
You are not my mother!

Snow White walked out from the corner wearing a sky-blue dress and a red bow in her hair. At the beginning of the ball she was in this hidden room that connected to the ballroom waiting for her entrance but then she heard the commotion outside. With the protections of her maids, she stood in the corner to see what had everyone excited. She was very shocked to see Lady Wilson barge in with tears on her face and yelling like a crazy woman. What shocked her, even more, was the words she was telling her father, 'When did I ever acknowledge her as my mother?' I thought with a frown.

When she was younger it wasn't a lie that she felt lonely from the absence of her mother, but that feeling slowly died with the love of her father. As the king, she understood that he was busy but he always made time for her, so she had a very happy childhood. The only problem she could think of was the noble ladies that tried to get close to her for her father.

While she did miss her mother she wouldn't be sad if her father found love and remarried, but she didn't want a new mother who wouldn't truly care for her. By the time she turned six years old she was tired of not having any peace, so she came up with a plan. If she got close to one noble lady then her father and the royal court would not have a reason to push other ladies to comfort her loneliness.

With a plan in mind, she picked a lady who truly didn't have an ulterior motive, while it was hard she decided on Lady Wilson. Everything was going well until she turned ten-years-old and her father's ministers were pushing for a king. That was when she noticed the change in Lady Wilson's behavior and she soon heard the rumors going around the royal court.

If her father didn't send Lady Wilson to another kingdom to help with a problem she had no doubt that she would have pushed to become queen. When it was decided that Lady Locklow was to be crowned queen and soon to be wedded to her father, she did her own research.

She did hear about all the rumors going around the royal court but she couldn't judge a person before meeting them. Knowing she would be queen regardless of her feelings the only thing I could do was try to build a relationship with my new-found mother.

Sneaking away from my maids and meeting Lady Locklow before the wedding I was surprised by her character. Thinking she could be pretending I still kept my guard up until I knew more about her but I felt that the promise and words she told me would be kept true. So, I was looking forward to talking to her more during the ball but was sad about Lady Wilson.

For her to think she is the only one who could become her mother was truly saddening, and she knew she had to correct this misunderstanding. From the start, I never felt a motherly vibe for this lady and I had a hard feeling she was never meant to become the queen of Friawin.

Looking at Lady Wilson I gave her a serious look to show her that my words were true, but it seemed that Lady Wilson couldn't believe me. Getting away from the guards she ran toward me and kneeled and held my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Little Princess, you don't mean that, right?" She asked. Looking at Hailey she glared and then pulled me into her embrace, "It's that evil lady! She did something to make you say those words, right? I'm the only one who can become your mother!" She yelled then turned me around to look at her.

Fighting out of her embrace and stepping back and letting the guards grab Lady Wilson once more I gave a serious look. "Lady Wilson, I'm sorry. I have never felt that you would become my mother, you were a nice lady but I only felt respect as someone who was older than me, nothing more." I told her with a sad frown.

Anna was in denial, she couldn't believe that all the years getting close to Snow White would have been for naught. Shaking from all the emotions going through her she snapped and got out of the guards hold and ran toward Hailey.

"This is all your fault you, evil lady! You need to die, if you stay alive you will destroy the kingdom." Anna screamed while running, she grabbed a knife off the table and tried to stab Hailey but was stop by Christopher.

Christopher held Lady Wilson's wrist in a death grip and pushed her away, "Lady Wilson! How dare you try to shed blood in my presence!" Taking Hailey's hand he looked at the crazy woman on the ground, "Hear my words and remember them, today Hailey Locklow has become my queen and the mother to my child. Anyone who questions this decision or try to do something horrible like Lady Wilson, you'll meet death." He announced while giving out a cold aura.

Snow White looked at her father but wasn't shocked by his words, she felt the same and could only look at Lady Wilson in pity. 'If she didn't try to push for more, she could have lived a good life.' I thought while shaking my head.

Anna Wilson was taken out of the ballroom by guards and her family left as well to uphold the king's order. After such a big incident it was hard for the royal ball to resume in peace, I stood next to my father waiting for his words. A few moments passed and everyone was feeling awkward about not knowing what to do after such a situation.

Just then the new queen, Hailey Locklow stood up with a smile, "This is a royal ball to celebrate a wonderful day, to get everyone back in a happy mood, allow me to entertain you. I practiced a song that shows the Friawin's kingdom spirit and I would love for all of you to hear it." She then went to the musicians and gave them orders, afterward she sang a beautiful song that brought a smile to everyone faces.