
Rice Shower

When faith and fear takes you to a single conclusion of the unknown future... Will you take a size of rice for a shower?

Gyams · Fantasy
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25 Chs

C14: Clothed in Scarlet

Korah cannot deny that Shalom really manifest and cast her likeness. She caress her eyes and followed through the ridge of her nose. She nervously laugh and partly suppress it. Korah did not forget that she is inside a public comfort room people might think she's carzy. She rinse her face to look fresh when she looked up the mirror, it reflected another woman who had her eyes swollen. It's Daisy with her dark eyeliner smudge on her damp face.

She stood beside Korah rubbing her face furiously. Korah felt a mutual susceptibility . She can incline the effects Ayin is causing her.

"Your pretty face will get irritated, if you keep rubbing it that way. " Korah tried to distract her from hurting herself.

Daisy look up at her with her face all wet and reddish from her scrubbing.

"Why don't we visit a spa and beauty parlor. My treat." Korah offered.

For a moment Daisy paused and hesitated but since the person in front of her seems to be going through something simmilar as her. She agreed. Daisy wiped her face with a tissue and linked her arms with this foreign and generous woman.

Korah dialled Gomer's number and asked for permission. She explained the situation without any drama nor lies. Korah just can't lie to her father even in this set up. Gomer hath given his thumbs up but reminded her of a curfew. He is seriously a doting father, not that he knows that she is the real one.

Korah remembered opening a secret bank account. She declined to use an identity card whenever she deposit or withdraw. She demanded a fingerprint so that no one would be able to access it but her. She swipe a sum for their leisure with Daisy and they drive out of town just for a beauty treatment and care. This is not the first time she went on a friendly date with Daisy but this time it will be more transparent than before. Daisy doesn't seem to doubt that she is the Korah she addressed as bitch and slut.

Korah navigated her to stop in front of a Japanese spa with beauty parlor. This is Korah's sanctuary. Whenever she would feel devastated or depressed Korah would make her way to this pure bliss.

Daisy glance in awe. Daisy felt enthralled by the place. It's like they are out of the country just for a relaxation. Daisy grinned genuinely she trusted the right person, unlike Shalom or Ayin who used her. Daisy can now say she preferred Korah than Shalom. Korah is innocent but Shalom have false humility. Daisy questioned herself for thinking about Korah this time. For now Daisy felt sincerely sorry for Korah.

Korah hired a chamber jacuzzi for the two of them. Korah felt relieved when Daisy started to beam and giggled

"Why were you crying anyway?" Korah asked feigning an ignorant tone.

Daisy relaxed beside her and bit her lower lip.

"I got betrayed by my closest friends, I already suspected it. Yet this is the first time i caught them."

Korah tilted her head and was curious how.

"How did you caught them? "

Daisy smirked at her.

"I pretended to be one of the staff and grab a trolley just to pass by. "

Korah chuckled at her confession. So she was the one who passed by when Ayin opened the door.

After their jacuzzi they went for a whole body spa and beauty enhancement. Daisy drove her near her station, Daisy steered her wheel and mouthed a thank you.

Korah strolled her way to Ayin's botique and saw the light only from the inner part. She went around encircling the botique and saw Ayin and Shalom arguing. She peeked at the small ventilation window lined in rectangular and heared, how they scream at each other. Korah caught Ayin's line loud and clear.

"I already told you. That I am breaking this off. How could you drugged me and brought me to that hotel?! You were the one who left me behind, So just scram away from my life because right now I am settling! I will marry Korah. "

Shalom slapped Ayin on the face. Her careless haste made Ayin glare at her.

"You just wanted that woman because I looked like her. She is just playing innocent in your face. You are just using her!"

Ayin gritted his teeth. His face contours is pure birse.

"At least she won't betray me like you did! I will love her wholeheartedly better than when I was with you! Plus don't insult her because she look nothing like you. She is unique and I am confident that she won't do what you did. The next time we meet were going to be cousins and nothing more. So get out of here already Mrs. Este! "

Ayin delivered his words mockily and sarcastically. He pushed her outside the botique and slam the door at Shalom's face.

Korah can't help but escape a gentle smile on her face. Ayin is defending her without her knowing. So he was drugged. Korah waited for Shalom to start her engine. After Shalom's disappearance Korah made her way to the front door and got herself bump to Evan. Evan supported her by grabbing her waist and preventing her from hitting the ground.

"Korah? " Evan asked with unsure inquiry.

Korah forgetting her usual appearance she answered with a full pledge. "Yes?"

It was too late for her to take back her words because the affable light snatched her from Evan's arms.

Korah glanced at Ayin who looked depressed inside the botique. Korah manage to whisper toward Evan's face.

"Take Care of Ayin, Evan. "

Evan can hear the voice ringing inside his head. Evan was confused as to why he look like an addict in front of Ayin's botique. The only person who can put Ayin in a catastrophic facade is Shalom. Evan was well aware of Shalom's obsession toward Ayin.

Evan can say that Ayin already moved on from her thanks to Korah. Evan made his way inside and offered a ice cream cake and coffee. This is Korah's happy pill. Evan knew that this will certainly and surely sooth his friend.