
A Beautiful Starry Night

Raz woke up abruptly and blinked a few times while he looked around his surroundings and thought about what had happened since he was born.

After his father got scolded by his mother since he had cried on purpose, he fell asleep due to fatigue.

Raz couldn't do much as a newborn, no matter how advanced his mind was. Even though his mind could stay up like a regular adult, his body limited him greatly.

Sighing in his mind, he thought, 'How unfortunate things currently are, my mind is ready to start exploring and getting stronger, but my body can't keep up with it. I can barely even move normally, let alone walk.'

Currently, he was swaddled in various high-quality blankets that felt like he was floating amongst the comfiest and fluffies clouds possible.

He could barely turn his head and got a general glimpse of the whole room.

The room was built in the same style that he first saw when he entered the world, but this one seemed to have some attempts at cute decorations as there were murals made with vibrant and various colors.

Raz wanted to get a better look, but he was swaddled so tight that he couldn't take a good look without jerking to his side.

Initially, he was lying on his back, but after an arduous effort with the body of a newborn, he managed to flip himself over towards the mural.

But before he could thoroughly appreciate the mural, a figure stood up from the corner of the room and came over to pick up Raz and slightly bounced him in their arms as they coddled him.

"Aren't you an energetic one, even trying to look at the mural too? Your father will be elated to know he has such a promising son that's already curious and not even a day old", an old timely voice said.

Raz looked up and saw a familiar face which he recognized to be the head maid, Marisa.

Marisa continued to overlook him as she held him in her arms until the door opened, and another familiar voice spoke softly, "How is he, Marisa?"

The moment Marisa saw the person enter, she immediately bowed even with Raz in her hands and said, "My Lord."

Lord Alden looked slightly embarrassed when he replied, "You don't always have to call me Lord when no one else is around, Marisa."

Hearing his words, Marisa vehemently shook her head and refused, "Even though I've taken care of you since you were a baby, I'll always call you my lord. It'd go against my inner nature itself if I said anything else less respectful. Especially since you are now a big shot magus worthy of such respect."

Marisa then looked slightly proud as she exclaimed softly, "Plus, your son is no doubt a promising heir. He's already trying to move and examine things like the mural behind me, and he isn't even a day old!"

After hearing such praises, Lord Alden raised his eyebrows with surprise, then smiled as he beamed, "Of course, my son wouldn't be so simple. He truly lives up to the Alden name. If only Father were here, he would also be excited…"

The mention of Lord Alden's father seemed to make him sad, but Marisa tried to reassure him, "Don't worry, my lord, I've worked for your father for many years, and I know that he loves you very much. I'm sure he will come around. You must give him some time as I'm sure it also pains his heart as well."

Lord Alden sighed, "Well, I guess it isn't any use to worry about it now. Allow me to hold Raz, his mother, and I want to spend some time with him."

"No problem, my lord. Should I follow?" Marisa asked as she gave Lord Alden Raz.

Lord Alden nodded as he walked off with Raz.

Meanwhile, Raz had been completely silent as he had been intently listening to the conversation while trying to assimilate as much knowledge and info as he could.

Plus, he wasn't even sure he could speak as a newborn even if he tried, so he decided that unless he needed something urgently, he wouldn't constantly wail like a regular baby but try to listen and glean all the information he could.

As he was being carried, Raz paid attention to all the places they walked through to try to get a sense of his new home, but after a few minutes of seeing his father walk. He realized that his home seemed to be huge, like a castle back on Earth.

Finally, the three of them seemed to reach a giant spiraling staircase, and Lord Alden looked back at Marisa and inquired, "Do you want to go up with me?"

Marisa shook her head and sighed, "As much as I want to, these old bones need some exercise so I don't get too complacent. Please go ahead, my lord. I will be there after a few minutes."

Lord Alden respectfully nodded. Suddenly, an unfathomable force erupted around him as a shining light appeared at the bottom of his feet.

At first, Raz wanted to observe everything peacefully, but once he felt this unfathomable force that felt similar to the first time he experienced qi in the cultivation world. He couldn't keep silent anymore.

He wanted to exclaim in awe and ask his father how he was doing that, but since his larynx hadn't dropped yet.

All that came out were a bunch of excited squealing noises, which did not go unnoticed as Lord Alden looked down at his newborn son and smiled warmly, "Excited about magic? I was like you too, but you took an interest even faster than I did! Don't worry, little man, I'll teach you all about it when you get bigger."

Soon the shining force condensed around Lord Alden's foot, and a gust of wind appeared that lifted the father and son pair up towards the top part of the stairs like a bird taking flight.

Marisa stared at the father, son duo and smiled as she saw Raz so interested in magic and reminisced, "Like father, like son."

Her footsteps echoed throughout the tower as she started the tiring climb up the stairs, and soon only the clacking of shoes could be heard in the tower as the father and son duo soon reached the top.

Lord Alden canceled his magic as the pair landed on the top of the stairs in front of the door with a small thump, and the unfathomable force that got Raz excited disappeared, but his excitement didn't dissipate instantly as he still smiled and made a cooing noise.

Raz could see his father open the door carefully with the knuckle of his pointer finger, and a gentle breeze brushed his chubby, rosy cheeks as he finally saw that the door led to the roof of the home.

On the roof, a small garden that seemed new but thriving with life and character was situated on it, as the plants seemed to be at their infant stages.

But what really interested Raz were the few leather-wrapped chairs and benches on top and the beautiful, familiar figure that sat on a piece of furniture that looked like a couch from modern Earth but slightly different.

Even though Raz couldn't say it was an identical copy, the furniture looked like an old French Canapé from back on earth.

Lord Alden slowly sauntered up to his wife, who sat on the bench looking up at the stars in the night sky that reflected and gleamed against her jewel-like hazel eyes, and sat down next to her while he gently took and caressed her porcelain-like hand with a soft, loving touch.

Raz noticed that the pair didn't talk too much, yet somehow he knew so much was being said between the two.

Suddenly his mother rested her head on his father's shoulder with a soft smile that could paralyze any man, and the two of them lounged there looking at the stars as they held hands, with Raz being cradled by his father.

"It's lovely having a family, William," Lady Alden's euphonious voice tenderly said.

"Fay...I love you," Lord Alden responded as he gave his wife a kiss on the lips, and soon the two of them went back to looking back up at the stars as they cuddled and showered Raz with warmth and love.

Looking at the scene, something small changed in Raz's core being and heart, which he did not notice himself, but he thought, 'It's nice reincarnating into a family for a change.'

In all of his previous lives, whether it was Earth or the other two times he reincarnated, he had never been born into a family. Always an orphanage. This made it tough for him as he started from nothing, especially on Earth. But gave him all the more reason to focus on getting to the top and fighting the Horde in his other two reincarnations.

However, in this life, things were already completely different. He had parents who seemed to possess considerable power, but more importantly, who loved each other and him with their entire being.

He still smiled radiantly and made more soft cooing noises to show his joy, which brought him more attention and love from his two parents.

As the night slowly went by, Raz stared up at the sky, which housed hundreds of small and glittering stars that played with each other as they competed to see who could exude the most beauty and light. An unknown warmth comforted his entire being, and soon he was peacefully sleeping with only his soft cooes and breaths making any noise in the silent, gentle night.