
Romance Rewind

I gained consciousness and still it was very dark. Of course, it's because I still haven't opened my eyes. Still, my back hurts and the soft layer of the mattress is gone and it feels like I'm laying on the ground. Slowly, I opened my eyes... Only to see a white space. Everything was white.... Literally. Suddenly a screen appeared in front of my eyes. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Welcome to "Soul" an endless white space made to accommodate you. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - You have been chosen as one of the five people to test out "Game World Crossover". - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - I am a system programmed to help you and due to that I am implanted directly to your soul. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Achieve the First Phase. - - 2∆ - {ACCEPT} {AGREE} Hmmm... First Phase? What's that? Also, why don't I have a choice of declining? Then, after finishing the quest with the system's help, the screen appeared once more. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Quest Complete - - Transporting begins.... - - Transmigration to the game "Exiled Princess" initiation. - - Transmigration Successful - I'm really going to be transmigrated into another world.

Heathens · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 4 - Quest [2]

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I knocked on the door multiple times and waited.

In my previous life, although I was also handsome then, I've never really talked that much to girls.

I didn't really have that much interest in them as I focused all of my attention in studies and hanging out with my friends.

So, this might become a hurdle and Unconsciously my heart started beating faster.

This might be the work of the body's previous owner's feelings.

"Wait a second, I'll be right there Mai!"

A loud pleasant voice came from the inside of the house and the lock of the door clicked a second after.

I didn't even hear footsteps so how was that passable?

Is it automatic?

As I questioned that in my head, the door finally opened.

"You know Mai, you could just come in with your — Aither?!"

The surprised voice of the insanely beautiful girl in front of me reached my ears.

"Uh, yeah it's me, I wanted to talk to you about something Anaia."

As I said that her eyes darted around and I found her gazing at my back.

She must be looking at Mai, confused as to why she let me in.

"Okay, come inside first, we should talk while we drink some tea."

She said but I'm not really fond of tea or coffee anymore.

I had too many of those already in my high school.

Damn those teachers for giving us too many projects one after another.

Well, I won't be having them in this life anymore.... Probably.

So maybe I could change my view of teas and coffees.

"That sounds great, I'll take you up on that offer then."

Saying so, I followed her inside the house as I closed the door.

Then, in the living room, I waited for her as she prepared the tea.

"It's really clean and beautiful unlike my house. This feels refreshing to see."

After five minutes I was surprised to see Anaia already pouring some tea in the cup on top of the table.

I didn't even notice when she approached or heard her footsteps.


"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome."

She replied in a cherry voice as a beautiful smile formed on her face.

Then she sat down on the sofa beside me.

"Shall we talk as to why you came here, Aither?"

She spoke as I was sipping the fragrant tea she made for me.

So it took a moment before I was able to reply to her.

"Ah yeah, actually I came here to convince you."

"Convince me? For what exactly Aither? You should know that I won't accept you coming with me."

She replied to me calmly but if you listen carefully her voice contained a little bit of  sadness.

"I know that's why I came here to convince you.

First of all, you might not know this but sooner or later I'll be starving to death if I don't leave this place that's why I need to earn some money outside of the village.

And to do just that I need an opportunity."

"And that opportunity is me?"

She responded as she pointed at her self.

"Yes and also, I'm not as weak as you think I am."

Suddenly just after I said that, I released the source origin outside of my body as it formed some kind of illusory aura.

"You... You're already at the first Phase? But....."

"I know what you're going to say but this is only because my parents taught me how to reach the first Phase before they died."

"Really? but still... Since when did you reach the first Phase?"

She questioned while staring at my eyes and so I responded in kind.

"Just yesterday....."

Really.... As I locked my gaze with hers, I'm now sure why the previous Aither said so.

"Is there something wrong with my eye? You've been staring at it intently for a while now."

"Ah no, it's just that.... You're eyes..."

They captivate me.

"My eyes?"

She said, her expression confused.

"Yeah, they're beautiful."

I replied to her question and a slight blush unnoticeable if you don't look closely appeared on her face.

But someone as beautiful as her must be used to these complements.

"Really?! Ah... I'm sorry please forget my previous reaction and... Thank you."

"What reaction?"

I spoke as if I was confused and an amused smile formed on her face.

If a girl wants you to forget something then, act as if you've forgotten it.

"But it's a surprise Aither, not many people can reach the first Phase, especially in a rural area like this village.

Even though it's still very dangerous, are you really sure you want to come with me?"

Dangerous? I have the "rewind" in the system.

If it gets very dangerous I can just use that.

Even so, I can't rely on it too much, after all there's a chance that I might die before I can even use it.

Still, my answer will still be the same.



- Quest Completed -

- You have gained a total of 1∆ by completing the quest. -