
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 The Intention Of The Lord Of The Sky

"Wow, is this ship really all gold?"

After solving Enel, it is natural to search for loot.

And the most valuable thing Enel owns is the Ark of Proverbs that he intends to use to conquer the infinite, a vessel made entirely of gold.

"Although not all of them, most are made of gold.

Looking at Nami, stroking left and right, looking completely obsessed with gold, Luffy rolled her eyes at her angrily.

Do you just like money that much? Is it necessary to show such an exaggerated expression?

"So much gold, if you want to melt into such a big ship, Sky Island's metallurgical technology seems to be very advanced!"

On the Grand Line or Four Seas, the vast majority of boats are made of wood.

Although good materials, such as Baoshu Adam, are quite hard, they can be processed with tools after all.

But if it is a metal like gold, it cannot be directly cut into the desired shape with tools such as knives.

"It should not be due to the development of Sky Island's metallurgical technology, but the ability of Enel. 39

Robin's words reminded Luffy of Thunder Fruit's ability not only to discharge, but also to generate high temperature.

But it's a bit strange. It stands to reason that your own Rubber Fruit should not be resistant to high temperature.

Although it does not melt at a slightly higher temperature than Gardino's Wax-Wax Fruit.

But the high temperature enough to melt the metal still failed to injure the rubber man, which was a bit strange.

Although he can use the fire fist gun, but at that time he was attached to Armament Haki.

And Luffy didn't have Armament Haki all over his body when he was attacked by Enel.

Is the restraint between Devil Fruit really outrageous to this extent?

"Enel's ability? Isn't his ability thunder and lightning? Can he smelt metal?"

Gal-Tino was puzzled, and couldn't figure out why lightning could melt metal for a while.

"The huge power of thunder and lightning, in addition to the impact force, high temperature is also the characteristic of thunder and lightning"~.

As a learned scholar, Robin is naturally knowledgeable, and explained it briefly to Gal-Tino.

"So it is."

Gal-Tino tapped his left hand with his right hand, showing an expression of sudden realization.

Zoro and Sanji on the side also showed their original expressions, obviously they didn't turn around just now.

"But, how are we going to take this ship away? Let's not say whether it can be dismantled or not. Even if it can be dismantled, the Merry will not be able to fit so much? 35

Looking at the huge Ark of Proverbs in front of him, Nami was a little distressed and decided to leave this problem to Luffy for him to solve.

So, Nami blinked and walked to Luffy, and asked Luffy with a pitiful expression.

"It is not very difficult to tear down the ship, but it is obviously impossible to take all the gold.35

Today's Zoro, it is easy to cut the Ark of Proverbs, but even if it is cut, as Nami said before, it is impossible to take it all away.

"But I don't want to give up the gold at all. 35

Nami shook Luffy's arm in a coquettish way, obviously not wanting to give up the easy gold.

"In fact, it's not a big deal to keep the gold in Sky Island. We can find a place to hide the gold. Next time we're short of money, we'll just come over and get it."

As long as you have the ability of Lion Fruit, it is easy to board Sky Island.

So, Luffy's current idea is to find someone to eat Thunder Fruit as soon as possible.

At that time, with the ability of Thunder Fruit, even Lion Fruit was reborn far away.

Anyone who ate Thunder Fruit should be able to catch it with Luffy.

However, now there is a question, who is suitable to eat this Thunder Fruit?

The Devil Fruit that was originally going to be reserved for Vivi, but now that I think about it, maybe it can be replaced with something else.

"But, if you keep the gold here, will it really not be taken away by others?

Nami expressed concern about the method Luffy said.

Although these Sky Islanders may not have access to gold, there are still pirates coming here from time to time.

Now without the existence of the god Enel, the gold here has become something that is readily available.

"I can keep the gold for you, but in exchange I will hear the bells of the golden bell.

The voice of someone speaking again echoed in Luffy's mind.

Then, a sound of breaking through the air came from a distance, and a huge body appeared in the sight of Luffy and the others.

"Hey…hehehe! 99

The cyan giant snake that appeared suddenly scared Nami, who was still coquettish, into Luffy's arms.

"Che, how did this thing suddenly appear here? Did the previous battle wake it up?"

Zoro stood in front of him with a knife and stared sharply at the huge monster that suddenly appeared.

".~ Ahhh, Damn it's Luffy, I really want to feel Miss Nami's hug! 35

Although Sanji was annoyed that Luffy hugged Nami again, he consciously blocked the snake with Zoro.

The giant snake that suddenly appeared stopped not far from Luffy and others, and the pair of snake eyes stared at Luffy tightly, as if waiting for Luffy's answer.

"It's okay, it's not here to trouble us."

Luffy patted Nami on the shoulder and pushed Nami away from his arms.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he walked in front of the giant snake.



Although I knew that Luffy was very strong, the impact of the giant snake in front of them was too strong.

That huge reminder can suddenly appear in front of everyone at the speed just now.

And looking at the scales and fangs, it seems to be extremely hard.

Especially the pair of vertical pupils gave people a shuddering feeling, and those who were a little timid might just fainted from fright.

Namiji (the king's good) don't know what Luffy wants to do, but looking at Luffy's appearance, it doesn't seem like he wants to attack.

The snake's originally upright upper body suddenly landed, and its head leaned in front of Luffy.


This was the sound of Zoro drawing his knife. The first time the giant snake moved, he and Sanji were ready to step forward to stop the giant snake.

"Did you just talk to me?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Luffy is also sure that it is this giant snake Li who just spoke.

Hearing Luffy's words, Zoro and Sanji subconsciously stopped their steps to step forward.

Something seems wrong.

I saw that the giant snake stopped and didn't move after bringing its head close to Luffy.

Those snake eyes stared at Luffy like human eyes, and after hearing Luffy's words, the giant snake's head swayed up and down.

"It's me, you should be able to do it, ring the golden bell that hasn't rang in hundreds of years.