
RWBY: The Tale of a Middle Child with Silver Eyes

A man meets an unfortunate end and finds himself being reborn in a world he only thought to be a work of fiction. Not only that, but he’s thrown into a rather hectic family. A half sister a year older, a full blooded sister a year younger, and parents that are the equivalent of superheroes in this world. There’s also an alcoholic uncle that comes and goes as he pleases. In this new and strange world he was given a new name, Daemond Rose. He got more than just his mom’s last name, he also got her black hair with red highlights, her pale skin, and her silver eyes. Luckily, he did manage to get some of his father’s sharp facial features. Dying and being reborn can bring a bit of trauma, and suddenly losing a loving mother doesn’t help either. Not to mention the stress of living in a world where monsters can attack you or your family at any time. But not all is lost, for better or for worse he kept his previous life’s memories and can use his childhood to his advantage. He won’t waste time when an immortal psycho plans to destroy the world. If he wants to survive and protect those he cares about he has to train. But, he’s still a middle child. And that brings a lot of complications into his life considering he was previously an only child. Can he be a good Huntsman? Can he save the world? Can he defeat an immortal witch? Can he protect those he cares about? Can he even be a decent brother?’ —————— Not really great at the whole “Synopsis” thing. But I hope the main point went across. I don’t own anything related to RWBY or anything else. Nor do I own any photos I use or anything I may reference.

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime & Truyện tranh
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9 Chs

Ch. 4 Friendly Conversations & Opening Ceremony

"All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!" Jaune tries explaining. "Right Daemond? Yours must be pretty bad too if you were carrying around that strong of a medicine for it"

Daemond keeps his hands in his pockets. His mood a little soured after he realized that he forgot to take a Polaroid of Ruby meeting her future friends for the first I'm. "Meh"

"He actually doesn't have motion sickness" Ruby corrects Jaune.

"Seriously?" Jaune raises an eyebrow and looks dumbfounded. "Then why did you have-"

"Because I figured someone would have it and not be able to make the ride without hurling. I didn't exactly want to be stuck on an airship filled with puke… No offense" Daemond explains while continuing down the paved path along a river.

"Some taken" Jaune slows down and whispers to Ruby. "Is he being serious?"

"Not even Yang and I know when he is or isn't" Ruby whispers back, she's also curious if that's the real answer Daemond just gave. She shakes her head and changes the topic. "Anyway, I'm sorry. Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind"

"Oh yeah? What if I called you and your brother Crater face?" Jaune fires back.

"Hey, that explosion was an accident!" Ruby throws her arms down to her sides.

Jaune lifts his chin and points at his chest with his thumb. "Well, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it!"

"Do they?" Ruby skeptically asks.

"Th-they will! Well, I-I hope they will. My mom always says that... Never mind" Jaune gives a small wave as he drops the topic.

An awkward silence makes it's presence known as Daemond thinks about his mom, Summer Rose. She had gone out on a mission and never returned when he was five years old. Even if she was his second mom he loved her as much as he did his original mom back on Earth.

Ruby notices and recognizes the look on Daemond's face and quickly brings out her weapon. She transforms Crescent Rose and stabs it into the ground. "So... I got this thing!"

"Whoa! Is that a scythe?" Jaune jumps and points at the giant weapon the short girl is holding.

"It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!" Ruby enthusiastically says while grabbing the bolt handle of her weapon.

"A wha…?" Jaune didn't quite understand what those combinations of words meant.

Ruby pushes the bolt hammer forward and smiles. "It's also a gun"

"Oh. That's cool!" Jaune states.

"So what've you got?" Ruby asks the question she likes the most.

"Oh! I, uh..." Jaune unsheathes his weapon. "I got this sword!"

"Ooooohh!" Ruby's eyes flicker with curiosity.

"Yeah, and I've got a shield, too!" Jaune grabs the scabbard on his hip and it suddenly expands into a shield.

"So, what do they do?" Ruby pokes the shield.

The shield suddenly transforms back into a scabbard as it flies off of Jaune's arm. He clumsily tries to grab it as it transforms back and forth until he manages to get it under control and puts it back on his belt. "The shield gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just... put it away..."

Ruby taps her chin. "But... wouldn't it weigh the same?"

Jaune slumps his shoulders. "Yeah, it does…"

Ruby looks at Crescent Rose. "Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons, sooo... I guess I did go a little overboard when designing it. But not nearly as much as Daemond did"

Jaune looks over at Daemond. "Wait, you both MADE your weapons?"

"Of course! All students at Signal forge their own weapons! Didn't you make yours?" Ruby says like it was common sense.

