
Reverse isekai

BS_Games · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 6. Ally’s

Chapter 6. Ally's

Now that Arya and Andrew had activated their Schrift and Mask they were officially made Captains. When Andrew was assigned the Captain of Squad 2 and handed his cloak it turned yellow. Arya was assigned the Captain of Squad 3 and her cloak turned blue. Candice requested to stay as my Lieutenant, and we decided to make Asuma Arya's Lieutenant as they made such a good team fighting Tim. We considered making Wendy Andrew's Lieutenant for the same reason but she seemed a bit too green and not ready for the responsibility so we decided to make Nemu the Lieutenant of Squad 2.

Over the next couple of weeks we all worked on new techniques and strengthening ourselves, and Andrew, Arya and I got used to our new powers so we didn't faint after using them, although the burst of energy when we warded off the Gillians Cero was more energy than we were capable of producing anymore. It was a one time release, although one day we would be easily capable of producing more.

We tried to track down or find Jack or his group over the weeks, but couldn't find anything for a couple of weeks when we sensed his group a large distance away.

"We need to leave some people behind here. That doesn't mean I think you're weak or incapable of fighting just to let you know, in fact I'm giving you the responsibility of keeping the base safe or taking initiative if you need to be deployed elsewhere. Loly, Usopp, Frosch, Akemaru, Bepo, Nanao, Sue and Kushina, please stay here. Everyone else, let's go," I ordered.

We headed towards Jack's group and as we drew closer we could sense 4 groups. Jack, Mick and Tim lead 3 of the groups with their powers stifling the others powers so we couldn't sense them. The last group was pretty large so we couldn't tell who was in that group.

"Andrew can take Wendy and…Alvida. Arya, Asuma and…Rebecca and Hanatarou take on Tim's group. Candice can lead Porche, Kin, Nemu, Beth and…Iruka and Ikkaku. That leaves Shikadai and Reedus with me. Ready? Let's go," I said and we broke into four groups.

Jack's group was much further away from the other three groups, so I could sense their battles beginning before we reached Jack, who seemed to be in the centre of Capital City. It felt like he was in a battle but I couldn't sense his opponent, although I could sense Oboro and Ganju with him, although they weren't fighting. We arrived in the CBD and we could see Ganju standing in the air towards the top of a skyscraper and Oboro was standing on the window of a skyscraper.

"I'll leave these guys to you. Burn, Karyuu," I said and ran up the building with Shikadai, then Flash Stepped past Oboro and Ganju into the building on the floor that I sensed Jack's spiritual pressure at.

I landed on one of the top floors of the skyscraper to a bloody messy scene. Blood caked the walls and ceiling, and in the centre of the room was Jack, fully transformed into a brown elephant and holding a familiar woman by the throat with his trunk. The woman was Katherine, Jack's ex-girlfriend from school, a petite Asian woman who Jack had beaten until she was almost unrecognisable.

"Jack, come on man, this is a new low," I said.

"Glad you could join us," Jack said sadistically as he made a snake hand sign and created an Earth Dome around himself.

I stabbed the Earth Dome but didn't even scratch it. 'What is his plan inside that dome?' I wondered as I released the strongest Fire punch I could manage, but it didn't do anything.

'Give me another go. We can break that dome,' Karyuu said. I poured my power into Karyuu to cover the blade in flames, then charged at the dome and stabbed at it. Karyuu made a small crack in the earth dome and stuck a little bit. 'Push me through with your Devil Fruit,' Karyuu said, so I used another of my strongest Fire Punches, this time on Karyuu's hilt to push Karyuu further into the dome. 'One more,' Karyuu said. I channeled all my flames into my right foot and kicked Karyuu right through the outside layer, crumbling the rest of the dome as I grabbed Karyuu and prepared for a counterattack.

Jack stampeded at me as soon as the dome crumbled and I barely raised Karyuu to take the brunt of the attack, but the force was too much. I turned into flames as I was sent flying backwards out the window and through the middle of Ganju, Reedus, Oboro and Shikadai's fight.

