
Rupture Dimensional: A Ghost in Marvel

A universe, something strange and endearing, can have so many strange things in itself, but they never meet their peers, the cosmic forces that control it prohibit this. But, what would happen if by chance of fate four concepts from different worlds were mixed into a single universe. A famous brotherhood of assassins. Energy, from heaven and earth. A famous cartoon. And a famous urban hunter. The Marvel universe has never seen anything like it.

Chris_Mayo · Phim ảnh
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The brotherhood of assassins

Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 7 - Vol.1: The rise of the brotherhood.


Atlantic Ocean, Ghost Zone. September 13, 2005. 4:00 AM.

Honestly speaking David knew that the brotherhood wouldn't be completely ready by when the plot of this universe will officially begin, not that it will bother him. It wasn't like he was going to follow her either, after all from the moment he arrived, the plot had already deviated.

According to his memories, the plot begins in 2008 with the alleged kidnapping of Tony Stark. After this event, it gives the feeling that someone will open the sewer of the universe, why villains begin to appear everywhere as if they were a species of cockroaches.

There were so many names on the list that it could give David a massive headache. That he wasn't even funny anymore, from hydra to the type of bacteria that was born with the beginning of the world, and not to forget the first mutant with a serious god complex. The Inhumans, the Atlanteans, and all the outsiders in the universe.

Seriously, this world was full of crazy people. Something for which David, most of him appreciates, this kind of chaotic world was the one necessary for the brotherhood of assassins to flourish to its full potential.

But even with this, a time of preparation would not be bad for him, fortunately, David had arrived three years before the start.

It's the perfect time for the brotherhood to mature.

Creating a perfect and powerful organization is not something you achieve overnight.

For example Shield and Hydra.

It took them over 50 years to have the power they wield at this time and he doesn't even want to comment on Karma-taj. These guys are as old as humanity itself, the ideal way would have been to reincarnate on a later date than this century, appear alongside Captain America and fight the Nazis, gain fame as a national hero and become the most powerful man in the world.

With this, he would have the time and resources necessary to create the brotherhood without problems. This sounds pretty good and all that but it's a lot of trouble. In addition to clearly not having the requirements, being in the year 2005 in the body of Peter Parker the previous option was completely rejected.

It certainly would have helped a lot to appear in the past.

But it is not something that matters much at the moment, after all, you have the tools and time to create something bigger than you could have with the first option.

With the help of wishes, he can create him faster and stronger than he would have done in other circumstances. At this time no one knows the name or scope of the brotherhood. This far from being a problem is a very good opportunity, that is to say, nobody has to know this, right?

You can introduce the brotherhood to the world with the members I managed to recruit in this time and create the commotion of an era outside these walls. This way no one will know that you are a first-time organization. The image of a hidden giant force, impossible to find or trace will provoke the exterior like a honeycomb.

And best of all, no organization or person can know anything about the brotherhood, unless they want to say or leak information. Even future members will only know that they were recruited by an unprecedented organization except for Karen as David needs to have some help on occasion.

Smiling David spoke. "Karen."

'With what can I help you, sir.'

A beautiful and light voice resounded in the place. Followed by a tiny figure that perched on her left shoulder, she wore a long gold-patterned dress. Long white hair, being adorned by pointed ears.

If David did not know that she is, she was artificial intelligence, he would think that she is a real and real fairy.

"Show me what you're working on."

'Immediately Mr'.

In front of David, a drawing of a suit was displayed on the screen.

These were similar to the classics of the game. More including protectors in the vital parts, in the chest a breastplate that covers from top to bottom until it reaches below the navel including the sides and back.

Also on the wrists and shoulders as well as on the calves next to the legs. The design had on the hood with the famous eagle beak that became a classic in the game.

It was also kept reinforced with what looked like Vibranium giving the view of a true and majestic eagle's beak. The specifications on each part of the said suit had on the material originating from Wakanda.

Which would be very useful to David right now.

The suit was covered by shiny black metal-like plates.

Without limiting mobility.

Finally on the forearms the classic hidden blade.

The costume was a praiseworthy masterpiece. It had only been a few hours and Karen was already proving the usefulness at its best.

Besides the suit, there were also designs for other useful artifacts.

She now she just had to borrow not so kindly a little from Wakanda's Vibranium.

For obvious reasons these would never accept for good. Besides, David hadn't planned to order it in the first place.

This is where the unfair advantage provided by the system lay.

He just needed to bring the metal into the special space provided by the system and as long as he has points he can have an inexhaustible supply.

Thanks to this he could have in his hands not only Vibranium but also Adamantium.

"Fascinating Karen."

'hehe ~ thank you, sir.'

Leaning back in her chair, David's eyes traveled to another of the plans created by Karen.

A kind of mosquitoes

Taking her hand to him, David asked. "Karen explain to me about the mosquito."