Daemond turns around and flicks Ruby's forehead. "Not everyone has the knowledge or ability to make one. Whether they're limited by their imagination or by their resources"

Jaune gives a small smile. "This is just a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war"

"Really?" Daemond perks up at this bit of news specifically. It's rare to find something from the war in such good condition, he can tell the Arcs really treasured the weapon and what it stood for.

"Sounds more like a family heirloom to me!" Ruby blurts out before Jaune can explain further.


Ruby rubs her forehead and continues. "Well, I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days"

"Yeah, the classics…" Jaune dejectedly sheaths his weapon.

"So why'd you come up to us back there?" Ruby changes the topic as she puts Crescent Rose away.

They all begin walking along the path again as Jaune's mood improves slightly, and he forgets to ask about Daemond's weapon. "Eh, why not? My mom always says, 'Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.'"

"Or enemies you haven't met yet" Daemond adds.

The mood goes back to awkward.

"Sooo…" Ruby looks around. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, I don't know! I was following you" Jaune says.

Ruby and Jaune turn to Daemond.

"Don't look at me, it's my first day here as well" Daemond pulls out his Scroll.

"Y-You think there might be a directory? Maybe a food court? Some sort of recognizable landmark?" Jaune frantically looks around only to come up with nothing.

"I have no clue" Ruby also tries to look for a landmark.

Daemond pulls up a map on his Scroll. "We aren't that far off, turns out we just took the scenic route"

"Oh, really?" Jaune feels the stress and worry dissipate from his body.

"Yeah, just asked Yang for the map" Daemond puts his phone away as he continues on the path.

"Yang?" Jaune scratches his head, moving his messy hair around. He heard them say that name earlier but forgot to ask who that specifically was.

"Yang is our older sister, she was the blond girl with us on the airship" Ruby explains briefly.

"Oh, you mean the girl that ditched you two for her friends?" Jaune remembers that girl.

Daemond nods. "The one and only"

"What? No, Yang didn't…" Ruby tries defending Yang but fizzles out.

"She's popular Ruby, she was the strongest of her class back at Signal so it's natural people would flock to her" Daemond points out.

Ruby slumps her shoulders. "Doesn't mean she has to ditch us though"

Jaune nudges Ruby with his elbow. "Hey, I'm sure she'll join us when she's done catching up with her friends! A-and do you think she'll introduce us to a few of them?"

"Maybe…" Ruby gets down in the dumps, Jaune's words not doing much to help her.

Daemond turns around and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Ruby, you know Yang and I would never abandon you. We're family, and that means were stuck with each other for better or for worse. And hey, even if you have to fight against the world I'll stand right beside you just like Yang would"

This helps lift Ruby's mood, she chooses to ignore the voice reminding her that their mom said similar words before she left and never returned.

"Wow" Jaune whispers, those words shook him to his core.

Daemon tilts his head. "What's up Jaune? Looks like something is bothering you"

"Huh? Oh, it.. it's nothing" Jaune brushes it aside as he starts walking again. "Cmon, let's get going. We don't want to be late, right?"

"Right!" Ruby enthusiastically says and catches up to Jaune.

Daemond facepalms. "I'm the one with the map"

The three continue down the scenic route. On one side is a shallow winding river surrounded by grass and on the other is an open field with various trees spaced throughout.

It was peaceful, probably because no other students or faculty were out and about. All the other students were either at or going straight to the auditorium and the returning students went to regroup with their teams likely at their dorms.

The tall school buildings weren't clustered together in one spot on campus, but they weren't super scattered either. So there we're more than a few places on campus that we're left open and decorated in various ways. There was a fountain in one location, various tables in another, gardens, and other things differentiated the various spots around campus.

Daemond led Ruby and Jaune to the auditorium. Even outside the closed doors they could hear the chatter from their fellow future students inside.

Opening the doors for the others Daemond steps to the side. Ruby walks up to the doors and pauses for a second before walking through, her inner monologue ending relatively faster than Daemond expected.

"Thanks man" Jaune follows behind Ruby.

Daemond looks around outside the auditorium building and finds a few people going about their business, but they're all in older years. He walks in behind Jaune and they follow signs guiding them through a hallway.

As they approach a double door the sound gets louder and louder until they open the doors. Daemond suddenly finds himself drained of energy, a sea of people are crammed inside the room. There's still plenty of room to move around, but there are just way too many people for him.

"Daemond! Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!" Yang waves her siblings over.

Ruby turns to Jaune as she grabs Daemond's arm and drags him towards Yang. "Oh! Hey, w-we gotta go! We'll see you after the ceremony!"

Daemond half turns around. "See ya later Jauney boy"

"Jauney boy?" Jaune mutters, baffled by this weird nickname before realizing his only friends are leaving. "Hey, wait!"

But it was too late Daemond and Ruby reached Yang and began catching up.

