
Chapter 6: When your old father is choked

At this point the scene was embarrassing, but personally, Victor was quite happy with the scene.

After all, a guy, who beats and abuses him every day and keeps him in the basement, is dying on the ground like a crucian carp.

Sensually, Victor was still very happy. He even let Father Creed choke to death, and thought that he didn't have to struggle to kill him.

But in the end, Victor didn't choose to stand idly by, he lifted up Father Creed and put him on the table.

Now, Father Creed was lying on the table, and then Victor held down Father Creed with one hand to prevent him from continuing to struggle, and the other hand directly patted heavily on the back of Father Creed.

With Victor's palm, the peace of pie, which was stuck in Father Creed's throat, was spit out, and Father Creed had recovered his breathing ability. He grabbed his neck and gasped, like a salmon on the shore.

"Oh! God! Are you okay? Dear, Victor saved you!"

At this time, Mrs. Creed said in surprised voice. In fact, when Victorput Father Creed on table, she thought that he to prepare to eat him.

Seeing that Father Creed was rescued at this time, she rushed over and helped him to a chair, and poured him hot water.

"Cough, hell, I don't want to drink hot water."

"Honey, drink more hot water, it help you to recover!"


For the magical conversation between Father Creed and Mrs. Creed, Victor was unable to talk, but it was better than that Father Creed jumped up and shouted at him.

In fact, Father Creed felt very complicated at this time, although the reason of his chocking was that Victor broke the window.

However, in the end, Victor saved him, and there was no follow-up action, such as asking him to count the accounts.

In fact, he misunderstood, Victor was very eager to find him a settlement. But Mrs. Creed was still there, so he decided to give Mrs. Creed a face because she gave Victor a warmth that his mother should have.

Vivan, who crossed the road, was a very filial child. His family was very good to him since he was a child.

They always gave him the best things, and he did live up to their expectations. Since childhood, he has been a child of other people's homes, because his family was too poor.

It may be that the children of the poor family are more likely to be precocious. From an early age, he learned that the world is unfair. His starting point is lower than others.

Although his parents have given him everything they can, he still needs to work harder than others to get the same result.

Therefore, he told himself from an early age that he must do the best because he cannot afford to lose, nor can he lose, because he wants to give his parents the best reward.

But when he was a little accomplished, fate made a joke with him, and he actually crossed. Although he bought sufficient insurance for himself and his parents, enough for them to enjoy their old age.

However, losing their only son is the biggest blow to them. And Victor's original consciousness and memory are not completely without influence on him. He is not a pure Vivan, but a collection of two people's consciousness.

Therefore, when he passed through, the kind of maternal love that Mrs. Creed gave him with fear, touched his heart.

Moreover, in Victor's original memory, the happy life of a family of four and Father Creed's fatherly love for Victor reminded him of his father.

Hw had no chance to return to his own parents.

In this life, he has lost his father, and he doesn't want to lose his mother. Therefore, he decided to 'talk' with Father Creed.

He understands the situation of Father Creed, because his parents in the previous life also lost their only child…

Although it was said to be 'talking' with Father Creed, it was completely unclear how to open Victor. It is impossible to say:

"Dad, the unfilial son you had been killed by you before, I will not become like that!"

{ It is estimated that as long as Victor dare to say, then it is estimated that Father Creed would not dare to fight with him. Therefore, this behavior is nothing more than the same as the first filial son of Lordaeron carrying Frostmourne into the house. }

Of course, there will not be much difference in the ending, it is all the father and son filial piety.

Fortunately, this did not happen, because Father Creed spoke first.

"Are you Demon or Victor? Why you save me, is this your conspiracy to corrupt me? Is my son still here?"

"Your son has always been there, but he almost turned into a beast, and you are still helping, but fortunately he has a good mother, so he didn't really become Demon."

"… Hopefully, I will stare at you if you want to hurt anyone! I will shut you back again and will not let you run out again!"

"Hum, I will be obedient, father. Mom, I am hungry."

"Ah? Okay, I'll make your favorite pie for you."

Seeing the father and son begin to try to reconcile and accept each other, Mrs. Creed felt that life finally showed a glimmer of happiness again.

Then she wiped the tears around her eyes and ran into the kitchen to prepare food for her son. Of course, she also had to prepare another copy for Father Creed too.

The father and son, who were left in the dining room, stared at each other with big eyes, and then starting to clean up the table, chairs, and plates, which knocked down by Father Creed.

Although they are still wondering whether the other will suddenly attack themselves, but the situation is much better than the previous situation of shouting and killing.

They have already begun to try to accept each other, after all, they are connected by blood and are family members. Even if someone makes an irreparable mistake, but if there is hope, why not try to accept it.

In fact, at the beginning, Father Creed had no choice but to kill Victor directly. He hoped that his son would come back. He had already lost one son and did not want to lose another one.

And now he finally saw a glimmer of hope, so he is willing to give himself and his son a chance to prove that he is still his son, even if he still has strange recovery ability and fangs, that is still a person.

And for Victor, he was also very happy. Father Creed didn't turn around and started shouting and killing, which shows that it is a good start.

He finally had a chance to have a complete home, although Luther may have been irreversible, but he felt that he still had a chance to make up.

After all, Father Creed already lost his one son, but now he has the opportunity to save his another son. In the original comic, his lost his two sons.

In this way, in a less harmonious atmosphere, the father and son finished the work of cleaning up, and then each found a stool to sit down.

Although it is a good start, there is still a long way for both parties to accept each other again and even return to normal.

Even if they are sitting at the same table, the two sides are still guarding, and every small movement of one side will cause the other side to be vigilant.

But this embarrassing atmosphere did not last long, because Mrs. Creed returned with a pie. She happily gave Father Creed and Victor their favorite pie.

Then she sat next to Victor, and when she sat down, Father Creed raised the alert to the highest level.

He began to stare at Victor's every move, once he showed the slightest meaning of hurting Mrs. Creed, he would overturn the table, rush to protect his wife, and then shut the cunning Demon back into the basement, and then add ten times the iron chain, so that he could never escape.

But apparently he didn't have the chance anymore, Victor obediently began to eat his favorite fruit pie, and Mrs. Creed wiped his mouth from time to time.

This harmonious scene is obviously beyond the expectations of Father Creed, but this situation is not bad. Thinking this way, he began to concentrate on the food in front of him, but he did not completely relax his vigilance against Victor.

Finally, the first dinner of a family of three after a lapse of one year passed in such a harmonious and tense atmosphere.

However, unlike before, Victor did not return to the room where he had lived after eating, but asked Mrs. Creed to move his things into the basement.

His explanation for this is that he has become accustomed to living in the basement and feels more comfortable. The actual situation is that he can toss about in the basement without hurting Mrs. Creed by mistake.

Father Creed also agreed with this. After all, he was not completely assured of Victor, and he could no longer bear another accident.

Eventually they reached a consensus that Victor continued to live in the basement, but the living environment could be improved, and then at other times he could move freely within the sight of Father Creed.

Mrs. Creed did not have much opinion on this, although it was a little distressing for Victor to continue to live in the basement.

However, she was still worried about Victor's madness, but this is what makes her a great mother.

Even if such a tragedy happened, and his son might be mad and hurt her at any time, she still chose to take care of him, comfort him, and hope that he could return to his original state.

It is called great maternal love.

In fact, in the original book, after the original Sabertooth killed his father, he still took care of his mother until her death, which is not without reason.

And now, it is her great maternal love that once again brought hope to this family, and the rest depends on the father and son.