
Royal hybrid

Lian stared at her little brother's scared expression, not knowing what else to do she pulled him close and obscured him from the view of everyone else in the room. At that moment, she realized she would do everything and anything to protect him. Turning, she stared at the woman who dared to hurt her brother, then at everyone else in the hall. Don't worry. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to go through me first. Be it the alpha, she locked eyes with the expressionless man at the door, the Luna she stared down at the cowering woman in front of her, beta or gamma, who subconsciously bowed in submission to the powerful aura she was exuding or even the moon goddess herself. She made him look at her. No one, I mean not a single soul, will harm a single hair on your head, I promise you that on mother. They will pay with blood. She silently made that vow to herself. Lian Scott has always wanted one thing throughout her 18 years of living. Freedom! She always wanted the freedom to explore and gain experience like girls her age, which her mother seemed too paranoid to give her. But what happens when the freedom she desperately wants comes through her mother's demise? Kian Raul, a dangerously beautiful specimen many have named him, however, when such a beautiful face holds know expression and destroys anything in his path, another title was gifted him "Heartless demon." What will happen when they find out that because of a curse, he holds no heart?

Jessica_Ilalokhoin · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Mother

Under the cloud you stood to build your dreams, with shattered heart you looked to survive. You are gifted.



I love you, I love  the three of you very, very much, never forget that" was the last thing she said as she created a barrier around I and my brother. Mom, what is this? Why did you create__ I watched with wide eyes and confused mind as one by one, a total number of fifteen people covered in black cloth walked into the room and  surrounded my mother. oh my! What is happening ar..are we under attack before my mother could prepare they attacked  her from different direction with different elements without mercy, their moves showed that they intended to kill,  my mother was powerful probably the most powerful gifted lycan I have ever meet and was holding her ground against the people she was fighting but she was struggling,  I tried desperately to break the barrier so that I can help her, but know matter how hard I tried to break it and  how loud I yelled out to my mother and the masked people none of  them paid attention surely because the could not hear or see me through the barrier. "Stay here and don't move" was the last words she whispered before they broke in.

I watched in pain and anger as my mother took down ten of them, but with severe injuries, we were not a rich family,

nor are we from a political family and differently not from any royal family. My mother has always been a quiet andkind woman and kept to herself, she didn't like trouble and never troubled anyone either so who where this people and what did they want?My heart was aching for my innocent mother who has to face such brutality she was concentrating on one of the water element holders right now so she did not realise that the one on the floor,  the only witch amongst them was casting a spell with a golden knife engraved with many ancient which symbols, each time my mother was trying to turn towards her direction another will attack. I realised they where trying to distract her and bye time for the witch to finish her spell.

Mom, please let me out! Please let me help you! I continuously pleaded as I exerted more force to break the barrier, why won't she let me help her? But all my efforts were in vain as she could not hear or see me. My heart was beating out of control, and.

Mom, behind you! 

The enchanted golden knife being used for the spell had turned a dark shade of red and now looking like an arrow made of blood,BLOOD my heart froze at this realisation, the spell was almost complete,shaking my head rapidly I tried to find another way to break out of this confinement by casting a neutarlization spell,m..m..my mother would not survive a blood arrow, the witch with them is, she is a blood witch this realisation sent chill through my blood, my heart quivered with fear as blood magic was known to be very powerful and deadly I tried casting another spell to break the barrier but it was too powerful, then I tried casting a barrier spell for my mother but the barrier blocked it.

MOTHER! I yelled out as the blood arrow spell moved towards my mother with speed piercing through her chest, instinctively I covered my brother's eyes from the gruesome sight, my heart sank as I saw blood coming out of my mother's mouth and chest as her body came  crashing to the floor, I felt her barrier weaken but was still unbreakable. Mo...mom! the words came out of my mouth as a hush whisper as memories of my mother and I came invading my mind. I watched as the remaining four masked people walked out the room after making sure the spell pierced through her heart before walking out in search of something,  the witch died in the process of casting the spell that is what makes blood magic that powerful, as it requires a life, as they stepped out my dying mother turned in our direction and mouthed something and then the barrier evaporated, without wasting time I crawled to my mothers side with shaking hands and knees and grabbed onto her hand,  placing my other shaking hands on her chest I tried to heal her but it was working I repeatedly tried but it proved to be impossible, it wasn't working and I didn't know why.

Why won't it work?  I tried and tried until my mother brought my weak hands to her pale lips and left a kiss on it,  " my little girl she stated with so much difficulty, you have to do the rest with your siblings now, remember what I told you now you must cough cough ru..run before_" she choked and  right in front of my eyes, my mother struggled for breath before she finally took the last one, I watched as the light faded from her beautiful green orbs and felt her heartbeat seize no!no! no! mom please stay awake please hold on I tried healing her again but to no avail she was gone. I sat there in terror and confusions for few minutes, my world feels dark, the is no light, I feel numb,have I really lost my mother? I have lost everything image of her smiling, angery, lost and sad moments came flashing back, no it's not possible she was just made at me some hours ago, how is it possible? Mom I tried again with shaky hands and voice, mom please wake up, I.. I promise I will be a good girl, I will wake up earlier every Saturday to take Liam to the pack, I..I promise I won't argue or think badly of you again please just wake up now, look mom little Snow is calling out to you open your... an unbearable pain attacked me I felt the bond between my mother and I  severe the pain was almost unbearable for me as it made it all real, my mother was no more the reality almost broke me until I heard my little brother whimpering in pain by my side and I felt sadness blanket me at his little age he had experience something so horrible reaching out to him I pulled him close and held him to my chest giving comfort to him and myself thinking the masked peoples had left until I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards our direction from somewhere in the house, " run" my mothers last words echoed in my head, I have to survive, we have to survive for my mothers sake so without wasting time I lifted my brother up and leapted through the closest window and landing smoothly on the ground not forgetting to hold my brother carefully. I heard the hurrying steps coming after us,  looking back at my childhood home. The image of my lifeless mother crossed my mind. Closing my eyes, and stilling my heart I made my mother's lifeless body a promise. I will find your offenders, and I will give them the same justice they gave you.