
Truth About Andrea

"System. Activate sonar in my left eye."

--- Command confirmed.---

As the sonar was activated, Jason quickly looked around the room. This was definitely the highest quality sonar he had ever used. The images were still black and white as in any other sonar, but it felt like he was watching a motion picture. There were no lags.

As his eyes fell on the wall on the left side, he saw a tiny hole behind a bookshelf. If not for the sonar, he wouldn't be able to notice it.

From William's memories, he knew that there were believers sent by the church to keep an eye on Quinn family. These believers were to pose as maids or guards and report anything out of the ordinary.

It's wasn't just the Quinn family. All the influential families in four kingdom were being watched. Even though William was a true believer of church in his heart, the church was not naive enough to give an important position to the son of prime minister of the kingdom of dawn. Thus he was only a low level believer, who would most likely be promoted and be turned into a puppet once the church conquered the kingdom of dawn.

As Jason focused on that wall, he saw two figures. One male, one female. Male was standing outside the room, while the female had attached her ear on that hole, listening to their conversation.

"Father look closely." said Jason.

Then, he raised his right hand and the black handgun appeared.

His father was startled even thought he was mentally prepared. He didn't know what that black object was and before he could ask, Jason aimed the gun on the left wall with loose hands, in a relaxed manner, while still standing in the same position. Then,

SFX--- *Tssuuu- ckrk.!* (Sound of silenced gun and bullet hitting the wooden wall.)

Then, Jason saw the female's body falling on the floor and simultaneously knocking down the candle stand.

Jason took two steps towards the left wall and as the male opened the door and entered because of the noise generated by the candle stand. After a second of pause, the male then went forward to check the body of the female.

Jason aimed the gun again and,

SFX--- *Tssuuu- Ckrk.!* *Tssuuu- Ckrk.!*

He fired two more shots at the male, whose body fell right on top of female's.

His father didn't know what to say. He was first shocked by the sudden appearance of the dark object, then by the fact that the object can generate flashes of light, but it was magic nonetheless, so he was relaxed. There were a lot of things going on his mind, but now he was sure that his son was telling the truth.

"William. to be honest, I don't know whether to be happy or tense. On one hand, it makes me happy that you are more loyal to the family and on the other hand, I don't want to lose my other child as well. Church has very big influence on the four kingdoms."

"I know father and I have plans. Don't worry. But first, lets discuss about Andrea. I know the truth about her. She is a witch, isn't she.!?" Jason suddenly spoke and his father was once again startled. He didn't expect him to know.

"I feel ashamed father.! And at the same time, I am very disappointed in you. I know that I was a believer of the church and everything, but you really think that I would put church's values in front of Andrea.!? She is my own sister. My own blood. Still. I don't blame you that much for hiding the truth from me. What I really blame you for, is for hiding the truth from mother." Jason then continued.

"Son. that... I..." Before He could complete his sentence, Jason again cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it and I don't care for your reasons. It won't change anything unless you tell mother, the truth about Andrea. I don't think that I will be able to forgive you otherwise."

His father looked down and after a few minutes of thinking, he suddenly felt a strange tiredness overwhelm him as he regretted his decision. Then, he replied in a sad voice, but determined face.

"Yes.! I know what to do now."

"Don't worry. Andrea is stronger that you think. She is fine and I am sure of that." Jason suddenly spoke.

"How do you know.? Can you be sure.?" His father had his spirits lifted now a little as he spoke.

"Yes. I am sure because of Magic Power." replied Jason.

"I see. So, your magic can also tell you stuff like that beside summoning that magic object that generates flashes of light.!" He father spoke with a little enthusiasm now.

After years of working as a prime minister, he had realized the value of information. In politics, having information on the opposite party means having power over them.

But, his fantasies were soon broken apart by Jason's next sentence.

"Not really. My magic can actually scan things, see through the walls or see at night e.t.c. I just know about Andrea because when I visited the temple a few days ago, I happened to glace at some information about witches inside the bishop's office, so I scanned it, without them knowing. Andrea's information was there as well."

After a few seconds, he continued while narrowing his eyes.

"Also, that object I summoned was a type of magic weapon that fires a bolt made of lead at the speed that can not be followed by human eyes. Andrea's magic is similar. I just used it to kill two church believers that were listening to our conversation from the other room. I will be troubling you to handle the matter."

After he finished, he turned around to leave.

"Well, see you at dinner tonight father. I'll be excusing my self as I have my schedule."

With that, he left the office as his father was too dumbfounded to stop him and inquire further.

Big Daddy: Jason was not some kid before his reincarnation. He was an elite soldier who was expected to think on his feet and he will stay true to his character. If you are looking for a sissy, child protagonist, then this novel is not for you.


Sorry for the late update.

_EMI_creators' thoughts