"Oboro," Jack said as he Body Flickered towards Shikadai. I Flash Stepped in front and blocked the attack but we were both knocked back. Oboro used Hiding in Mist Jutsu so I Flash Stepped with Shikadai back to Reedus on the ground.

"Did you see where they went?" I asked.

"They went back inside and then I think they headed that way," Reedus said, pointing back towards the other three groups.

"I guess we'd better be after them then but be very careful of Jack. He's much too strong for you guys now," I warned and lead the way.


A few minutes after we split up we found Mick with Rayule, Buchi and an Asian woman I'd never seen before. I donned my Vizard mask and Sonidoed at Mick, but he Body Flickered away. Mick made the hand signs; Snake, Dragon and then Bird and launched a tornado at me. Wendy jumped in the way and ate it, then released a Wind Dragon Roar back at him. I grabbed Wendy and Sonidoed away just as a large pink hammer swung past us.

"How dare you attack Mick!?! Babe, I'm going to kill this bitch if you want to take out the masked guy," the Asian woman said, now holding a giant pink Warhammer.

"Uh oh. Looks like this is going to be trouble," I warned as the fight became a four on three.

Mick made some hand signs as I made my own and we charged at each other. My Lightning Style Chop collided with his Gale Palm but we were equal in strength. The Asian girl leapt at Wendy but Alvida blocked the attack and Wendy started Wind Dragon Fisting Rayules Black band magic. I slashed at Mick, who barely blocked in time but my attack was strong enough to send him flying, then I blocked Buchi's claws from digging into Alvida.

"You're not the only ones who've powered up since the Gillian. Jack has mastered his Elephant Fruit, Tim has learnt Shikai, and check what I have," Mick taunted and pulled down his collar to reveal a red letter 'B' on his neck.

I slashed at Buchi, who barely blocked with his cat claws and Alvida swung her club at the Asian girl. Both of them were knocked back a couple of steps as Mick Body Flickered towards me and Wendy started charging at Rayule.

"So…we've all got our opponents now do we? I'm taking on you and Buchi, Wendy versus Rayule and Alvida against the new girl?" I asked as I blocked Mick's machete.

"Pretty cocky to think you can handle the two of us by yourself," Mick taunted as I slashed back at him but he Body Flickered away.

"I think it's pretty cocky of you to think you can handle me just because you have a Schrift. What does your Schrift stand for by the way?" I asked as I blocked a slash from Buchi.

"Like I'd tell you," Mick spat as he released another tornado at me.

"Fair enough but I guess it mustn't be too powerful or you'd be more than happy to brag about how impossible it would be for me to defeat you," I taunted as I Sonidoed out of the way.


As we got closer to Tim I could sense Kuromarimo, Karacka and another Quincy that I hadn't met before.

"Be careful guys. There's four of them at the moment but maybe we can turn the new person to our side. Hanatarou keep your distance but be ready to move in to heal us. Rebecca take on Kuromarimo, Asuma if you take the lead with Tim then I can probably take down Karacka and then help you," I ordered as we got close.

"Back for more? Well I've got something new to show you. Smoke, Zasso no Tanken," Tim said and his sword split into two daggers with a stream of smoke coming out of the tips.

"I don't know who you are but I really think it would be best if you join us. That group is the bad guys," I warned the Asian teenage quincy girl.

"Umm…I don't think so. I'm on Tim, and Mick and Jacks side," the girl said and created a yellow spirit bow.

"I guess I'll try to handle Karacka and the quincy then if you can keep up with Tim Asuma," I said as I fired at the girl. Tim Flash Stepped towards us and slashed my arrow on the way but Asuma Body Flickered into his path as Karacka disappeared. I sensed him pop up behind me and Hirenkyaku'd away, then fired an arrow at him, then into a yellow arrow from the quincy girl.

I noticed Rebecca and Kuromarimo were starting to fight but they seemed out of the way of the rest of us and evenly matched. Karacka jumped into the ground and disappeared, only to reappear beside the quincy girl as I started firing at her. Karacka grabbed her and disappeared through the ground again to appear at the base of a building. I fired at them but Karacka disappeared into the side of the building as Asuma jumped back releasing a Wind Style Great Breach at Tim, but he held his ground. Karacka came flying out of the side of the building at me and I had to block him with my spirit bow. Karacka squealed as I Water Dragon Fisted him to the ground and fired an arrow at him but the quincy girl blocked it with her own arrow.


