
Royal hybrid

Lian stared at her little brother's scared expression, not knowing what else to do she pulled him close and obscured him from the view of everyone else in the room. At that moment, she realized she would do everything and anything to protect him. Turning, she stared at the woman who dared to hurt her brother, then at everyone else in the hall. Don't worry. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to go through me first. Be it the alpha, she locked eyes with the expressionless man at the door, the Luna she stared down at the cowering woman in front of her, beta or gamma, who subconsciously bowed in submission to the powerful aura she was exuding or even the moon goddess herself. She made him look at her. No one, I mean not a single soul, will harm a single hair on your head, I promise you that on mother. They will pay with blood. She silently made that vow to herself. Lian Scott has always wanted one thing throughout her 18 years of living. Freedom! She always wanted the freedom to explore and gain experience like girls her age, which her mother seemed too paranoid to give her. But what happens when the freedom she desperately wants comes through her mother's demise? Kian Raul, a dangerously beautiful specimen many have named him, however, when such a beautiful face holds know expression and destroys anything in his path, another title was gifted him "Heartless demon." What will happen when they find out that because of a curse, he holds no heart?

Jessica_Ilalokhoin · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

chapter 7:Run

Running doesn't solve any problem, face it even if you lose you lose in peace.



I could hear the aeolian sound of the wind and feel it angrily clash with my hair, I could hear the rustle of leaves as they danced to the sound of the wind,  I could hear the distant howl of wolves but every other thing was dead silent which made the sound of  steady but hurrying footsteps more prominent.

Running, we were still being chased by the masked people, we have been running from midnight till the sun graced the sky and is now shining down  harshly on the earth. At one point, my brother had gotten too tired, so I had to carry him from then up until this very moment.

I felt very exhausted, and very confused, angry, and sad, but I could not stop now, we were still being chased by those masked people,  we can't give up now, I could..... Ahh!  I found myself trying to grab onto anything to stop my fall or reduce the impact. Luckily, the tree was helpful and balanced me.

Dropping my brother to the ground, I bent down with my hands on my kneel as I tried to control my panting,  I was too weak, too tired I did not think I could run any further, I did not even know where I was going to the only thing guarding me was my wolf instincts, "this direction feels like home"she had answered me when I inquired on which direction I should take so I just followed it but it feels like I am running towards  a dead end,  I feel like we are at a dead end here.

I can't,  we can't run any further,  those masked people must have water and food or other form refreshment to keep them agile, and on their feet, but we, on the other hand, have nothing. They are quite close now,  maybe if we lay down still and unmoving under a tree, they would think we are dead and be on their way.

Stupid!  Stupid!  That won't work,  oh goddess, we can't run anymore, I felt myself start sliding down the tree giving up.

"You have to survive,  ru. Run" my mother's words echo in my mind as the image of her last moment flashes before my eyes. No, I jumped up from the position I was about to take on the floor, we have to survive to avenge our mother, we have to survive to find our sister equipped with new motivation and vigour. I realised that they were very close to us now, so without wasting anymore time, I lifted my brother as I allowed my wolf to take control and guide me and run deeper into the grove.

It has been hours,we have been running for hours and hours now and still running, but they are still on our trail. Why can't I seem to lose them? I tried to understand why and how they were easily able to track us even when we lose them or go too far ahead of them, and that's when it hit me.

Our scent! I internally panicked.

They are following our scent. I have to block it. How can I do that?

What can I use? How can I do it?


I heard the harsh falling of water from a little distance so without wasting time I took to that direction only to find out that it was a very beautiful waterfall but I didn't have time to admire it. Closing my eyes, I allowed my wolf hearing and scent to guide me as I toned out everything apart from the footsteps of our pursuer, then my my flew open.

They are still at least 20 minutes away,  I still have a little time. Where do I start? I was losing focus until my brother pulled  at my clothes gaining my attention,  he pointed at the water,  I was confused at first before it hit me so I quickly let him down, you can drink some and wipe your face too. As I watched his little self play with the water I could not escape the bitter sadness that rushed through me,  I wondered how he must be feeling,no matter how detached he is from the world and how different he was from children his age he was still only  three years old and now he was the only remaining family I know and is with me so I was ready to do everything and anything to protect him, even if it meaning giving up my life. At that moment, I decided it was better we ran different ways, I would distract them while he ran.

Hey little alpha, I called out, and he came running to me,  you know Bubbles loves you, right?  I inquired as I rubbed his head.

He nodded his head and looked me in the eyes,  I wanted to perform a little ritual, okay?

  Again, he nodded.

So without wasting time,  using the claw on my pinky finger, I made a little slit on my thumb and then did the same to his making sure it wasn't deep but enough to draw blood, I was sure it was painful but he made no sound not even a change on his little face bringing my thumb up he joined his with mine missing the blood together as I chanted a blood bond spell to bind us together so I will be able to find him if I survive. Also, using the opportunity, I sealed his scent and placed a light spell on him.

I armed him with spells that will keep him safe, especially the light spell, it is a spell only known  by  ancient pure blood witches that my mother had taught me,  it repels everyone with evil intention and guides you to safety, like I want for my brother. Yet the most special thing about the light spell is that it is recognised by blood. Anyone who has a family relation with you will be recognised by the spell and allow the person through.

Giving him the final hug,  I promised to come find him if I am able to get away from our pursuers, now run little alpha and remember you are  only allowed to follow anyone who is able to touch you. I remained him again before he took off running in the direction I pointed.


I stared in the direction my brother left, and I couldn't see any sign of him or sense his presence anymore, thankfully he is now far away from their raider but they were very close to mine so without wasting time I took off in another direction so they will focus solely on me.

No matter how far I run, they will still follow,  they won't stop until I am dead,  I have to face my fear not run from it besides these people still owe me an explanation, stilling my heart I casted a barrier spell around myself with my eyes close as I regulated my out-of-control heartbeat.

I closed my eyes, highting my senses and regulating my powers. Mom always told me that after my first shift which was when I was five years old, I had an awakening of powers and they were so out of control that she had to use a binding spell to seal them however the spell had gone wrong as my powers fought back causing a massive destruction in the forest where the spell was done and I had passed out for three days only to wake up to different voices in my head.

She said the powers came alive, and just like my wolf, they live and can communicate with me. She believed I was too powerful and without proper knowledge and practice she forbade me from using them my abilities, however something changed when I turned ten, she started forcing me to learn how to control my powers as though she was in a hurry a race against time, but it wasn't easy on my mind and body especially because I have to merge my powers to be able to use them to the fully. Now that I think of it, maybe she was preparing me for this day. Maybe she knew she would be attacked,and she was running out of time,was because of that explosion in the forest,my mind started running wild again.

However,  right now,  I was surrounded by four powerful individuals and had know time for such thoughts, I controlled my heartbeat, regulated my body and freed my mind allowing my power to flow through as though the where water flowing into one vessel and my powers merged and became one without any struggles, and when I opened my eyes, I was sure they were in the colour of burning red.

Because I saw the fear etched on their faces the moment my eyes came open,  but they were quick to organize their thoughts and selves, without wasting time they lunched a simultaneous attack like they did my mother.