
Road to Laze Around

The 26-year-old Olivia was a poor lady who did everything to survive. Every day, she wished to become rich or to have the power to control people before she retired and led a slacker life. Her life took a turn after an overdose of sleeping pills and transmigrated into her old favorite novel. Became Elizebeth; the ducal family's youngest child, she expected to lead a good life and planned to leech off on her three brothers for her entire life. She was happy until she dreamt about the future. Fallen kingdom and her miserable future. It happened again. Peace was never an option. Well, it seemed she had to step up for this one as well. Saving the kingdom and fighting for her freedom. Let’s just say she had a prior experience from her previous life. *wink.

shaeshang · Kỳ huyễn
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492 Chs

Trouble’s coming Elizebeth edition (5)


The drink was to Elizebeth's taste. What was it? She raised the glass and stared at the empty transparent glass. She called the bartender and picked up a new glass again. 


She heard the nobles around her whispering her name not far from her yet she didn't care. She was left alone without her family around. The fathers accompanied their mothers meeting other noble parents. Her brothers went to meet delegations and aristocrats from other countries to strengthen the friendship bond. 

"I think you've drunk enough, princess." 

Elizebeth turned to the voice. Prince Sawyer extended his hand and asked for the glass. The prince was so close to her enough to give the wrong impression. She gave the glass still. 

"Oh is this our Prince Sawyer?" She opened the paper fans and hid half of her face behind them.