We were hot on Jack's tail as he headed towards Candice's group. As we got close I left Shikadai and Reedus behind so I could arrive sooner. I saw Jack charge through the middle of the battlefield where I saw another familiar face, Mick's juvenile criminal buddy, Adam.

"How are things going here?" I asked Candice as I Flash Stepped to her side.

"They recruited that big guy there," Candice said, nodding towards Adam. "How did things go on your end? Does Shigure have a hostage?"

"That's Jack's ex-girlfriend. I think this has been a recruitment run. I think Mick and Tim are recruiting their ex-girlfriends too. Hopefully its going just as poorly as Jacks attempt because that might distract them long enough for us to take them out," I explained as Jack gave orders that I couldn't hear.

Shigure threw Kat to Jidanbo then headed towards Arya with Baiu as Ganju and Kira headed towards Andrew. I released a Karyuu Roar at Jack which he didn't even try to avoid. I couldn't hear what Jack screamed but it was loud and Oboro used Raging Waves Jutsu on Jack. 'I think that hurt him,' Karyuu said as Jack emerged in his human form looking ragged.

"You…can't…defeat…ME!!!" Jack screamed angrily and used Earth Shuriken Jutsu to release three Shuriken. I lit Karyuu aflame and cut through them as I charged straight at Jack. I slashed at Jack, who blocked with an elephant hand and we both struggled to push each other back as we seemed to be tied in strength. Adam slashed at me but Candice Flash Stepped in between us and said, "Oh I don't think so buddy." I Flame Kicked Adam and threw a fireball around Jacks arm, then grabbed Candice and Flash Stepped back.

I released another Karyuu Roar but this time Jack blocked with an Earth Wall Jutsu. 'Let's save those attacks until everyone is here,' Karyuu suggested as Oboro released a Hiding in Mist technique again. We all grouped together as no-one could clear it, but after a minute or so it cleared on its own and we sensed Jack's group retreating, with Tim and Mick's groups following on a path to intersect them. I Flash Stepped ahead to catch up to Andrew and Arya as they followed.

"How did you guys go?" I asked.

"Mick was recruiting some fanatical girl. We held them off until Kira and Ganju showed up and they started to retreat," Andrew answered.

"Yeah Tim recruited a quincy girl and he has Shikai now. I'm not sure what it does but Hanatarou has had to start healing Asuma," Arya explained.

"I don't like our odds. Let's group up and call of the pursuit," I ordered.

"Why didn't you bring everyone with you on your mission. Those that stayed behind could have turned the tide of battle?" Chief Commissioner Moore said.

"Potentially they could have but they also could have been potentially useless or even hindering as we could have had to spend more time defending and protecting them than attacking back," I explained. "I was also worried about the potential of other attacks or just the possibility of recruiting more for our side."

"Today was quite the disaster and quite a major loss for our side. You're lucky there's no-one strong enough to replace you guys or you'd be on your arses," the chief said.

"I disagree that today was a loss sir as we received no fatalities or major injuries," I replied.

"I guess so. Just next time make sure you bring enough people to get the job done. You're in charge so its your responsibility and it's on you every time you fail," the chief said. "Dismissed."

"Yes sir, thank you sir," I said and left the chiefs office.

Just 3 days after Jacks last attack we sensed him again, this time in Eureka where Andrew, Arya and I grew up. Also this time I only left Akemaru and Frosch behind as they should have been able to deal with any problems by themselves and we would need every available person to fight off Jack this time. As we drew close we sensed them in four groups again.

"Arya, take Asuma again, Rebecca, Kushina and Nemu," I ordered.

"I'll take Loly, Nanao, Beth and Wendy," Andrew suggested.

"Good. Candice, Ikkaku, Alvida, Bepo, Usopp, Hanatarou and…Iruka and Kin can take on Adam's group and Porche, Shikadai and Reedus are with me again. Let's go," I said and we all split up again.

