
Chapter 7: Young Victor’s Troubles

After improving the relationship with Father Creed, Victor's living environment finally has a big improvement, at least he can serve.

Now, he could eat broken raspberry in the basement, and his bed was covered with a small table and a lamp for him to read and study.

Although it is still not possible for him to go to school to study, it is also good that the learning environment has improved. And every day he can go out, and he don't have to be chained anymore, and he is kept in captivity like a beast.

However, as a result, some troubles have occurred. He hasn't completely controlled his animal nature yet. Once he meditates and falls into a frenzy, these furniture shouldn't be affected.

However, he was reluctant to get these things back and return to what he used to be. After all, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, and hard to go from extravagance to frugal.

He just have to enter, and he will be taken away. But in the end he did not hesitate for too long, he chose to talk with Father Creed:

"You should fix the iron chains again and make sure that they would be two time more powerful from this one, I am afraid that I can't control myself, I have to lock myself. But give me the key so that I can let go when I have reason."

Father Creed listened to him, and readily accepted. He put four big thick iron chains, and then give the key to Victor.

Because according to his observations, when Victor change in a state of fury, he did not know how to use the key, that time he became a pure beast.

Obviously he forgot the state of Victor, when he first awakened, the state where reason and madness coexisted. Fortunately, Victor is more carefull.

But Father Creed's troubles were almost resolved. The reason why he was not completely solved was because he still had concerns and the pain of bereavement.

The most direct manifestation of his concerns was the metal doors, which he changed to the wooden doors, which were reinforced and locked.

Victor had no objection to this, after all, he himself also fell into a crazy problem after meditation. It's always good to have another layer of insurance for him.

After all, he didn't want to hurt the Creed couple now, so when Father Creed reinforced the basement door, he even help him.

For this kind of situation, although Father Creed was not very used to it, but he did not refuse. And Mrs. Creed is happy to see her success. For her, the most important thing is that the two most important people of her life can live in peace.

Therefore, Victor thought that he had successfully escaped from prison, but the final result turned into an indefinite change, and the scope of activities expanded from the basement to the manor.

"It is good to change, freedom will come!"

This is what Victor used to comfort himself. He just said this and returned to the basement, and then tied himself with an iron chain to start the day of meditation.

Reconsciously competing for this piece, Victor is already a little rewarding, and he doesn't need to instinct with his beast instinctively.

As the so-called blocking is worse than sparse, in the consciousness space, he only needs to keep wandering with the other party. It's good to kill each other's power in this way.

The longer he persists in the consciousness space, the greater the other party's consumption, and the shorter the period of madness after waking up, and he can even keep his reason and suppress the animal nature after waking up.

However, there is still no clue about the complete elimination of his animal nature. And at most it can only be suppressed, and if he didn't meditate at night, the animal nature will begin to affect him subconsciously.

Fortunately, after each meditation, the previous effect can be cleared, but this also seriously affected his plan.

It is precisely because of Victor chose to cooperate with Father Creed to restrain him.

On the one hand, he did not want to lose his family, on the other hand, because if he escaped at this time, then he had to face more problems.

Whether it is accommodation or food, even identity will also be a big problem. He might not be able to meditate if someone will not restrain him.

And that kind of lifestyle will may make him completely a beast. This is because he can't accept it anyway.

So he chose to stay and suppressed the nature of freedom with reason. And tell himself: the dilemma is just for real freedom in the future.

Whether it is the chain shackles in reality, or the wild beast character in his mind, he cannot restrain himself forever.

In this way, Victor returned to the same life as before, learning various knowledge during the day, meditating at night, and fighting against his animal nature.

And he found that with the growth of the knowledge he mastered, his brain area occupied by his consciousness has also increased, which can be said to be 'arming his mind with knowledge' in the true sense.

In addition to studying and meditation, Victor began to help the creed couple to deal with some housework, but he was still not allowed to step out of the house.

Although Victor was confident that he would not get out of control, but Father Creed was still not at ease and agreed with Mrs. Creed.

