
Revolution Of The Swordsman!

This story is based on how life can be cruel even if you have power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome To the World of Gods --------------------_________________________________----------------------- - -

Kane_Pg · Urban
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11 Chs

The haul of mystery

Here we see Sato walking around reading the paper over and over again. "So, when I kill someone, I get a point I have to find Saga to tell him about this." Soto said. As he walked into Saga's house to find Saga, he could not find him anywhere he was deeply confused he saw his mother "Hey Saga's mom do, you know where Saga is?" Soto Stated. As she looked at him with a forced smile and her makeup is smudged "No... I haven't seen him I thought he was with you it has been 3 days" Saga's mom said while her eyes started forming tears Soto said, "Don't worry Saga's mom I will find Saga." And Soto grabbed a tissue and gave it to her and said "bye" and she waved back. Soto thought to himself "If he is not home where is he then he might be at school and maybe Yumi is there as well I can ask her what this paper is." as Soto flipped the paper and found there was a back side of the paper.

The paper said the following "To transfer the Yin/Yang power you must inject Yin/Yang DNA into a vessel. This vessel has to be a god you can steal Yin/Yang from someone with this method of they agree with a blood written symbol onto the ritual. The god will get the power put inside of their mouth that will get transferred to people who are able to obtain Yin/Yang. This method is used for Locking the incredible power away so the user can have a normal childhood instead of killing people at a young age and becoming a Physico. Go to ##### #### #### ####### to get more information about gods and the backstory of how gods came to live."

Soto looked in shocked "Gods... They are real how can this be it makes no sense. There is no way if gods are real does that mean that I'm a god now?" Soto thought furiously. As he bumped into a rich guy. "Hey, watch where you are going before I get you running for your money" The guy said. Soto replied with "I think you have to much money who are you?" as the guy with money in his shoes and probably everywhere has said "Me my name is Fri The best money-making person in the world I got over trillion of bills." Oh, Soto said softly "Bet you can't buy a god though." As Fri laughs and says, "I am the god of money I don't need to buy gods, god's buy me." As Soto walks away and goes towards the address on the paper and the paper slipped out of his pocket "HEY YOU your paper fell" Fri said as he looked at it closely and flips the paper, he sees how much money he printed and his ability's which is printing money and hear very well. "Hey this is yours?" Fri said.

Soto then said, "Oh yea sorry I dropped it." and then Fri looks at it again and then says "Come with me" as they both went to somewhere that no one can hear them. As Soto says "Why are we here?" as Fri says "I been looking for a god ever since I become one give me a hug" Soto backs up and says, "Aye look I don't know what you mean just give me my paper-back" as Fri responded by saying "Hey look this is a god paper there is only 1 per god each god reads only certain things on it. So, I see my ability which is printing money and what type of god I am demigod and how much money I printed." Soto looks at him in surprise then said, "Okay then print money right now" As Fri printed out 500$ in 100$ bills from a slot from his hand. "Oh, my you were not lying Do you know what ##### #### #### ####### is?"

Fri has replied with "Yea don't be fooled the #'s aren't the syllables in the name hey come with me and I'll bring you there I got a fast car" Soto responded by saying "Okay I don't know if getting in a stranger's car is a good idea, but I'll do it since I was walking for a while now." Fri responded by saying "I don't bite, but you got to tell me the way there. There is only one of them, but you can only go there with a certain entrance only that god can enter" Soto nods and they are on their way.

When they came to the entrance Fri told Soto to walk inside a mountain as he did and he fell for 10 minutes screaming on the entire way down as slammed into the floor, but it did nothing? Soto said, "Well that was fun I have to do that again sometime if I can get out of this place that is." As he walked around the place and saw books about a lot of things like information about gods. The story about the God of gods there was a lot "Oh that seems like a good place to start." Soto said as he picked up a small book and opened it and it activated a button which had a book on a pedestal. "Well, I guess time to read this book what is it called... The book of everything." Soto opens the book and it's just a green pill as he just ate it because he was hungry. His brain started spinning as the doors slammed shut.

*This following text will be about what Soto is seeing from the book pill it is ancient times so it will be different from the regular writing style *

The God of gods the most important god that ever lived. His job is to take care of gods since before his time there was a war a war like none other. A war between gods Every type of Underworld, Demi gods, above world gods, and even humans. How this started the previous holder of the Yin/Yang ability He has grown up from birth to be a warrior he was killing since he was 3. He became mad since he was killing with no other goals just gaining power randomly, he forgot most of everything he can do. He kills innocents on accident his power is spiraling out of control, but he got corrupted by the power he had no idea existed. Instead of trying not to he went with he killed everything in sight.

After years of non-stop killing the gods decided to ask other gods from other universes to help them they sent a god who was the god of knowledge. He didn't sleep or eat for months he survived off of the will he gained to save the world he finally reached the edge of his universe after months of travel. He went inside and instantly got caught and took into a place where gods can't even get out. He was confused but trapped there for 10 years but he managed he was about to die from the other gods but. There was a mix up and he was not the god they were trying to capture apparently the guy they were trying to capture was a filthy thief that stole information from them. As the god of knowledge asked them to help with his problem as a god was unstable as they agreed and went back to the universe where the place called earth was in pieces. As a time, God from the other universe put the earth in a time chamber and reversed the time where it was not broken. He can only play back 2 years so at the moment of destruction. All of them reached the guy using Yin/Yang and had a fierce battle that ended in the win of the god of knowledge everyone crowned him as the God of gods as the other gods went back to their universe. The god of gods then created a secret basement of all the knowledge he picked up over the years.

Well see here I am now writing the book as the god of knowledge. Anyways when you're reading the words that I have died writing for you, so you don't follow the other Yin/Yang user. There is a way you can talk to them, but I have created the God paper it was not maturely made using this you can control your power better yes sadly you have to kill. But at least I helped you with this part you can now control your power since some of it is in the god paper. It will control it as points but it isn't usually points your power is very confusing. We think the soul energy goes inside of you and makes you stronger using that we turned it into a point for a kill. We have made a tick in the power so when you press a worm hole button it will set to the tick you pressed. Instead of it going towards defense, which is a small word to put it, it would go to the tick so where the power is at the most.

Your power that is in the paper is attached to your power inside you since its stronger. That way we have found more ways to distribute the power into the body to give you more flexibility to choose from. You can also lower down the power you're using by using less in certain places the more you gain the harder it is to lower your power down. Even if you have this you need to put in the work in training or you might die using your powers. The skill will show how to use it when you click it I have a lot to learn from your power but hey I will be dead so instead of that I pass it on you, I hope you understand everything about this power of Yin/yang.