As I drew close to Jack I recognised that we were in North Eureka and I knew where he would be and guessed the rest of his plans.

"I've got to go ahead," I said and left the others behind as I rushed as fast as I could towards my old friend Michael Walker's house. I Flash Stepped into his bedroom just in time to stop Kat from cutting Walker's throat with a pair of cat claws.

"Damnit Kat, I told you to hurry up," Jack said angrily as he transformed into his full elephant form.


I arrived at Daniel's best friend's house and Sonidoed inside just in time to stop Mick from stabbing Crystal in her sleep.

"So…you've recruited your girlfriends and now your killing Dan's friends? Why's that, huh? Is it psychological or to prevent us from recruiting them?" I asked as Mick jumped back.

"Let's call it a bit of both," Mick said with a twisted smile.

"Fucking idiot. They're going to join us now you knobhead," I laughed as I put on my Vizard mask.


I sensed Daniel and Andrew's fights breaking out as Tim's group seemed to stop. I had to leave my group behind and Hirenkyaku'd to catch up to them. I burst through a window just in time to Water Dragon Fist Christian's yellow arrow before it hit some guy in his sleep.

"Looks like it'll be a minute or two until your backup arrives. Let's see if you can last that long. Smoke, Zasso no Tanken," Tim said and activated his Shikai as I grabbed the guy and Hirenkyaku'd out.

Another one of Christians arrows fired at me and I had to Water Dragon Fist it to destroy it too. Kira and Ganju leapt at me from either side and I Water Dragon Clawed them both to beat them back down to the ground. Tim Flash Stepped to me but I Hirenkyaku'd away. Another one of Christians arrows came flying at me but this time I was far enough away to dodge it as the guy I was holding started to struggle and scream.

"Now's not a good time to be struggling, I'm trying to save your life," I warned. As Kira and Ganju stood on either side of Tim.

"Oh shit. Are you Daniel's sister?" the guy asked as he stopped struggling.

"Yeah, I'll explain everything after this fight," I promised as Tim Flash Stepped at me.

Tim pointed his daggers at me and a thin stream of smoke streamed from the dagger towards me. I Hirenkyaku'd down to the ground and let the guy go.

"Run towards the CBD as fast as you can," I ordered as Christian fired more arrows at me but I cancelled them out with my own arrows. Kira and Ganju jumped towards me and I used another Water Dragon Claw to knock them back. Tim Flash Stepped towards me but was blown back by Wind Scythe Jutsu.

"Sorry I took so long to get here," Asuma said as he Body Flickered to my side.


I Sonidoed at Mick and slashed at him but Nic's pink hammer blocked the attack. Mick tried to Gale Palm me but I Sonidoed away. Rayule's black bands flew at me but I slashed them in half and Karacka appeared behind me. I was fast enough to grab Karacka's face before he could hit me and smash him through a wall. Mick released a Wind Scythe Jutsu and Crystal's body was thrown against a wall.

I Sonidoed through the tornado to grab Crystal who had woken up and screamed.

"Crystal, it's Andrew. Get out of here and head west!" I yelled as Nic leapt at me but I blocked the attack. Mick Body Flickered at me and stabbed at me but I dodged and slashed back. Mick blocked but was sent flying back into Nic. Rayule's black bands flew at us again but I sliced through them pretty easily. Karacka appeared through the wall behind Crystal but I gave him a quick backkick in the head.

Crystal managed to sneak past me as I used Black Lightning Jutsu to hold everyone off for a second. Mick broke through my jutsu with Wind Devastation and Nic swung her hammer at me as black bands flew at me. I Sonidoed outside and Mick followed me outside with a Body Flicker as my backup arrived. Mick hesitated to strike until his group made it outside, then he whispered to them. Mick used another Wind Style Great Breach but Wendy ate it.

"Wendy, try to stick close to Crystal to defend her," I ordered as Wendy released a Wind Dragon Roar back at the group, but they were starting to retreat.


Jack stampeded towards us but I Flash Stepped Michael Walker outside.