Adhering to the principle of minority obeying the majority, Victor did not show the willingness to go out, because this era is actually quite boring for him.

In the 19th century, the United States did not have as many entertainment methods, let alone in Florida, a ghostly place where is only forest covers.

He is too happy to study, will he go out to eat soil? And instead of worrying about it, it's better to worry about that two years are almost finish, why he didn't change?

Yes, after Vivan crossed into this world, his body did not seem to have grown up.

Although his strength, IQ, and memory have grown in all directions, but his body has not changed.

His strength and intelligence have risen, but his age seems to have not changed. He is still the same as the 13-year-old, and even he trend toward the age of 12.

This was discovered when he inadvertently looked into the mirror while helping Mrs. Creed to clean up the dining table, but Father Creed and Mrs. Creed didn't feel much.

After all, in the eyes of parents, his child is always just a child, and Victor, who is aware of this problem, was just there.

He began to worry about whether he would go back too much and became a baby, he suddenly thought of another person: Daken, the son of Wolverine.

Daken, who also has a self-healing factor, although he born in 1946, he was a teenager when he was active in the 21st century.

The self-healing factor will greatly slow down the aging rate of the owner, and may even reach the legendary immortality.

Victor realized that it was because the self-healing factor was too active, it make him look much younger than his actual age.

Fortunately, however, his self-healing factor is inborn, not acquired like Deadpool (In the movie, Deadpool is awakened by the X factor, which is innately obtained).

In order to treat his cancer, Deadpool chose to participate in the 'X weapon' project and was injected with Wolverine's gene to obtain a self-healing factor.

As an ordinary person, his body simply cannot bear the powerful recovery ability of the self-healing factor. Without the presence of cancer cells, the self-healing factor in his body will continue to divide until he is killed.

If the self-healing factor is lost, the cancer cells in his body will also kill him in a short period of time, these are two things that will cause him to die, but they have reached a strange balance and let him survive.

There was even a series of subsequent adventures…

So Victor is not worried that his self-healing factor will split indefinitely, thus killing himself.

'Isn't his skin is a little bit softer, he doesn't grow taller… Ah! I want to grow, but it will take a long time!'

Obviously he is not as indifferent as he said, but he is quite satisfied with his self-healing factor.

Because the self-healing factor brings him more than near-undeath recovery ability, he can quickly recover his damaged body and even regenerate his broken limbs.

It also allows him to be immune to poisons and most drugs. Yes, he is immunized for good or bad. In fact, it can be regarded as the pride of the self-healing factor. (I'm the best medicine, I don't need anything else!)

And also inherited the original Sabertooth tiger's ability:

Strong body beyond ordinary people: Skin, bones and even muscle tissue are much more stronger than humans. The claws born in his fingers and the steel teeth in his mouth can even be destroyed steel.

Super keen senses: His vision, hearing and smell are far superior to humans. He can sees farther and clearer than ordinary humans, and can see in almost completely dark environments. He can also hear the sounds that ordinary humans can't hear and over long distances. He can identify people and objects by smell, and can track the target by smell. Even if the smell is eroded by time and weather factors, he can get clues from it. And there are super-strong reaction instincts and crisis hunches.

Super Endurance: With the increase of time, Victor was surprised to find that his endurance began to become almost endless, and it seemed that he would not fatigue at all. He suddenly understood why Sabertooth and Wolverine in previous comics had a bunch of lovers.

Super agility: His agility, balance and physical coordination are far beyond the physical limits of the most outstanding human athletes.

The control ability of the self-healing factor is similar to that of Daken. Daken used this ability to prevent his tattoo from disappearing, but the original Sabertooth and Wolverine did not show such ability.

Even Wolverine's control of the self-healing factor can be described as poor. He actually will lose his memory due to the self-protection instinct of the self-healing factor.

Victor can't understand this, but he has the advantage that he has to learn. So he chose to continue studying.

He started self-study of university courses. Although Mrs. Creed expressed surprise at this, Father Creed said: As long as he bite people and destroy furniture, he can read whatever books he loves.

However, such a plain and harmonious day, after all, did not last long …