
Rich Villain of the Ruined World

What would you do if your best friend was killed in front of you? If the girl you loved all your life left you? If all your power, wealth and influence was taken from you? Would it be painful? Would you vow for revenge? Would you want to kill everyone responsible for it? What if the whole world is against you and supporting your enemy? Would you destroy the world then? You would, right? But what if the world is already destroyed? These were all questions that came to Ali's mind, as he stood outside the shelter camp in the zombie apocalypse. For the first time he felt so much anger and hatred inside him. The helplessness of fighting against the chosen son of luck. The despair of losing to the protagonist. The frustration of seeing his love acting like a heroine for that hero. And him, turning into a villain in their story. "Fine then, if the world wants me to be a villain. Then I'll be a villain." Ali declared as he clenched his fists. "So what if, it's the fate, heavens or the world itself, whoever comes between me and my revenge will die by my hands." Looking at the hordes of zombies rushing towards him, there was a smile on his face, as he fought against them. Laughing loudly and Crazily. "When is it the turn of a mob to fight against the main villain." [Host has met all the virtues of becoming a villain.] [Congratulations host for merging with the great villain system 2.0] [Binding successful] [Rewards are being distributed.. ] [The Devil wishes you a playful journey] [The Darkness hopes to see you reign over this petty planet.] Since then began the journey of a rich second generation villain, who's hunting protagonists in the apocalypse world. No matter if you're a secret soldier or system's chosen, hidden martial artist or zombie tamer, planet popper or attribute picker - whoever comes to him, will die by his hands. But wait, isn't this system even more evil than it's host. What, it killed all it's previous hosts cause they weren't villainous enough? and it also destroyed those planets since it was pissed at those protagonists? [sigh, why do I always get these half assed weirdos instead of proper villains.] [And what the fuck is an antihero, bitch I'm a villain system.] In this journey while protagonists shiver watching the villain's power. Those systems of theirs shit in their hosts mind, where they're living, when they see the villain's system. {{Run away, the crazy system is bound to this villain. going offline 1-2-3 .. error.}} [---burp---] ### A/N - 0) story may feel s little dragged at first, so just hold on, instead of dropping at first sight 1) If you want to better understand the beginning of this story, read the first 10 chapters of my other novel - "Life of a Nobody- as a villain." Those chapters are connected to this story too. 2) This is gonna be harem. and mc will get many girls - heroines, villainess, extras etc. But he won't be catch everyone you see, he has a standard to choose. and he'll kill many girls too if they don't suit him. so choose your own 3) There'll be R18 chapters,, but everything needs a build up. and i won't rush anything and make it nonsensical. even though it's fiction, some realities should be maintained. 4) All kinds of protagonists, heroines, villains and villainess - will be there. so if you have some character trope or fetish you want to see in this story,, do tell me. 5) I don't like incest, and not really planning to write it. but if you lot force me to, then this author shall fulfill your commands. ### NO MATTER WHAT, YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, READ IT OR NOT - DROP ME A REVIEW. that's what I always welcome. ## Join my discord server, if you want to see character arts, meet your fellow readers, or want to talk with me about my novels in detail - https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Thành thị
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Talks with the system 2

"You said the apocalypse wasn't supposed to happen, so what changed?" Ali asked, ignoring his worries for now. Maybe now that he has a system, atleast he won't be beaten easily right.

Even though this system is sounding a bit chunnibyo type, it shouldn't be that unreliable.

[Who knows.]

[Those answers are way above your level host. So just ignore them. Okay. ]

"Whatever. Tell me, is there some newbie gift package or something." Ali said, as he remembered, all the main characters get something that can help them with this. But he didn't have much hope considering this system's attitude.

But to his surprise, the system spoke up in approval this time.

[Rewards are being distributed.. ]

[All the injuries of the host are healed, reverting to prime condition.]

[Devil gifts you ???] LOCKED.

[Darkness gifts you the cure for infection.] (Gray colored)

"Hey system, I think you made a mistake. Why is your gift just healing me, and I can't click on the other two too." Ali asked, confused as he basically got nothing till now.

[Well, healing you was a gift from my side, which I already gave you since you were on death's bed.]

[The gift that Darkness sent is grayed out cause you need 250 points to buy it.]

"Don't you know gifts are supposed to be given for free, system?" Ali said but seeing the system silent, he just changed his question. "What about the one from Devil, I can't even see what it is?"

[That's cause I locked it.]

