
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · Tranh châm biếm
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37 Chs

Chapter 33: Crocodile felt scared and wanted to run away.

On the desert battlefield, Erza and Mr1 had an intense fight that lasted for ten minutes.

Erza was slightly damaged, losing some strands of hair and having some of her armor damaged.

However, she eventually defeated Mr1 with a quick and powerful strike from her sword, which was rendered completely black by Armament Haki.

Mr1 fell to his knees, weakened and defeated.

"As expected of the Fairy Queen, I underestimated you," Mr1 said.

The Baroque Works agent, Daz Bonez, was defeated!

"Oh oh oh, Erza won~ Erza is really amazing~" Nami, who was watching the battle, cheered and applauded without any hesitation.

"You actually defeated the enemy with a simple sword, as expected of Erza!" Juvia also praised Erza for her victory.

"No, I still have a long way to go. The power of Haki in this world has many mysteries that I still need to discover."

Erza, after experiencing the power of Haki, feels a strong desire to master it.

She dreams of the day when she can skillfully combine Haki with her Heaven's Wheel Armor, creating a magnificent display of hundreds of armed, magic black swords.

However, she knows that she still has a long way to go and must continue to work hard to achieve her goals.

"Erza won! This is amazing! With the defeat of Mr1, it seems like the Agents have been almost completely eliminated!" shouted Vivi with excitement.

Su Yu and Mirajan's expressions remained unchanged upon hearing the outcome of the battle.

They had already anticipated this result. Su Yu then shifted her attention towards the Quiet Loli standing across from her.

"Marian, what are you thinking now? Do you want to join us in Fairy Tail?" Su Yu asked with a smile.

Su Yu recruited Miss Golden Week for Fairy Tail on a whim because he finds her attractive and unique due to her ability to manipulate emotions through paint, which is a rare natural superpower in their world.

Miss Golden Week cherishes her companions, and even risks herself to save her fellow agents when they are arrested.

Su Yu thinks she has the quality of cherishing partners, which makes her qualified to join Fairy Tail.

However, Miss Golden Week remains calm and leisurely in response to Su Yu's offer.

"Thanks for the hospitality!"

Miss Golden Week expressed gratitude but declined the offer to join the enemy's camp.

She values her comrades and would not betray them, especially since they were recently defeated.

"Also, Miss All-Sunday has sent me to deliver this message to you: our boss will be coming here today in person!"

"Wait, what! The boss coming here in person... you mean Crocodile?" Vivi exclaimed in surprise.

"That's it, let's settle this matter first!" Su Yu stood up.

He is looking towards the southeast direction with his Dragon Slayer Magic that provides him powerful perception.

Even though he doesn't have Observation Haki, he has already sensed the presence of someone watching them from the darkness.

"You're here, yet you're still hiding like a sewer rat," he said.

With a simple movement of his hand, a thunderstorm erupted.


The powerful thunderbolts shattered a large, rocky mountain into pieces.

"I'll make sure to hit the target accurately next time!" Su Yu said lightly.


Amidst the flying wind and sand, Shichibukai Crocodile finally emerged from the shadows, holding a lifeless "corpse" of Mr. 3 who managed to escape using the Wax Museum move.

"Ha ha ha, I must admit that Fairy Tail truly possesses formidable skills to defeat our Advanced agents with such ease. Well done!" said Shichibukai Crocodile with a calm smile.

Despite his calm demeanor on the surface, Crocodile was actually feeling anxious and uneasy inside since the first encounter between Fairy Tail and his Agents.

He had been lurking and observing their battles, and was especially impressed by Su Yu's lightning punch that sent Mr4 flying.

This made him realize that Su Yu and the other members of Fairy Tail were not to be underestimated.

Crocodile was particularly alarmed by Juvia's ability to control water, which he viewed as cheating since water was a double attribute restraint for those with abilities.

Despite wanting to run away and avoid confrontation with Fairy Tail, he felt obligated to show up and face them as a Shichibukai.

However, he was unaware of the consequences that would result from his decision to show his face.