"Backup is on the way. Just survive for a couple more minutes, I'll save the rest of your family," I said, then Flash Stepped back inside where Jack had knocked down almost all of the walls inside the house. I grabbed Walker's mother as Jack swung his trunk at her. I had to absorb the attack as there wasn't time to Flash Step away and if I didn't block the attack with my body Walker's mother would die, but I could lesson the damage by turning into fire after being hit. I crashed through the outside wall with Walker's mother and saw Oboro shoot Raging Waves Jutsu at Walker but he narrowly dodged.

I Flash Stepped to Walker's side and cut through some Earth Shurikens flying at him.

"Is there anyone else at home?" I asked.

"Wh…" Walker stuttered as Jack stampeded at us again, but I Flash Stepped away with Walker.

"Please Walker. I know it's tough, this is all very sudden and stressful but I need you to pull yourself together, just for a couple of minutes to focus. Was anyone other than your mum at home?" I asked as Oboro launched another Raging Waves Jutsu which I destroyed with a Fire Punch.

"No, my stepdad is out and my brother doesn't come home very often," Walker answered as Jack Body Flickered to me and swiped through my flame body with his trunk, which still hurt a little.

"Where is Kat and Nezumi?" I asked Walker and I saw Jack smirk underneath his trunk.

"I think I saw them sneak off to the north," Walker answered as the backup arrived.

"Reedus carry Walker north, Porche go with them. Shikadai and I will take care of things here," I ordered as I released a Flame Roar from Karyuu at Jack and the others made their escape.

"Do you think they'll make it in time?" Jack laughed as he swung a giant fist at me, but I Flash Stepped away.

"Of course they will," I said as I used another Flame Roar, but I saw an Earth Wall spring up to block it.

"Why did you send Walker with them?" Jack asked from behind the Wall.

"So he can guide them," I answered as Jack burst through the wall.

"You think you know where Kat and Nezumi are going?" Jack asked as I Flash Stepped away from him.

"I've got a good idea, hopefully Walker can work it out it too," I said as Jack released Earth Shuriken at me and I used a Flame Roar to disintegrate them.

"Oboro, Kat should be done by now. Bring them back here," Jack ordered, and Oboro ran north with Shikadai following.

"It's just the two of us now. No need to hold back," I said and felt Karyuu's excitement as it set on fire.

"What about Walker's mum?" Jack asked with a twisted smile.

"If you finish us you'll have all the time you need to carry out your twisted plan," I said, hoping it would bait him into focusing on us and leaving Walker's mother out of the way. Jack stampeded at me and I blasted him with a Karyuu Roar. Jack Body Flickered toward me but I blocked the attack with Karyuu, but the force of his attack was enough to knock me back a couple of steps.

Jack whipped his trunk at me but I turned into fire so it passed through me and I jumped back at him. I slashed at Jack, who blocked with his hand and I could see Karyuu was slowly cutting into Jack's flesh. Jack Body Flickered back and I Flash Stepped after him. I slashed again and Jack blocked with a foot this time. Jack Body Flickered back again and I slashed at him but he shrank back into his human form and made hand signs. Jack shot out Earth Shurikens and I turned into fire, but the attack did still hurt.

I used another Karyuu's Roar but Jack used Earth Dome Jutsu. This time when I started slashing at the dome I was able to make light cuts, but it would still take a while to break through the dome. I slashed away at the dome until I assumed I would be able to break through, but then I hesitated to break through. 'He'll probably attack as soon as I cut through. How long should I wait to cut through?' I wondered. I waited for a couple of seconds and sure enough, Jack burst out of the Dome in his full elephant form.

A Raging Water Jutsu shot past me as Kat came back with Oboro and Nezumi, with Porche, Shikadai and Reedus following closely behind.

"Did you kill her?" Jack asked.

"No, they arrived just in time to stop us. Oboro came to get us before we could finish," Kat said quietly and I could hear the fear in her voice.

"That's okay. We're going to meet up now. Let's go," Jack said and threw Kat towards the CBD.

After a couple of minutes of chasing Jack and his group we arrived in the main street of Eureka where everyone else was. It was a scene of chaos and I couldn't see who was winning or if there were any major injuries. I saw Candice and Flash Stepped to her as Adam knocked her back with a swing of his sword.