Responding to David the small figure of Karen sat on her shoulder. 'Sure, after the global scan I realized that mosquitoes are very practical animals. That for humans they go unnoticed, they can be meters from you and you will not realize it, even with the increased vision it is very difficult, because I was given the order to keep an eye on the organizations mentioned by you sir, I concluded that despite having all the satellites under my command, dispersing these smart mosquitoes around the world is an extra option with great benefits.'


It was a good idea.

These mosquitoes were much smaller than normal ones.

So much so that you need a microscope to see them.

A swarm of these goes out to the outside world. With that, Karen will have something extra with which she can see and hear what is happening in the world. And the best thing is that if for some reason the mosquito is damaged, they have a self-destruct option eliminating any evidence that they could get by doing reverse engineering.

Still side of the mosquito design there was also a contact lens design. These are primarily for members, virtual communicators in the form of contact lenses. These will be able to project a virtual interface directly in front of the user, only being able to be seen by the same wearer.

After seeing the three plans David felt the need to laugh. "Karen, you are a genius."

She is she moved excitedly on her shoulder. Karen was cuteness made artificial intelligence.

"Is the template ready?"

David asked.

'Yes sir, she's ready.'

Shaking his small hand the screen changed the shots to the image of an older man.

Nodding with a smile, David spoke again. "Well it looks like it meets the requirements, let's go with the Karen."


The template David thought was pretty simple.

Taking New York as a backing down, the killers will begin to thoroughly cleanse society within the city.

Anyone who tries to hurt innocent people. Now don't get it wrong, David isn't a hero or has something of strong morals, he doesn't care what happens to most of them, but he's certainly not a madman who murders just for the fun of it.

There are good people in the world.

The kind where they can't harm another living being in any way. Even if it's a few, they still exist and even someone like David has a line that he doesn't want to cross.

As long as these people don't get in his way, he won't pay attention to them and he might even help them. Everything else just lines up on your target and you're taking advantage of killing two birds with one stone.

Even if the president and all his deputies are among the people who oppose him, there will be no exceptions. The targets will be investigated and flagged by Karen. Each member of the brotherhood will have the latest cutting-edge technology, by which the data and direction of the mission will be delivered to them.

Upon completing the mission, after the target's death, their crimes will be broadcast to the entire city. Each TV and cell phone, like any electronic device, will show the crimes of the person in question one by one, this can be achieved thanks to Karen being the most advanced artificial intelligence in the universe, it is practically impossible that the earth's technology could do something to her.

After finishing showing the evidence, she will show herself to the mission target dead. And at the end the logo of the brotherhood.

For this to have more impact, David plans to make some small but important movements.

The brotherhood will be presented as a legendary organization created from the very beginning of civilizations. To achieve this David will have to alter the history of humanity a bit, again since thanks to Karen the planet itself is at his fingertips.

So there is nothing that can be hidden from his eyes. Just like Wakanda and the new Atlantis discovery, all the unique archaeological sites of the world are available to him, many of them are still underground and with the technology of this time, it is impossible to unearth without damaging everything.

Even now Archaeologists have only just begun to scratch the surface of ancient historical sites.

With this in mind, David plans to rewrite history itself, thanks to the system. It is no longer impossible for him to redesign historical sites without damaging them or having to create them again from scratch, they will look and feel old together with the adjustments made by him.

In short, the brotherhood of the assassins will be engraved throughout ancient history around the world. Be it in the pyramids of Egypt, in ancient Europe, in the Norse ruins, in every historical site and moment through the centuries, just like in the games of his previous life. The murderers will be an important but secret part reflected only in ancient texts.

This will create the image of the oldest existing organization in the world. And therefore a terrifying power that would leave everyone sweating with fear.


Moving his gaze from him to his side David answered. "What's up Karen?"

'All the addresses of the selected ancient historical sites have been uploaded to his data unit and I also found the right Historian for the work he ordered.'

A smile touched David's lips. "Very good work Karen."

'hehe thank you sir ~.'

This was where the older man on-screen came into the plan.

An Archaeologist and Historian.

Even though the plan to rewrite history was good and solid.

He still needed a key piece since the brotherhood, despite existing since ancient times, was never made known. There must be someone who is the trigger for when all this explodes and is based on the world, which is why David thought of choosing even a Historian who has great credibility.

With the phantom powers, David will change the memories of him making him a staunch follower of the history of the brotherhood. He will create an entire roster from his ancestors to his, all charged with uncovering and finding the mysteries of the brotherhood through the centuries.

For this, he needs to build a secret hideout that is full of information, not so relevant, but key about the brotherhood. And make him think that this was the work of his ancestors where they left their life and passion trying to unravel everything they could, leaving the mission to their descendants to continue with this ancestral task.

This will happen in several countries of the world, where the murderers there happened just like in the games.

Just thinking about this brought a savage smile to David's lips.

Being in this world was letting his hidden personality out of him very quickly.

Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

Chris_Mayocreators' thoughts