
Revolution Of The Swordsman!

This story is based on how life can be cruel even if you have power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome To the World of Gods --------------------_________________________________----------------------- - -

Kane_Pg · Thành thị
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11 Chs


"Hello class today we have a new student, she flew all the way here from New York do you know what New York class is?" said the teacher. Soto raises his hand "anyone?" said the teacher. As Soto keeps raising his hand Saga raised his and the teacher said, "Oh you Saga what is it?", "It is a state!" Saga replied. After the teacher called on Saga, Soto swear that day he will stop studying. "Hello teacher? Am I going to sit somewhere now or are we still having a pop quiz?" The new student said. As the teacher said, "Oh yea you introduce you're self then the entire class will introduce themselves!" As the entire class sighed.

Everyone started talking and the teacher said, "Everyone shut up go ahead introduce yourself." "Okay. So, my name is Yumi, I'm 16, and I am into fighting, purple, and myths." Yumi has said. As everyone stopped paying attention the teacher sighed and said "Just go sit next to Soto. Soto raise your hand." Soto looks confused then he also sweared that day he will continue to study. Soto raises his hand. Yumi said "Hello you are Soto correct" "Yep" Soto replied "And I'm guessing your Yumi" Soto laughed. "Hey what's so funny." Yumi said.

Soto replied with "Because you are so serious." As Yumi had a straight face and tone is low pitched. "Oh sorry" Yumi has said "no, no, no It's okay" Soto said while still laughing "Whatever" Yumi said. The day has passed on and the bell rang before Soto left the class the teacher said "Hey Soto will you show Yumi around the school" Soto responded to him with "Oh yea sure" and Yumi stated "Are you sure I'm not too serious for you?"

"Just come on" Soto said as they went to walk around the school "Lastly this is the lunchroom/yard" Soto has said "Well this is good, but I mean the football fields you showed me was pretty small." Yumi has said "Well we don't have football fields I showed you two soccer fields." Soto stated "Oh well same thing hey Soto? Who is that guy?" Yumi has said. "What do you mean?" Soto said. A single person came from the shadows he was Zre "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE I KILLED YOU, YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED I WILL KILL YOU AND YOU'RE LITTILE GIRLFRIEND!" Zre angrily shouted. Soto replied by saying "Well I mean uh I don't know" Yumi replied with "He's not my boyfriend."

As Zre Went to attack them but he stopped moving as you can see Soto is closing his eyes shivering a lot. Zre was paralyzed as Yumi was looking at Zre with a blank face as an ominous presence came off of her. It scared Zre so much he could not move. "Hey, are you okay person you aren't moving" Yumi said with a smile on her face and Zre had tears to his eyes and started hitting the floor and saying, "Please don't kill me" Yumi looked concerned but said "What the heck is wrong with you I'm not a killer?" As Zre ran very far away. "Well, that was weird" Yumi said, and she saw Sato having a Panick attack "Hey Soto it's okay" Yumi said and then hugged him Soto was saying everything that happened on the night he died.

While this was happening, Saga was there, and he was jealous since if Soto dated someone, they will spend less time with each other. He heard a voice a deep voice a voice that sounded old it sounded like a Shinigami. "Hello kid I see you are having trouble with this I can help you." The voice has said, Saga said "Hello? Who are you? Am I going crazy where are you." As the voice said, "No sorry for scaring you like that my boy, but I can help you do you want the help?" Saga said "Yea." "Well, I only can give you 50 precent of the help you will have to the rest on your own got me?" The voice has said. "Yea I got you what can you help me with" Saga stated.

"I will give you my power and you are to become my successor and kill the one they call the son of Death, with this power you can get your friend back." The voice has said "Really well give it to me" Saga said to the voice. "Okay I cannot speak to you after this so after you get it all you need to know is trust in yourself to use the power within you." The voice said to Saga. Saga has said "okay." As then a huge energy beam formed from the outer ends of the universe.

Saga was hit with the energy beam as no one seemed to see it other than him oh wait Yumi is looking directly at it "UHM YUMI I CAN'T HELP TO SEE A HUGE BEAM COMMING FROM THE SKY!" Soto screamed "ahh yes another successful successor time to do my part then" Yumi thought as soon as the laser beam stopped Saga came out a new man he was built, powerful, and determined to kill Death's son as he started walking to Soto's house. he does not seem to be the same person anymore he has deep black eyes that glow. He crept his way to the house as Soto is saying "I need to get home I feel something bad is about to happened."

Soto ran home and Yumi was following him. As Soto was walking home saw a dead body with a hold in the stomach he threw up and started running home. "I hope that guy learns not the bump into me" Saga stated. As Soto is almost there, he sees tons of blood on the ground up to his doorstep. "What... What is that why is it there at my door..." Soto stuttered. He barley can move towards the door and opens it he sees his father on the floor dead.

"AHH!" Soto screamed as he saw his father dead on the floor with a messed-up face, without the clothes he was wearing he would not have recognized him. He saw his mother with a kitchen knife in her throat he looks at the couch his dog was bleeding out whimpering and licking his sister's face while his cat was chewing on her leg. His brother was hanging from a ceiling fan that is on as his torso is hanging. Soto faints in shock as he fell Yumi ran and caught him before he hit his head on the pavement. As she looked in fear for Soto as she said, "I can heal the dead but not if they were killed by a god."

As Yumi got a kick thrown at her and she caught it and got pushed back a lot of distance as she said "SATO?" as she remembered when the class was introducing themselves with their name tag because the teacher forgot about it. As Yumi found out he got the Shinigami's power as she punched Saga as he fell backwards into a portal to a new dement ion. "There he will be there for awhile unless he found a way out the 4th dement ion." As Yumi took Soto inside his room and left him.

Soto woke up he thought everything was a nightmare he then went out to get breakfast then he saw the bodies still the as he started crying. He did not attend school that day instead he buried and prayed to his family's grave and after he dug the graves, he looked behind him and saw Yumi. "AHH" Soto screamed and Yumi ran up to him and put her and on his mouth and said "Shush" she then kissed him. While being surprised by this Soto tried to struggle since he couldn't breathe and symbols from Yumi's cheeks went flying into Soto's mouth as he could not breathe at all he suffocated. His eyes started flashing from Black, Red, White, and purple as blood started forming from his eyes as this is the most immense pain a single human cannot endure.

Life came back to his eyes as Yumi let go and Soto dropped to the floor panting and blood fell from his face. As Soto said "What did... You do to me" as Yumi disappeared while a piece of paper is left behind as Soto grabbed the paper and read it, the paper says the following "Soto Skills: None, strength: 10, Speed: 20, Defense: 5, and points: 0 You get points for killing after every kill the paper will update and you can choose the attribute to put it in. You can get special weapons and powers other gods have you have the ability Yin/Yang. This gives you the power for infinite growth by killing only you and you only can read this." "WHAT?" Sato screamed.