Jaune slumps his shoulders and looks around. "Ah, great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?!"

Jaune makes his way through the crowd to find some space for himself, and he doesn't notice a beautiful red haired girl watching him as she hides a chuckle.

"How's your first day going, little brother and littler sister?" Yang greets her siblings that she finally found. She's glad she was able to find them, there was only a small amount of worry that they would get lost and not show up on time.

"You mean since you Ditched us and we EXPLODED?" Ruby crosses her arms and stamps a foot on the ground to emphasize her point.

"Yikes. Meltdown already?" Yang raises an eyebrow and looks at Daemond.

"Nope" Daemond pops the p, it runs in the family. "We had a minor incident involving dust and a rather upset Heiress. Basically Ruby knocked over some luggage. The ever so lovely girl gets upset since her incorrectly transported Dust got knocked around, which is somewhat understandable. But she only gets more mad after Ruby apologizes and yells at her, and eventually me. Some Dust she was waving around caused Ruby and I to sneeze which caused a pretty big explosion. This causes said angry girl to get even more angry. Then we learned from a different girl wearing a bow that the girl throwing a tantrum is Weiss Schnee, Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company-"

"You two!" Weiss interrupts

"Eeeeek!!" Ruby jumps into Yang's arms.

Daemond sticks his pinky into his right ear to get the ringing to stop. "There's that soothing serenade I missed oh so much"

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" Weiss reprimands them. Looking at Daemond just presses her buttons, how can he be so nonchalant about the situation.

Yang deadpans. "Oh my God, you really exploded"

"It was an accident. And accident!" Ruby gets down from Yang. "What's this?"

Weiss pushes two pamphlets into the Rose sibling's as she begins to recite the Schnee Dust policy, her voice going faster and higher with every word. "The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to follow guide to Dust applications and practices in the field"

"Uhhhh…?" Ruby awkwardly looks at Weiss. Ruby wonders if this is what she sounds like to others when she gets excited.

"Okayyyyy" Daemond shrugs. It's not like he hasn't read this packet, hell, he even read Jacques Schnee's, Weiss's father's, autobiography on his success.

"Do you two really wanna start making things up to me?" Weiss folds her arms across her chest.

"Absolutely?" Ruby warily says, not sure what the conditions will be.

Daemond shrugs his left shoulder. "Sure"

"Read this, and don't ever speak to me again" Weiss whips her head away, her side ponytail flicks towards the three siblings.

Yang opens her mouth but Daemond speaks up. "Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me"

"No?" Weiss incredulously turns back around to face this annoying boy. Her insults already forming.

"Exactly, I already read this" Daemond waves the pamphlet back and forth.

Weiss raises an eyebrow. "You read 'DUST for Dummies and Other Inadequate Individuals'?"

Daemond opens it and skims here and there. "This and anything else Dust related I could get my hands on. This is an updated version of this series but it doesn't have anything new I don't already know. Guess that means I'm free to speak to you again"

"Y- what?" Weiss was surprised by what he said about the pamphlets. And this is hardly how she gets treated after someone finds out who she actually is. Guys are usually afraid, gold diggers, or kiss asses. Most of the time it's all three.

Daemond hands her the pamphlet back. "You said that we can apologize to you by reading that and never talking to you again. I don't agree, there has to be a better way that we can apologize"

Yang jumps in between Daemond and Ruby. "Right! I think you three got off on the wrong foot. How about you start over and try to be friends?"

"Yeah! Great idea, sis!" Ruby puts the pamphlet away and clears her throat as she extends her hand. "Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

Weiss smiles as her attitude does a complete 180. "Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!"

Daemond looks to where Weiss is pointing over her shoulder and sees Jaune looking over. When Jaune points to himself Daemond shakes his head as a warning.

Ruby's eyes light up as she clasps her hands together. Was it really this easy to make a friend? "Wow! Really?!"

Weiss coldly glares at Ruby as she deadpans. "NO"

Suddenly there's some strong feedback from a microphone that draws everyone's attention to the stage.

Ozpin is walking into the stage with his cane hanging on his left forearm while he's holding his usual steaming mug and a microphone. At his side is none other thang Glynda Goodwitch who the students recognize as the lady who appeared as a hologram on the airships.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction" Ozpin looks out amongst the various new students until he spots Daemond and locks eyes with the young man.

The pause is brief as Ozpin's words sink in and the students whisper amongst themselves. Ozpin looks right into Daemond's silver eyes as he continues. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step"

With his words said he emotionlessly walks off the stage, clearly not in a hurry.

Daemond sighs internally. He didn't expect to be attacked so deeply by the entrance speech, and it's not like Ozpin even bothered changing it. It was clear that Daemond needed to grow if he wanted to survive in this world. While knowledge can help him, it truly could only take him so far.

