
Rise of Swain (Marvel x DC)

A person reborn in Asgard as a younger brother of Thor and Loki. He awakens as the new generation of Ancient Divine Power inheritor. It is the epic tale of his adventures in a universe that is chaotic mixture of Marvel and DC.

Novel_Surge · Phim ảnh
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Vanaheim is one of the 9 realms. The people living here call themselves Warner protoss. It was once as prosperous as Asgard but after losing to Asgard and the death of King Njord made this place deserted. Most of the people living here moved away and now the population of Vanaheim is veey low with only a few people.

More than half of the area of Vanaheim is oceans. Vanaheim is famous for its magic. While most people in Asgard likes physical battles but in Vanaheim, it is the complete opposite. Here people likes to fight with magic and they rarely engage in physical battles.

Earth gaints are a powerful race and they also inhibit Vanaheim. Their population is very small. Unlike Frost and Fire gaints, Earth gaints are peace loving and they only fight when you annoy them. But no one can deny their powerful combat powers. They are one of the best races of universe in physical fighting.

Standing in front of the ruins of Palace of previous Warner king, Swain was accompanied by Traus. Father accepted his words and now he has withdrawn from the competition for the throne of Asgard. Father also thinks it is for better and mother also has the same opinion.

But in order to compensate him, Father has allowed him to review all the knowledge of Asgard and has even allowed some common knowledge to be bought to Vanaheim. He will always have the status of the Asgardian Prince. So in Asgard, he will enjoy the highest rights after the King and queen as before.

Otherwise, according to the traditions, he had to cut off all the personal connections with Asgard after inheriting the position of King Warner. But father allowed him to retain all his previous rights as a prince and even allowed him to learn most precious knowledge of Asgard. This can be called as a sort of compensation.

In fact, he didn't do it for anyone but for himself. Asgard has always been the centre of problems after Earth, so there's no way he would take such a difficult responsibility.

Before his leaving Aagard, Traus also asked father for permission to leave with him. I though that father would get angry and it could be dangerous for Traus. But father didn't get angry and allowed Traus to leave.

Looking at Traus beside him, Swain asked :

" Why did you leave Asgard? I know you are from Vanaheim but Hemidell and Sif are also from here, they didn't say anything about leaving."

" Your Highness, they were just born in Vanaheim and for them, Asgard is their home. But I grew up here and fought for this place and shed my blood for here. Although i have been General of Asgardian Army for 500 years but for me, it was just my duty and Vanaheim is my home. I served Asgard for Vanaheim's safety and now Vanaheim has regained its King, so it is only right for me to come back." said Traus and then bowed respectfully.

Swain nodded, he can understand Traus to some extent. He said:

" Then now that you are with me, I hope you can be my guide here as my new General of Vanaheim."

Traus nodded and took Swain to various places of Vanaheim. They moved using Swain's space magic, so it didn't take long for them. They visited Earth gaints habitat, water eleves, Kracius mountain range, Webster forest, local resident streets and many other places. They also saw many ocean races.

Swain saw that although Vanaheim is now very weak and quality of people's lives here is very bad, but people are still living here.

There are also many people from other planets here, which came here as refugees long ago and now have settled here.

He also visited the famous magic tower and other magic schools. Although most of the schools are now closed and tower is also in the name only with few people.

After visiting many places with Traus, Swain is now standing in front of the Royal Palace of Vanaheim, which is in now in ruins. But you can still see some of the past exterior of. It's the same gigantic as Asgard's Golden Palace but it's silver blue in color.