
Ring of Immortality

2 Chapters /day Follow Sun Long as he is given a chance to reincarnate in the great Yan plane with a mysterious black ring given to him by a deity. Reluctant to start cultivating, Sun Long must confront his own doubts and fears as he is threatened with punishment by Tian if he refuses. Despite his reservations, he embarks on a journey of cultivation and self-discovery as he struggles to understand the true power of the black ring and fulfill the will of Tian.

DaoistMSfng1 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Kindness of Strangers

Sun Long walked for days along the small stream, his stomach growling with hunger and his feet aching with fatigue. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't seem to find his way out of the dense forest. He had lost all sense of direction, and he was starting to lose hope of ever finding a cultivation sect or even a village.

Just when he was about to give up and collapse from exhaustion, he saw a faint light in the distance. His heart skipped a beat as he realized it was the glow of a village. With renewed energy, he stumbled towards the light, his feet dragging with each step.

Finally, he reached the village, his body shaking with relief and exhaustion. He collapsed onto the ground, too weak to even lift his head.

It wasn't long before a middle-aged man stumbled upon him. "Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" the man asked, his voice laced with concern.

Sun Long tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper. "I-I'm lost," he managed to say.

The man's expression softened. "Don't worry, I'll take you home with me. My name is Li Chen, by the way."

Sun Long gratefully accepted the man's offer, and he was soon being led to a small but cozy home on the outskirts of the village. Inside, he was introduced to Li Chen's wife, Liang Mei, and their two children, a 17-year-old son named Li Jun and a 10-year-old daughter named Li Hua.

As Sun Long sat at the dinner table, ravenously devouring the bowl of rice that Liang Mei had prepared for him, he couldn't help but feel touched by the family's kindness. He had been a stranger in this plane, with no friends or family to turn to, and yet they had taken him in without hesitation.

"Thank you for your kindness," Sun Long said, bowing his head in gratitude.

Li Chen waved his hand dismissively. "It's nothing. We can't just leave a young man like you out in the cold," he said with a kind smile. "Besides, we have a spare room that you can stay in for as long as you need."

Sun Long couldn't believe his ears. He had been on the verge of despair just a few hours ago, and now he had a roof over his head and a warm meal in his belly. He knew he had a lot to be thankful for, and he vowed to repay the family's kindness in any way he could.

As the family sat around the dinner table, chatting and getting to know one another, Sun Long found himself struggling to come up with a believable story about his past. He couldn't tell them the truth about his reincarnation and the black ring, so he settled on a more plausible tale about growing up in a small village and losing his way while traveling to a distant city to seek his fortune and embark on the path of cultivation, because there is nothing left that would tie him down.

Liang Mei and Li Chen seemed to accept his story without question, but Li Jun looked at him with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Sun Long couldn't blame him - he knew he was a poor liar, and he was grateful when the conversation turned to other topics.

"I'm preparing for the cultivation tournament at the Shallow Waters Sect in Shangba," Li Jun said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I've just reached the third stage of Qi Condensation, and I'm hoping to make a name for myself at the tournament."

Sun Long was impressed by Li Jun's cultivation achievements at such a young age. He had no idea what Qi Condensation was, but he could sense the pride and determination in Li Jun's voice.

"I wish you luck at the tournament," Sun Long said, bowing his head in respect.

Li Jun nodded, a serious expression on his face. "Thank you. It's not easy to become a cultivator, but it's worth it in the end."

As the night drew to a close, Sun Long retired to his room, feeling a sense of exhaustion and gratitude wash over him. At 17 years old, he had a lot to learn about this new world and the path of cultivation, but he was grateful to have found a temporary home with the kind and generous Li family.

As Sun Long lay in bed, his thoughts turned to the mysterious black ring on his finger. He had no idea how it had ended up on his hand, or what its purpose was. All he knew was that it seemed to have some kind of protective barrier that had repelled the old man who had tried to take it from him.

He noticed that the ring no longer radiated the black and golden light it had earlier. He wondered if the barrier had drained the energy that the old man had called "spiritual energy." Whatever the case may be, Sun Long knew he had to find out more about cultivation and how to start practicing it.

The tournament at the Shallow Waters Sect seemed like the perfect opportunity. If he could join a sect and learn from experienced cultivators, he might be able to unlock the secrets of the ring and find his place in this new world.

With that thought in mind, Sun Long closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of cultivation and adventure. He was determined to make the most of this chance, no matter what obstacles lay ahead