
Romance Rewind

I gained consciousness and still it was very dark. Of course, it's because I still haven't opened my eyes. Still, my back hurts and the soft layer of the mattress is gone and it feels like I'm laying on the ground. Slowly, I opened my eyes... Only to see a white space. Everything was white.... Literally. Suddenly a screen appeared in front of my eyes. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Welcome to "Soul" an endless white space made to accommodate you. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - You have been chosen as one of the five people to test out "Game World Crossover". - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - I am a system programmed to help you and due to that I am implanted directly to your soul. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Achieve the First Phase. - - 2∆ - {ACCEPT} {AGREE} Hmmm... First Phase? What's that? Also, why don't I have a choice of declining? Then, after finishing the quest with the system's help, the screen appeared once more. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Quest Complete - - Transporting begins.... - - Transmigration to the game "Exiled Princess" initiation. - - Transmigration Successful - I'm really going to be transmigrated into another world.

Heathens · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 - Formula

They leave in the carriage with Aither only packing one thing, A bracelet with a heart shape white crystal

- Inside the carriage Aither ask where they will go

- She said to the town next to the biggest city in the kingdom

- Along the way there something ambushed them

- It was a giant black snake but it was killed by the maid who was leading the horse outside

- She gave the girl a circular bead, an origin beast heart core

- They move on and Aither said it was cold due to his thin and wornout clothes

- The girl said she can warm him up, of course using Fire Source

Currently, I'm packing my things inside of my house and it didn't take too long.

I didn't have much to bring with me anyway.

Except for a bracelet with a heart shape crystal.

This seemed very important to Aither so I brought this with me.

Truth be told, this was actually the only thing I'm bringing.

And so I left the house after looking at it one last time.

"I'll probably come back here when I hide from trouble, hahaha~"




"I'm back and it looks like you're both already done packing things in the carriage."

I said towards the two who was just finishing up packing their things.

"Yeah, let's go inside Aither."

Anaia said warmly as she opened and stepped inside the carriage.

"How about Mai? Is she going to be the coachma—woman?"

I asked as I saw no one other than the three of us around.

"Yes, she will be the one leading the horse towards our destination."

Anaia replied from inside the carriage.

"Is that so, then thank you Mai."

I said and I also entered the carriage feeling excited.

This will be the first time I'm going adventuring and because of the feelings of the previous Aither, I'm very happy and excited right now.


A few moments after I entered Mai started the carriage.

By the carriage I mean the horse, she started moving the horse.

Our ride along the road was actually quite peaceful.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this."

I was actually expecting something to happen like a cliche from an Isekai anime.

I guess this is reality, I can't expect too much or I'll just be disappointed.

"What were you expecting exactly, Aither?"

A voice called out and questioned me.

The owner of the voice as expected was Anaia.


What should I say to her? After all, I can't just say that I'm a little bit disappointed.

"Umm... To be honest I wasn't expecting it to be this cold outside."

"So you're cold, you could have just said so. Actually, I have a way to warm you up real good."

"Warm me up?"

I was shocked to hear her say that but I shouldn't let lewd things go inside my head.

Neuron Activation please refrain for now as I am in front of a beautiful lady.

"Yeah, I could use this."

She said as she held her palm out and soon a bright white colored light appeared on top of it accompanied by a warm temperature.

So this is what she meant, I was right not to be horny.

It's just that althought it's pleasant to hear, her voice sounds a little bit seductive.

"How did you do that?"

I asked curious.

Perhaps she used magic? I'd like to learn that.

"This? This is actually quite easy to do.

You just need to write a formula using your source in your palm.

See this chained text on my arm?"

She showed me the text written on her palm under the bright light and I began to memorize it.

Afterwards, going by what she said I began to picture my source origin inside my body.

Focusing all of my attention in drawing it out to my hand.

Then, as the source flowed to my right arm I held out my palm.

After that, I closed my eyes but before that I saw Anaia looking at me with excitement.

The memorized text in my mind came out like a picture and I could see it very clearly.

I began writing, no... I visualized the text to appear into my right palm.

By doing so, the source naturally followed my will and move into my palm as it created pale red colored text onto my palm.

The text by itself look very ancient and I have no idea how to read it.

Still I kept on visualizing until I felt the inside of the carriage warming up.


"I did it."

"Yay! Congratulations Aither! You did it on your first try like I did! I told you it was easy."

"Y-yeah, I actually thought it was going to be harder than I thought but I guess I was wrong... Oh it went out."

"Don't worry with much practice, you'll be able to make it last longer and you might even be able to do it instantly."

"Yeah, I guess I'll practice on this. By the way Anaia do you know any more formulas like this one?

I want to practice with visualizing and manifesting them"

"Yes, of course! Come here, I'll teach you three more basic formulas I know of."

And so as I moved and sat beside Anaia as she taught me about formulas, I heard Mai say something but I wasn't able to hear what it was.

".... they're monsters."




After almost half an hour, I was now able to use four kinds of formulas.

First is the "Heat Formula", next is "Reinforcement Formula", then "Strengthening Formula", and lastly is the "Advanced Sense Formula".

All of them have their own use and are very helpful to beginners.

The Heat formula is the one I learned earlier where it heats up the temperature to a certain degree.

Next is the Reinforcement formula, as what the word means it reinforces your body, making it a little bit tougher.

Then, the Strengthening formula where it increase your strength obviously.

And finally the last one, the Advanced Sense formula.

This is the most difficult one and although it had much less text than the other three it took most of my time learning it.

About a dozen or so minutes.

The use of that formula is that it improves your senses such as your sight and hearing to a certain degree.

Moving on, I returned to my seat and chatted with Anaia.

As we chatted along a commotion happened outside.

"Lady Anaia! I think I'll need your help for this one."

A shout sounded from outside and naturally the voice belonged to Mai.

She was asking for help, is she in trouble?

Is this perhaps the anime cliche where a noble or royalty girl is trapped in a carriage as her guards protect her from goblins or bandits?

Wait.... Considering the situation... Aren't I the one in the princesses shoes?

As I was thinking that, Anaia hurriedly went outside before saying a warning to me.

"I'm coming Mai! Also, Aither, remember don't go out of the carriage, it's dangerous."

And so even after she closed the door I could still hear her say something from the window.

"Remember don't go outside."

"I understand."

I replied and finally she left and headed towards Mai.

"Well, I could at least watch right?"