
RSSG Fan Fiction

RSSG fan fiction. A man gets reincarnated in to an RSSG alternative universe. Watch him dominate both in real life in within the game.

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Chapter 6

Note: incase that chpater 6 has not update on you webnove page.

After hunting the wolves, I decide to keep going forward and hunt a group of bears. The bears are level 7. While they were not as quick as the wolves, they are stronger. Much stronger. I need to be careful. I don't want Grey to die considering that he is my only summon. If he dies, I will have to wait 24 hours in game time for him to revive.

I sneak behind a boulder and peek at the bears. They are not clustered together so I can hunt one without the rest of the bears noticing. I look at Grey and say, "Grey, I am going to attack the bear in front of us. Before I attack, I want you to go around and sneak behind its back and attack it as soon as it starts charging towards me." Grey nods showing that he can understand what I am saying.

Grey walks around the bear and hides behind a tree. I look at the bear while jumping on top of the bolder I was just hiding behind. While jumping I cast Fireball. The bear immediately looks towards me and growls. It seems I pissed him hurt. I guess fire isn't his cup of tea.

Just as the bear starts to charge, Grey pounces on the bear, biting its neck. I telepathically tell Grey to disengage. I don't want him to get hit by the bear. One hit will kill him. As Grey runs away it attacks the bear with Wind Tornado.

I cast Hypnotism on the bear. That stop the bear from following Grey. Grey then turns around and starts to attack the bear again. This time he is using his claws. I also cast another Fireball. The bear wakes up from the hypnosis but before he can attack, Grey bites him on the neck killing it.

The bear drops a few copper coins and some equipment that are useless to me as they are not light equipment nor a staff. I continue to hunt the bears for a few more hours until I reach level 7.

Name: Diablo

Race: Primordial Human

Affiliated Kingdom: Thunder Empire

Title: None

Job: Taming King

Level: 7

HP: 200/200

Mana: 700

Attributes: Strength 51, Agility 58, Endurance 53, Intelligence 89, Vitality 54, Luck 99.

Free Attribute Points: 0

Weapon Mastery:

Magic +5 (Apprentice Rank – Increases spell Damage by 30%)

Job Talent:

Tamer Talent 1: Magic-related skill legacy point requirements decreased by half.

Tamer Talent 2: Obtain 50% more magic mastery experience.

Tamer 3: Taming skills success rate increase by 50%.

Explanation. Tamers must equally distribute their Experience between all enslaved beast. If the tamer tames a new beast, the new beast will receive all experience until it reaches the same level as the tamer. Enslaved beasts cannot have a higher level than the user. When a higher-level beast is tamed, it's level will be reduced but its tier will not. A tamer can only learn one non-taming magic skill every 10 levels.

Racial Talent:

Mage King: +7 of every stat excluding luck per level.

All for One: Can consume other bloodiness to increase hidden stats. Does not change the race or gain their bloodline.

Natural King: Will be increase the chances to recruit NPCs with higher potential. NPCs and tamed beasts contracted to the user will naturally increase their potential per level until potential reaches 120. Potential Increase per level in random.


Hypnotism:(Action-type) - Hypnotize target. Success depends on the intelligence level of the user compare to the target. Target will be hypnotized for 5 seconds.

Tier 1, level 5 (Mastery 200/30000)

Enslave: (Action-type)- sends a spell to form a soul contract with a beast. Success is dependent on the level difference and tier difference the target. The higher the intelligence and luck of the tamer, the higher the chances on forming a soul-contract.

Tier ~, (can only slave a beast every 5 levels)

Training: (Passive-type)- Can impart contracted beasts with knowledge such as techniques and strategies.

Control: (Passive-type)- The tamer can give orders to contracted beasts though telepathically.

Fire Ball: (Action-type)- Release a ball of fire that targets an area of 1m x1m.

I am very overpowered compared to other players. Grey is also level 7. To evolve into a Boss rank Grey needs to eat 10 elite monsters. It is not hard to do but I am currently in the novice village and dungeon monsters don't count towards its evolution.

As I am going to keep looking for stronger monster to hunt, I receive a friend request from Loving Shadow. I immediately accept knowing that it is Reina. I also don't want to keep her waiting knowing how inpatient she is.

"How is it going Miss assassin? Are you enjoying the game?"

"Very funny. You should watch your tongue of I might stab you a few times in the neck once we get to the city."

"Don't be like that. It's good that you like the game. How far are you from level 10?"

"I am level 6 right now. Leveling as an assassin is not easy. I have to make sure I am not hit or I'll die. While my class is very powerful, it seems like its AOE attacks can't be use until I reach Rank 1."

"It hasn't been easy for me either. While my stats are very high, my only real attack is fireball, and even with my high intelligence it can only help so much. Afterall, I need to gather experience for each of my summons."

"That sucks for you. Have you heard from your bodyguards?"

"No. They don't know my username. I get their info after I log out. I plan on logging out in a bit. I need to get everyone's information so that we can coordinate within the game."

"Do you want to get dinner in about two hours?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."