
Rise Of The Tainted

Set in an apocalyptic world after World War III, billions are dead while millions are suffering from the indirect effects of nuclear radiation. Before humanity can get its act together, a massive asteroid that can destroy life on earth is spotted. The World Government races to stop it. It tries and fails. A fragment lands in a tiny nation wreaking untold havoc. Exposure to the meteorite debris dust kills off everyone except one person with a rare blood condition. Bosco Masaba is a struggling medical student who gets exposed to the mutated blood transforming his genes as well as granting him powers. Our story starts from there…

Zebolo · Khoa huyễn
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26 Chs


Later. Agnes Nzanzu drove them in her car; a Mercedes Benz EV, the recent model in the EV lineup. It was a striking car with a sleek and aerodynamic design forming a well-sculpted body with elegant and clean lines. Its front grill was sizeable and eye-catching in an innovative way, boasting LED illuminated accents. The car's glossy Obsidian Black color had an elegant appeal. As it moved, the engine sound and the stylish alloy wheels added to the car's aesthetics.

Such a car was beyond the reach of most twenty-year-olds, but for her a daughter to a mining tycoon. It was nothing owing to her financial capacity.

Before they even had enough time to appreciate the car's wonderful ambiance or the sweet songs flowing out of the car's stereo speakers, they had arrived at a private airstrip outside Dodoma City. Entrance to the premise was restricted to a select category of people. It looked like they were expecting her, once her car arrived at the entrance to the airstrip, the gate was immediately opened for them.

She drove the car inside the secluded airstrip, Agnes couldn't hide her excitement. She parked the car in a designated spot. They got out and looked around the airstrip.

"Don't bother with the luggage, someone is going to help us." She told Bosco when she saw him trying to pick the suitcases from the behind boot.

"Wow! This is some special level of VIP treatment." Monica exclaimed. 

From the time she met this young lady, she was encountering one surprise after another. She was now curious to know how her laid-back and poor friend had been so lucky to hook such a rich gem of a woman. There was no way, they were rolling in the same circles, that she was sure of.

"Follow me." She instructed them without caring to explain where she was leading them. She led them to the side of the runaway; it was currently empty.

"Agnes, is your Dad's private jet not here?" Bosco asked her. All he saw, was the empty runaway.

"What? Bosco, are you serious there's a private jet coming for us?" Asked Monica, she had not yet accepted that they were going to use a private jet.

"Hahaha!" Agnes laughed in her sweet sexy voice. "Lover boy, what did you tell her?" She asked him.

"What do you think?" He did not bother to answer her question, he felt the answer was obvious.

As they were still there, they saw a private jet leave the hangar at the far end of the runway and slowly cruise to where they stood. When it came close, Bosco and Monica were mesmerized by what they saw.

Standing before them, glistening under the midday Tanzanian sun, was the Falcon X50. A private jet that was nothing short of revolutionary. It featured a hybrid combustion and electric engine which delivered power, and fuel economy. It was a marvel of engineering in the never-ending race to attain green planes. 

As they observed it, they saw that the jet was decorated with the colors of AZ Mining Group—brown, white, and black, complete with the company's proud insignia which was a brown circle enclosing a black spade with one large diamond.

"Agnes, are you sure this is your Dad's private jet?" Monica asked having seen the jet's decoration. "From what I see, this plane belongs to AZ Mining Group." She added.

AZ Mining Group was popular in East and Central Africa. Not a day went by without the media showing one or two activities they were involved in, making them popular. Besides mining, they were also involved in many other businesses that were directly or indirectly related to mining.

Instead of being pissed off, Agnes just smiled at her question. "It is like this; my dad is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AZ Mining Group. I can say with pride that the company is his, if that is not enough; just know that our family owns 80% of the Group. This plane is over here, is his personal property as the CEO. Hope that answers your question." Agnes explained like the proud daughter she was.

Monica could not refute what she had said, "I get it now." 

Three impeccably smartly dressed female plane attendants in their mid-twenties descended from the plane once its main passenger door opened. They walked down the stairs and approached them. They went ahead to greet them with warm smiles. Agnes instructed them to collect their luggage from the car while handing over the car's keys.

Without waiting for them to return with the luggage, she turned towards them with a big smile on her sweet face. "Welcome to the future of travel," she beamed.

"Lady Monica and Mister Bosco, you are welcome onboard AZ Airways." Agnes bowed slightly and gestured with her right hand when she said these words.

"Who am I to refuse," said Bosco as he stepped on the gleaming stairs and ascended into the Flacon X50. The two ladies followed him.

"Oh my God! I can't believe I am going to fly on a private jet." Monica said with happiness. 

"I have to document this beautiful occasion somehow." She added while pulling out her smartphone to take pictures.

Bosco was the first to enter inside. The view inside the private jet left him amazed. What he saw inside the private jet were the plush and extravagantly furnished seats with several decorations hanging on the wood-paneled walls. If he did not know any better, he could not have thought that he was in a jet. The interior was a vision of opulence, a symphony of sleek lines and tasteful decor, all bathed in soft, inviting lighting.


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