"How are things going here?" I asked.

"I think they're just aiming to cause as much damage as they can, so battling out here is exactly what they want," Candice explained.

"RETREAT!!!" Jack yelled.

"Have you seen Arya and Andrew?" I asked worriedly as I looked around.

"They're around somewhere," Candice said and looked around. "There's Andrew."

"Are you alright?" I asked as I Flash Stepped to Andrew's side.

"They went after Crystal and I think she can have powers," Andrew explained.

"Have you seen Arya?" I asked.

"She's somewhere. There she is. Are we going to follow them?" Andrew asked back.

"Leave Candice and Arya here with me, you can take anyone else you want but don't be too aggressive," I answered and Flash Stepped to Arya.

"Arya, how did things go with you?" I asked.

"A bit rough for a while. Tim was going after one of your friends from school but once backup arrived we were able to protect him properly," Arya answered.

"Did anyone get hurt?" I asked.

"No. Are we going to go after them?" Arya asked.

"No, please take me to the person Tim attacked. Candice and Hanatarou come with us," I ordered.

We rushed south to a place I'd only been to once where I saw Jayden Dohvestein, one of my friends from school.

"Thanks Arya, you can join Andrew if you want," I said and Arya Hirenkyaku'd away.

"Hi Jay. Can you and your family head to the policestation, I'll meet you there soon," I said, then Flash Stepped away towards Crystal's house. Crystal had been my best friend since I left school.

"Hi Crystal. Can you get your boyfriend to the police station, as well as your family and maybe your boyfriend's. I'll be there to talk to you guys soon," I said and Flash Stepped back to the north.

"Hi Mrs Walker. Please head to the police station and message the rest of your family to get them there. I'll go get Michael and send him there in a minute. He's unharmed by the way," I said, then Flash Stepped further north to Walker, who was exactly where I thought he would be, at another one of my school friend's house, Charlie Littleton.

"Oh my god, Daniel, it's good to see you," Charlie said and hugged me. As she hugged me I felt something bump into my hip.

"Wow, I didn't realise you'd be so happy to see me," I joked as I looked at her waist to see a dark blue hilted sword in a light blue sheath.

"What! Where did that come from?" Charlie asked as she looked down at her own waist in surprise.

"That's pretty much how me and my siblings got our powers, they just sort of happened, so…you have Soul Reaper powers too. I believe you have powers too Walker, and Jayden and Crystal too. Charlie, can you please get your family and Walker to the police station. I'll brief everyone there," I explained, and she agreed.

I headed to the Eureka police station and quickly spoke with a Senior Sergeant who was in charge of the night shift, and he got in touch with the Chief Commissioner, then I waited for my friends and their families to arrive. A few minutes later I sensed they had all arrived but also that Andrew was bringing everyone else back so decided to wait for him.

"Andrew, will you report to the police, I'll let these guys know what's going on and Arya, can you take everyone else home?" I asked.

"Can I stay with you?" Candice asked.

"Yeah sure. Nemu, you can stay with Andrew too if you want," I said, then headed inside with butterflies in my stomach.

"A while back I got powers, I don't know how or why. Jack also has powers, and he's pretty much a villain. His group attacked their girlfriends and added them to their own ranks. Tonight I think they were attacking you guys to avoid you guys siding with us. I sense power in you Michael, Crystal, Charlie and Jayden, and we got Charlie's powers to manifest before. I believe that due to these powers, you will be dragged into this conflict whether you like it or not, so now you must decide which side you will fight for," I explained. They all chose to side with me so then I had to work out how to activate each of their abilities. I sensed Crystals powers were ninja powers, so would have to work out what nature chakras she could use and teach her hand signs. Walker's power seemed to be Soul Reaper powers too as Charlie's were, and Jayden's seemed to be soul based but felt different. Because Charlie's powers manifested when we hugged, I decided to see if my power would activate theirs. I shook Walker's hand, and sure enough, a sword manifested on his right hip, one with a purple hilt, but I sensed an emptiness in Walker's powers, like he would be able to get another power. I shook Jayden's hand and shoes turned into some metal boots. 'Oh, Fullbring,' I realised.