
Rice Shower

When faith and fear takes you to a single conclusion of the unknown future... Will you take a size of rice for a shower?

Gyams · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

C13-Grace as Ornaments

Korah stared at her ceiling within her father's roof. Her mind kept on replaying Ayin's evident longing for the famous and honoured painter. She decided to investigate and gain more about the painter. She dragged herself toward his father who is opening new paintings and artwork for the museum inside his storage room.

Korah peek from the door and draw back her lips, slightly showing some teeth for amusement. She admire her father's passion, respect and concentration when it comes to handling other people's masterpiece. Korah who became familiar of the house made her way to the kitchen. She checked some eggs, flour, honey and milk. She tied the apron upon her waist and started to mixed in the ingredients. Korah remembered how her father would use it to comfort her whenever she threw a tantrum.

After brewing some soya, Korah drew a smiling face on the flat surface of the pancake with honey. She carefully held the tray and made her way to Gomer. She entered the storage room wearing her winnie the pooh apron. Her short hair secured with hair net.

"Here father, have some. " As she put the tray on safe place away from the artworks.

Gomer twitch his eyebrow. He stride toward her and said.

"Did you just call me father? "

Korah's eyes went wide but she immediately regained her confident demeanour and tried to cover it with a chuckle.

"You might be hearing things sir. "

Gomer intently examine her face and Korah covered her face feeling shy. Gomer realized that his actions are impolite.

"Sorry, Anyway thanks I did not know that you love to draw as well. "

Gomer apologize and commented playfully at the grining pancake.

Korah scratch the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Because for now sir, it's the only thing I can do for you. "

Korah words shooted a fluffy feeling in Gomer's pulse. He had this assumption that she might be someone he already met. He just can't pinpoint when. Nonetheless this young lady in front of him resembles his daughter so much.

Korah glanced from point to point. Her eyes are inhaling the grandeurs arrayed on the corner of the storage. Her view got snared by a clannish stroke. Gomer caught her enchantment toward a certain portrait. It's a brown branch with lavender leaf and red thread.

"It is known as Royal Thread of Rue by Shalom Este. " Gomer briefed as he chew his pancake.

"Her paintings are like a solace. It soothes you from grief. " Korah uttered.

" Well, she said that her source of artistry was of a unfavoured love. " Gomer supplied.

"Unfavoured? " Korah perk up.

"That, I don't really know. But you can ask her tomorrow. She will be joining us for the ribbon cutting of new arrivals. " Gomer suggested walking out with the dishes in hand.

Korah made sure to style her short hair. She braided a strand on each side of her face and tied it with a ribbon. She put on a light lip gloss and a cream. Their dandelion flowy uniform topped with with linen and emerald flaunt. Their nude flat shoes sealed up a featly posture.

The museum echoes a formal applause coming from the artist and staff as Gomer cut the ribbon. Korah paced her way at the back garden.

"The air is warm today isn't it? " A gentle voice caught her attention.

Korah moved her head swiftly and capture an angle that revealed a woman with a lovely smile. She gasp at her features at first glance anyone can mistake her as Korah Timpany in her 20's except that this woman is more bold and elegant.

"Yep, the air is quite warm and cloying today."

"Your face is new here, I'm Shalom Este."

She introduced extending her hands for a friendly shake.

Korah somehow feel at ease with her and gladly acknowledge her hand.

"My name is Orah. I've heared about your famous unfavoured love. "

Shalom sat on the bench as she gesture Korah to do the same.

"Not exactly, because we still see each other in secret. It's unfavoured because I am the daughter of his uncle. Basically were cousin. it's unfavoured because it's a secret affair. "

Shalom said blankly as if it's normal to be in love with your cousin. As far as Korah remembered blood is thicker than water. Korah can say that this woman is desperate and arrogant. Her words did not stir her anger nor any pain rather it opened a wellspring of pity toward her chains.

"What is your maiden name Ms. Shalom? "

Korah wanted to confirm her doubts and when Shalom proudly gave out her last name Korah snickered and laughed bitterly.

"It's Chasis. "

Korah was tasked by Gomer to deliver a token for Shalom. Korah clicked the elevator button for Shalom's room. Why would a married woman stay on a hotel? She heared the elevator made a ringing sound and it's her cue that she reached her destination. She studied the room number and there she found it. Room 232, she knocked on the door. And after a few seconds she got welcomed by Ayin who is shirtless with his neck flooded by hickeys.

For a moment her senses were heightened. Her vision caught Shalom naked on the bed. Her ears heared the sound of trolley. Literally Korah can say her world stopped. A tear is threatening to fall at the side of her eyes. She got brought back to reality when Ayin cleared his throat in abashed.

"How can we help you? "

Korah shove the token in his chest and ran way from them. When she got out of the hotel. She ran to the built in park and started to whimper and sob.

She got betrayed by Ayin. He was cheating on her. He married her because she resembled Shalom. Korah convinced herself that what she hath witnessed were false. It was her illusion but right after she ran out of the hotel. Korah caught a glimpse of Daisy getting inside her car weeping. Korah can relate with her. It must have been awful for Daisy.

Korah allowed her agony to be released. She walked around the road taking her time to calm her heart. A swirling sensation upchucked within her. The tendency for her to fall is a increasing percent. Korah Timpany is unfrivolus, she went through hell with her mother and grandfather.

This is just a dust upon her chest, nothing more. As she roam around she realized that she already came this far. It won't be painful to examine everything and carefully deal with it. Her breath shine faintly. It give off a unsteady subdued reflection. Korah knew better that her discernment is exceptional. She knew that she can trust her wits. This is her grace and ornament. She won't allow anyone to trample it. For she knew that what she have is greater than betrayal.