a completely different character from the original Luffy.

Nami and the others on the side were completely stunned. Looking at Luffy's appearance, it seemed that he could really communicate with the huge monster in front of him.

But how is this done? Is it also the ability of Devil Fruit?

But isn't Luffy's Devil Fruit a Rubber Fruit? Could it be that Rubber Fruit can still make Luffy hear the sound of a strange snake?

But Nami, Zoro, and Sanji have already seen the odds, and (beae) have developed some immunity to Luffy's bizarre performance from time to time.

But Gal-Tino and Robin are not so easy to accept.

Although I also saw Luffy's magic along the way, most of them were amazed at Luffy's insight, not anything else.

Now Luffy's ability to communicate with strange snakes is really beyond the understanding of the two of them.

"No matter what you humans are like, what I say is still valid, as long as you ring the golden bell, I will help you guard the gold. 99

"If that's the case, then please."

If there is this giant snake guarding the gold, there is no need to worry about the problem of being taken away.

After all, it is not very difficult to obtain gold under the guard of this giant snake.

Hearing Luffy's words, the giant snake raised its head and moved around, the body of the snake wrapped around the Ark of Proverbs.

"Ah, my gold, Luffy, what is it doing, stop it, it's our gold!""

The so-called fear, that is when gold and Bailey are not involved.

Once it comes to this, Nami is totally able to muster up the courage to face any difficulties.

Luffy tutted, not knowing what to say about her, so in the end she could only helplessly explain.

What can I do, after all, it is my own woman.

"I made a deal with it. It guards the golden ship for us, and we are ringing the golden bell at the end of the huge vine."


Luffy's words stopped Nami, and Zoro and the others were also attracted by Luffy's words.

Is it possible to make a deal with such a giant snake?

"But why are you able to communicate with this giant snake?"

Gal-Tino couldn't help but ask, although it might involve Luffy's secret, but he couldn't stand his curiosity.

Besides, there are no other people around, so don't be afraid of being heard by others.

Gal-Tino's words were supported by several others, all of whom wanted to know how Luffy did it.

"This is an ability called listening to all things, and I don't know the specifics."

It's true, Luffy doesn't know exactly why this ability exists.

However, there are so many strange abilities in the pirate world, even Gal-Tino on the ship, doesn't he also have the ability to suggest colors?

"Listen to everything?"

It is obviously impossible for several people to have heard of this ability, and even Robin has never seen relevant information in ancient books.

"No matter what, how are we going to ring the so-called golden bell? Wait, the golden bell?"

Regarding Luffy's explanation, Nami had no other idea except to satisfy his own curiosity.

On the contrary, it was the golden bell, which once again made Nami's eyes into the shape of Bailey.

Is the clock named after gold also made of gold?

Moreover, if it is a bell, it should be a heavy weight, can I take that golden bell away myself?

Nami's reaction caused the black lines to slide down the foreheads of the others present, and even the giant snake, which had not left, seemed to have black lines on its head.

"This human woman is too greedy, isn't it? Isn't it enough to have such a ship made of gold?"

The voice of the giant snake reached Luffy's mind again, Luffy put his hand on his forehead and said to Nami:

"Don't think about taking the golden bell, that bell is of extraordinary significance to the people of Shandia, to Kulik of Qinghai, or to the giant snake in front of you.

Although some Shandians attacked him before, Luffy wouldn't kill all the people of that tribe just because of one person.

"Ah? Well then! 35

Nami's tone was obviously a little disappointed, but since Luffy said so, it's better not to.

Mainly, the giant snake in front of him was a bit scary, so Nami had to give up his original idea.

"If that's the case, let's go to the giant vine now, shall we?

Although it is impossible to take away the so-called golden bell, it is good to have a look.

"Whether the golden bell or the text of history, our purpose is at the end of the huge vine, since Enel has been solved, let's set off towards the final destination!

Naturally, Luffy would not object to Nami's statement, and then glanced at the giant snake, Luffy said to several people.

"I saw me right before you, and if you want gold, go find me there!

The voice of the giant snake sounded in Luffy's mind, and then, Luffy saw the giant snake dragging the Ark of Proverbs and flying away into the distance.