"What do you mean you locked it, why?" Ali asked surprised by this unexpected answer.

[Cause you're not worthy. Prove to me that you are, and I'll give it to you.]

"Say what, that's cheating. You can't just confiscate someone's gift. Also, aren't you afraid Devil's gonna kick your ass if he knew it?" Ali asked as he heard the system's voice. After all, if this Devil guy can make the system come here against its wishes, then it can also beat it, right.

[You don't need to worry about me, my weak as an ant-like host. I'll deal with him myself if he comes. But if you want the gift, you'll just prove your worth.]

"And how do I do that?" Ali asked, as he felt arguing with this system was useless.

[It's easy finish this quest for me, and I'll unlock it.]

[Quest name - Kill the cockroach]

[Objective - Kill Kevin Harper Wells]

[Limit - One month]

[Reward 1 - Gift of the Devil]

[Reward 2 - General rewards for killing a protagonist.]

Ali read the notifications popping up as another display appeared before him with the quest icon. Reading it, he just smiled and didn't bother with the quest.

After all, he was going to kill Kevin even if the system didn't say so, or even if he wasn't a villain and Kevin a protagonist. That guy was his lifelong enemy and without killing him, Ali didn't know if he could ever rest peacefully again.

But there was still something he needed to ask - "I'll do the quest, but what's with the time limit, and what happens if I fail the quest by any chance. There's not some penalty or stuff right?"

[There is no penalty for refusal or failure of the quests. But you won't receive anything for them afterwards.]

[As for the time limit, that's just me. I added it, so you don't just drag this idiot around all your life.] System said in a stern tone.

[If you fail to kill even this level of little shit in a month, then I'll just go offline. AFTER, I snap my fingers and destroy this world completely, leaving only you behind in your total zombie form.] System said in a serious tone, as a graphic scene of earth just blasting in pieces played on Ali's status display.

"What the fuck? You gave me zero gift, zero support, and told me to fight against a protagonist, and my failure leads to world destruction. Are you a psycho?"

[I'm a villain, host. The sooner you understand that, the better it is.]

Hearing the serious tone, Ali was sure this sicko might really do that. After all, it's been speaking so haughty like this anyway.

"Wait, don't systems follow some rules or something, you can't really kill your host, right?" Ali asked doubtfully.

[There are. But it won't be my first time destroying a world or killing a host, so I can manage.] System said in a nonchalant way, like it's an everyday thing.

"What about Devil? He sent you here to help me right. I'm sure he won't let you do that?"

Hearing Ali's question, the system remembered about the Devil again. The scene of those red eyes staring at it, made it glitch for a few seconds in fear. But then it got its guts back and said - [He can try, but I'd still rather die as a villain, then to live as some pansy ass chicken.]

"....." 2 minutes silence

"What about my infection, it's increased to 72%" Ali said as he glanced at his status and noticed the growth. Won't he turn into a zombie if it hit 100 percent.

[Don't worry about it, I'm not that heartless. Since I gave you a month's time, I'll hold back the infection and keep you sane till that point.] System said, acting generous with a smile.

[Ohh one more thing, I forgot to mention. The crueler, brutal and more broken death you give to the protagonist, the better rewards you receive.] System jumped back again and said before going silent again.

Ali, who heard everything the system said, looked at his display where the GIF of earth's destruction was still playing in a loop couldn't help but curse the Devil in his heart.

'This Devil is really not a good thing, if he wanted to help me, couldn't he just send a system which gives free gifts daily and make me invincible directly. But instead he sent this sick system here.'

"Also what kind of names are Devil and Darkness, so fucking edgy." Ali cursed again, but got silent when two new notifications appeared on his system.

[The Devil smiles and wishes you a playful journey]

[The Darkness hopes to see you reign over this planet.]

'They're not watching, are they?' Ali thought, as the timing of those notifications gave him a scare.

[Okay, that's all from my side for now. Now open your eyes and leave this space already.] System said and a snapping sound rang out in the darkness. Ali felt something push him away, and next second his consciousness got pulled back to his body and he opened his eyes staring at the familiar ceiling of his house.

Looking around he noticed, he was lying on the cold floor, instead of any soft bed like he hoped for. But then he remembered the scene from two days ago when he woke up on the floor like this once before, after teleporting to a new place. "Was that the system too? Bitch can't even put me on a bed both times."


A/N - there might be some things I forgot to mention here, so just ask me in comments and I'll exolain everything