
RWBY: Wayward Enchantment

-----Number 1! this is a rewrite! Number 2! I don't own the art! Number 3! Content warning I guess?----- No synopsis sorry but more subject matter I suppose? This is my first real attempt at a darker fic, it may not be the best obviously. The MC is very much a bad guy, and will be preforming crimes. This fic may not be suitable for all people if you know what I mean. I'm the writer and I don't even feel that comfy writing it! Though I still want to write it and I think it will be a good story. Hope you enjoy and bless your unsavory souls for reading the upcoming mess.

ZeOwl · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs


I was thinking through my plan with Velvet before she came into my office. I liked to use different enchantments on people. However with this girl it was hard to say what I wanted to use. I did decide though, Adoration should work. The catch is I didn't know which way it would lean. My smirk grew as Velvet stepped into the class room.

Before she even fully entered the classroom I spoke, "Enchant: Adoration."

Her stride slowed and her shy demeanor shattered. However she made it to my desk and dropped to her knees. "S-Sir?"

What was happening here? She looked up at me and shivered slightly looking away. Her face was growing red. With this my smirk couldn't help grow, "Is your knees weak?"

She nodded, "I just lost my balance. I'll ge-"

I cut her off, "Don't, stay on the ground. You belong down there."

She nodded and she struggled to look at me. It seems the enchantment adoration filled a person with the emotion. I did have to wonder how she was rationalizing her new feelings. Velvet squirmed and eventually asked, "What were we going got discuss?"

I patted her head between her ears. "Nothing complicated, but I want you to be completely honest with me. If you can't be honest however you can just stay silent. We wouldn't want to betray our trust. After all that trust is still being established." I paused and added, "I hate people who can't be trusted."

She squirmed more under my gaze. "Of course! I'll be honest! I w-want you to trust me!"

I held back my laughter. Adoration was more effective than I thought. This would be too easy! I gave her a smile and patted her head again. "You are very cute." I pulled back slightly as making her try to lean back into my hand. I put my hand to my chin and spoke aloud. "The whole assistant thing is suspicious though."

She froze up, "I can understand that! To be honest... Headmaster Ozpin told me to observe you and learn from you." She paused and continued, "He also told me to tell him if you are doing anything dangerous."

She was holding back slightly. That was fine, she confirmed enough. I slid my hand under her chin and made her look at me. I rubbed her head once more, "You are a very good girl. I'm glad you were honest with me."

She nodded, "Of course sir!"

I thought for a moment adoration was closer to devotion, she was practically begging already! Devotion was a enchantment I thought about, but now seeing how adoration was working. I felt devotion could be one of the more dangerous enchantments I could use.

For now though I did need to test the limits of her adoration. After all just because she was under the influence of my semblance didn't mean it was permanent. Adoration was an emotion that was a mixture of love and worship. This was also why I didn't use Devotion. Just because you were devoted to something doesn't mean you have positive feelings towards that thing. 

I stood up, "Velvet?"

She looked up at me responding. "What is it sir?"

I gave her a meaningful look and spoke, "I want to test you."

She blinked, "In what way sir? I'll do anything to prove my loyalty!"

She stay knelt and I smiled. I grabbed a letter opener from my desk. She couldn't see me grab it. However I placed a hand at her chin again. "Don't scream."

At first she looked at me in confusion. However a second later I stabbed the letter opener into her shoulder. Her eyes went wide and clearly shock prevent her from feeling pain. Though that didn't last long as she covered her mouth. I wiggled the letter opener a bit and she winced in pain.

I pulled the small tool out of her shoulder and placed it back on my desk. Velvet had her eyes closed and tears were forming in her eyes. However true to what I asked, she didn't scream. I placed my hand on her head again and used my semblance. "Enchantment: Regeneration."

As her shoulder healed she slowly dropped her hands from her mouth and relaxed her body. I brought her to her feet while she processed what happened. I spoke into her ear, "You are a very promising assistant. I'll train you better than anything anyone will expect. Now run along, and take a nice relaxing shower."

Her eyes were a little glazed from the tears however she nodded, "Thank you sir!"

I laughed as she left. With how she handled me stabbing her. I likely could turn her into a proper super solider. Due to this I'll need to rethink how I categorized my enchantments. For now though, I'll prepare.