
rise of the nerd in the apocalypse

ken girlfriend left him for the football team captain and he vow to kill both of them only to get home seeing his mother was eating his father. been betrayed his friend and left to die let's see how ken will survive and rise above everyone else to be the the strongest in the new new world and killed does who have wronged him.

Jimmy120_Kimmy · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Rise of the dead

what is the problem Lucy ken said we are over ken I was only using you to pass my exam but now high school is over Lucy said before walking up to Jake and started kissing him on his lip I will kill both of you what are you going to do kill us with your mind as Lucy and Jake Begin to laugh ken turned his back slowly exited the school before going home. Mom dad I'm home there was no response as he enter he realizes that the house is super quiet has ken shouted mom dad as he open his parent's room only to see his father had been eaten by his mom why are you doing this mom as she turns around to see his mom's mouth is covered in blood she rushes at him leave me alone ken shouted as he dodges and push her out of the way before turning his head to see a knife he started to run for it taking up the knife ken turn around only to see his mother making her way to him I can't ken said at the last seconds his mother is going to bite him he kicks her to the floor before using the knife and stabbing her in the head killing her. player will start evolving what ken said before falling unconscious, welcome player your ability allows you to manipulate flame your first skill his flame blade lvl mp 4 deals 5 damage

name Ken alvin

player level 1

strength 6

intelligence 20

durability 7

agility 8

mana 5

health 9

skill level 1 flame blade

hours later he fell asleep only to wake in the morning and hear knocks and cries of help he opens the door and a man fly in through the door

thank God the man said after he was in the house, we of to leave the man said I have private plane coming for me in a few hours do you want to come yeah sure.