
Rising of the Devil's Advocate [Canon]


MCG_Necromancer · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

Index. A Few Reminders

Hello! This is the Author of this Novel series, namely [Alastor] series.

Er... I just wanted to say that this is not just a simple novel, quite disturbing and even poking the religious ego of pure devotees upon serving the god, though I am not an antichrist nor atheist to post this... religion-violating novel's plot, what can I say about my imaginative mind?

Aaaanyways! There's many books on the series of this storyline. Surely this was all of my mind's mysterious thoughts and I just let it flow on my hands to write and create it.


Beware! That T-H-I-S book had many 'pokings', no, blunt points about the controversy about polytheism and monotheism, as to say the main topic was all of polytheism gods and heroes, and the monotheist bible god's angel army on the making.

Beware! That this is NOT just a book for fun, it's my thoughts but I am not agreeing on it nor advertising this... lack of belief on the real god.

Beware! that the mythos of all pantheons are all fucked up to join at other, but I'm reducing it to a simplified ones to resonate to the plot, example were the time of the Fall of the Man Adam, was after the time were the Nordic Gods Thor and Loki had a confrontation with the Giants and the Giant King Utgard-Loki, the choosing of the first king of Chinese Xua Period, the start of the Epics before of Gilgamesh's, the Opening of the Bamboo where the Beautiful 'Maganda' and Poweful 'Malakas' emerged and raise the population on the Land of the Pearl Orient, and the Slumber(Death) of Angra Mainyu against his brother, the other oldest tales at most.

Beware! That the surnames/titles (e.g.: Nyctheus, commander of "Hades", Alcides, son of "Zeus", Perseus, son of "Poseidon") were based on the factions the character served, and WE all know that People before time were only had a first name, then the titles and not surnames, so don't think that those were childrens of the God (literally) but a 'children' of God (by servitude).

Other warnings will be later shown.

I'll update this one when a new comes to my mind.

Note: I can't change the freaking cover! F*** the internet!