
Making decision

17th July 1574 late night/very early morning

"It's lit!"

All it took for my men to become agitated was a single flare taking off to the skies. This alone was enough to prove and explain why in the future, when the privately own company would launch its space probe for the very first time into space, the live stream from that event would be watched by such a huge following!

It lied on man's nature to seek a way to reach the stars. Maybe it was something ingrained into our souls ever since we learned how to use some basic tools, maybe it was nothing but a basic survival instinct forcing us to constantly expand and seek new habitats.

Yet rather than enjoying this tranquil moment of peace during which both the merchants staying in the town and those of my troops that could enter along with me were all watching the flight of the flare, I already directed my thoughts towards the strategy of the upcoming battle.