
RSSG Fan Fiction

RSSG fan fiction. A man gets reincarnated in to an RSSG alternative universe. Watch him dominate both in real life in within the game.

type12345 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs


Note: I updated chapter 6 but Webnovel did not notify peoplle so you should read it before reading this chapter. Enjoy the chapter.

After fighting the bears for another 2 hours I log out of the game. I am still level 7 but at least I made some progress in my level. I get out of the game cabin and wait for Reina to get out of the game.

"Tobi, please inform Tim, Sam, Sarah, and Ana to log out of the game."


"Thanks Tobi" I said. Tobi is connected to the main system of the Heaven Devouring Gym. That means that he controls everything that happens within the gym, including the game cabins. It makes it easier to run the gym and we can make sure that people won't get hurt while using the equipment. I don't want someone dying in my gym because they were stupid enough to use a machine to advance for their level of strength.

Reina comes out of her game cabin. She has s sleepy look on her face. She looks cute. I can't help myself but to tease her. "Hey, sleepy head. You look like you just woke up."

"Hum! I am not like you that sleeps 12 hours every day. I actually work hard unlike a lazy bum."

"Hey, I work hard. Sleeping is also a type of training. I am training my body to rest and dream. I pride myself on my ability to rest."

"That is exactly what every lazy bum says."

Before I can respond Tim, Sam, Sarah, and Ana walk into the room. "Boss" Said the four of them in unison. "You are here. Let's go down to eat, I am hungry. We can discuss the game as we eat."

We head to my private dinning room. It is a room designed in a Gothic style. While it is a little much for my taste, Reina was the one to design it, so I dare not put in my two cents. I am tire of being told that I have horrible taste by my mother and Reina, so I just keep quiet about those sorts of things.

We sit down to eat. "What is the name of your characters and what are you classes?" I ask the four bodyguards.

"Key and my class is Guardian Knight." Said Tim.

"Door and my class is Cursemancer." Said Sam.

"MKD and my class is Berserker." Said Ana.

"Window and my class is Ranger." Said Sarah.

"Good choices. Those classes seem to fit your personalities."

"Yeah..hehehe…" They chuckle.

"Now, let's start talking about the game. First, your priority is to get to level 10 as soon as possible. Once you get to level 10, I can help you get a serious power increase. Second, you need to get use to fighting in the game. At this point in the game, there are still some restrictions on controlling the characters. The game set it up this way to help noobs get use to the game. While it helps them, it hurts us. We can't use all of our skills. Third, you need to add us in the game and add every member of the management team. While you were primarily trained as my bodyguards, all of you have also been trained in all sorts of field including management. For the next few months you will help Reina run the guild. She will be your boss in the game. Her words are my words. Understood?"

"YES!" Said the four of them."

"Reina do you have something to tell them?" I asked Reina.


"Go ahead."

"First and foremost, it is a pleasure to work with you. It will be a change from working with this lazy bum. Second, we will start to structure the guild. We need to find out within the people we hired who is a talent who is not. It does not matter what they are good at, I want to know. I have no problem changing the roles of the employees. Third, we need to start recruiting. I want as many players as possible. While not everyone will be an elite, even those weak players can help the guild collect more resources and help defend our properties. While they may not be a match for an elite, every little damage we do to our enemies is less damage our elites have to do."

"We will start working on that." Said Sam.

"We should probably start to figure out a way to test a player's potential." Said Ana.

"Good idea. Lazy bum, why don't you work on that, it's not like you have anything else to do." Exclaimed Reina.

"I am not as free as you think, but I will still work on it anyways. But you should know if you don't train our troops well you will have to do my laundry for 2 months."

"Like I ever failed at anything when I put my mind to it."