
Role System

The Role System. Characters from every piece of fiction can be drawn as a character card. Behave and interact with others as these characters would have to fully unlock their potential.

L_LL · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Finally finishing his talk with Teuchi the 3rd hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, walks over to our table and places a hand on a empty seat next to mine.

"May I have this seat?"

How should I do this? What is the most ideal personality to show that will make people have the best impression of me? No, no, that's boring I'm not going to act like Minato would after all the only person I have talked to is Kushina and most of that is just answering his annoying questions.

To a leader of a military force like Hiruzen he would definitely want a soldier that he can keep at an arms distance while still being under his control.

I also don't want him to misunderstand my intentions in becoming a shinobi. Benefits are the only reason I will risk my life fighting for this village. Using emotion and loyalty as an incentive to make me a shinobi isn't an option for him and I'll make him realize that.


Kushina, surprised from the sudden appearance of Hiruzen, bows her head slightly with a childish smile on her round face that still has baby fat on it.

"Hello Kushina. Aren't you going to introduce your friend to me?"

Kushina blanks before pulling my body up from the chair to greet Hiruzen.

"Lord 3rd this is my classmate and best friend Oshima Raiden. Oshima this is the 3rd hokage of Konohagakure, Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Hiruzen takes off his hat and puts it on the table my food is at while putting his hand out for a handshake.

"I've heard many good things about you from your teachers Oshima I'm glad you've decided to be a shinobi."

I look down at his hand, look up at his face, squint my eyes and scoff audibly with an arrogant smile.

"This is the man leading the strongest military power in the world? What a joke! You better give me the deed to my parents house back you corrupt bastard."

Kushina's smile melts away and her face pales to a tone I didn't think possible. Hiruzen however is far more comical, suddenly choking on the pipe in his mouth as he leans over the table pounding his chest.


Kushina rushes to try to help Hiruzen and so does Teuchi as he jumps over the counter.

After a few seconds Hiruzen waves both of the away and looks at me with a slightly annoyed, bothered and guilty.

"Oshima...you can only get the deed to your parents house once you become of age. Until then the Konohagakure treasury department will keep your deed and property in safe hands."

In response to his very shitty explanation I bend the light around me making myself invisible shocking Hiruzen, Kushina and Teuchi.

Without him being able to see me I step on the air to avoid any sound being made and sneak behind him.

Hiruzen shivers when he feels the cold touch of my kunai against his neck.

"Listen, either you give me my house back to it's proper owner or you give me something of equal value. You're very bad at lying so stop bullshitting me."

I can feel the immense amount of chakra slamming against all of Hiruzen's tenketsu attempting to dispel the 'genjutsu' placed on him.

That is the reason I'm so glad that my first character card was Midnight. Genjutsu and illusion magic are very, very different. Genjutsu only affects the target but illusion magic affects both the environment and the target.

Hiruzen can't break my genjutsu that I placed on him, because I didn't place a genjutsu on him. I placed it on myself, the light around me can be reflected to appear as if I'm not here.

Hiruzen doesn't have any dojutsu like the byakugan so he doesn't realize this. I'm obviously not going to explain my 'genjutsu' either so for now he's just going to launch an complete background check on my after this.

The only way to break my illusion magic is to have a dojutsu or use sensory jutsu that bypasses the things I can manipulate like air, sound, light, scent and more.

Calming down after realizing I hadn't actually attempted to physically hurt him and that the kunai to his neck is just an empty threat Hiruzen raises his hands in surrender.

"Very well although it's against the law for such a young kid to possess property I'll make an exception for you but in exchange when you graduate the academy I want you to join the anbu under my command."

It's not that easy Hiruzen you have to give more than just some house to gain a loyal follower. People can be controlled through many ways and the most effective are emotion, loyalty and money.

Especially money.

"Alright old man I'll join your little anbu organization but I want more than my house that should already belong to me. I'll agree if you bring me all the genjutsu available in the village as well as an Uchiha who will teach me personally."

Hiruzen stops to think for a few seconds before smiling as if he had just stolen candy from a baby which from his perspective is probably true.

However this is very important to me, especially the part about the Uchiha instructor. The Uchiha clan have the biggest storage of genjutsu, perhaps in the entire world besides maybe Zetsu if he keeps a collection of jutsu like you'd expect him to.

Hiruzen picks up his hat and walks past both Teuchi and Kushina without my interference but just as he moves the cloth separating the store from the village outside he stops stepping forward.

"Oshima I believe you have potential so I will invest in you but don't disregard my kindness otherwise you will experience the true might of the 'God Of Shinobi'."

With that final one liner he steps out of the store and disappears with a pile of swirling leaves left in his place.

Didn't expect to have all this happen when I just wanted Kushina to stop being annoying by feeding ramen but this definitely worked for the better.

All that matters now is that my lead in the academy stays consistent and that my Uchiha instructor actually teaches me and isn't incompetent.