Glynda takes Ozpin's place at center stage. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed"

"He seemed kind of... off" Yang scratches her cheek.

Ruby slightly nods. "It's almost like he wasn't even there"

*click* *churrrrrrrrr*

Daemond takes a side profile picture of the girls. He smirks at finally remembering to take a photo.

Weiss' attention is immediately drawn to the annoying boy. "Did you just take a picture of me?!"

Daemond looks down at his hands, he's holding his Polaroid camera and the developing photo. He tilts his head as his expression changes to a sarcastic confused expression. "Well would you look at that, I wonder how that happened?"

Weiss stomps over to him as she glares daggers. She stops right in front of him and tries to swipe the photo.

Daemond reacts quickly and holds it out to the side. "What's wrong, friend?"

"We are NOT friends. And it's rude to suddenly take photos of people" Weiss hisses as she moves faster to grab the photo.

Without much effort Daemond keeps the photo from Weiss' grasp and holds it up in the air above his head. "Such harsh words, and I didn't just take a photo of you. I mainly wanted my sisters in the photo, if anything you photo bombed"

This ignites the anger inside Weiss. She stares at Daemond for a few seconds before walking away silently.

"Phew…" Daemond sighs. Dealing with people is exhausting, especially people like Weiss. He really did just want a picture of Ruby and Yang, but Weiss was standing right there and he didn't feel like wasting time to move to a better photo position. There's only a small frame of time when the best photo can be taken, and he's gotten pretty good at recognizing that moment.

As Weiss walks away, towards Jaune, the guy just can't help himself.

"I'm a natural blond, you know" Jaune says with all his awkward charisma.

Weiss doesn't even notice him. She's still fuming at the 'audacity of this bitch' named Daemond she hopes to never have to see again.

Jaune's built up courage is squashed as Weiss walks past him without even acknowledging his existence.

'Tried to warn you…' Daemond mentally says. He brings the Polaroid down and admires his work of art.

The three girls are visible as they stand next to eachother, each trying to understand what was just said up on stage. But what caught his attention wasn't Weiss' usual stoic expression but of something in the background. There is a girl with long black hair that is too smooth to be the bow wearing girl's curly hair, not to mention that her small white ribbon is on the side of her head.

The girl is staring hard right into the camera with her light pink eyes. Her expression is clearly unhappy, but it seems like there's something else hidden deeper beneath it. Her black hair reaches down past her hips. Her figure is similar to Yang, if not slightly more mature.

When Daemond looks up from the photo he can't see the girl anywhere.

As he looks around the large crowd of students an arm is thrown over his shoulders and his neck is dragged down. He's used to this and knows Yang is the culprit.

Yang broadly smirks as she looks at the Polaroid. "Told you to be careful who you take photos of Daemy~"

Daemond gives up on looking for the actual photo bomb. "You and dad are like parrots. Can't you say something else?"

Yang squeezes Daemond's head closer to her body. "Then how about we talk about Weiss? It was so cute the way you were trying to flirt with her~. She even let you keep the photo~"

"Knock it off Yang, it isn't like that" Daemond tries to explain. Weiss may have been his favorite character in the show, but that's besides the point. Right now she's just a brat with more than a hint of slightly justified racism. He doesn't excuse it, but he can understand her distrust of the Faunus since the White Fang specifically targeted her and her family over the many years, she probably knows plenty of people who were hurt if not outright executed by the White Fang.

"Riiiiight~" Yang rolls her eyes and looks at the photo. "You really know how to pick 'em don't you"

Daemond pushes Yang away, she doesn't resist and releases her baby bro who is growing up so fast. Daemond puts the photo in his book while shaking his head. "We're here to preotect the world, not play a dating sim"

Ruby pops in. "But being a Huntsman is just so romantic! Savingthedamselfromabigscarymonster! Herclingingtoyourchestas-"


"Okay~, that's enough romance books for you Ruby" Yang jokes as she smacks Ruby's back to get out of her fantasies.

Daemond puts his book away and rubs his face. "Keeping people safe comes first"

"Well whatever the case is, don't flirt around too much Daemy~. We'll save you a sleeping bag" Yang drags Ruby away and walks away.

Daemond facepalms. He got too caught up in the moment. And now looking back he cringes. He pulled a Ruby and got swept away by the conversation when his knowledge of Dust was questioned.


Daemond gets bumped into and the other person falls behind him. Looking over his shoulder he sees an angel.

3,631 words

Hope you enjoyed!

Still debating if I’m gonna do long or short chapters. If they’re short I can post them faster, but if everyone likes the length and doesn’t mind waiting for the longer chapters I’ll try to stick with them

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts