
Revenge of the working class Carpenter

Kaz was having a normal day until his family and fellow villagers were slaughtered by the neighboring country. It is his goal to find and kill the one who ordered this. In which doing this he then learns what he truly is.

SnazTheSkeley · Quân đội
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4 Chs


Kaz awoke from his sleep to hear sounds coming from surrounding woods. And he couldn't fight in his current condition. He quickly snuck out from behind the tent he stayed in, to see two soilders he saw kill two villagers.

Kaz took up a stone and threw it at one of the men in the back of the head.

"Ow- George did you just fucking hit me?" The man said as he got up angrily.

"Shuddap ya stupid bastard, I didn't hit ya. Look it's a rock maybe a bird dropped it on ya stoopid head." George remarked.

As the were bickering back and forth Kaz gathered a few vines of a couple of oak trees. He picked up more rocks and threw them at the men.

"Oui- that hurt me!" George exclaimed.

Kaz upholstered his sword, and ran up behind Geroge and skewered both Geroge and the other guard in the back. He twisted the blade and ripped it out from the side of their backs. Making it look like the were almost chopped in half.

"Argh!!" They both exclaimed.

Kaz remembered just how his neighbors died, by fire. Kaz knew them both from childhood, Mr. and Mrs. Bronzewoth. They were all friends car before Kaz met his late wife.

While the two men were gasping for air he grabbed them both by the heads and smothered them into a firepit. He lit it, and held their faces in the fire until their entire face including their eyes had become a pile of mush.

After spitting on them and walking off he said to the corpses.

"Karma's a bitch."


After 3 or so hours of walking out the woods Kaz crossed a path until he got to a small village. He walked into the town to see two street thugs holding a kinfe to an old begger.

"Just cut the old farm's throat, so we can be on our way." One said to another.

"Sounds like a plan." Teh one holding a knife said while staring at the begger.

"Please someone help me!" The old man cried.

Kaz walked up to the thieves, he towered above them by about 2 feet. His giant muscular build with his light armour.

"What do you wan-" Said one their being cut off by Kaz snaping his hand in half. The force of the break exposed the bone into the open.


Kaz grabbed them both and bashed their heads against each other knocking them out.

Kaz bent over and searched the thevies pockets and pulled out a bag with 5 silver and 30 copper coins.

Kaz tossed the bag to the old man, and walked off out of the town. He laid in a patch of grass in a field and slept for the night.


Chapter done!

yo I'm back ill be Updating this and my other series Black and Red more frequently now. so please let me know what you think of this chapter. I would like to see your opinions!