
Chapter 3

Kaz continues limping into the darkness not knowing where to go. But on thing is one his mind, it's not the fact he could get caught any minute, nor was it how he could bleed out any moment.

The single thought replaying in his head, 'I'll slaughter them.' He thinks of thousands of ways to kill those soilders. Each one more gruesome than the other.

Something snapped in him that changed from who he was. As he kept walking he felt the pain go away. Because his anger drove away his pain.

Kaz continued until he heard a strange noise in the distance. He snuck up to it, and to his surprise it was two people in the same armour and uniform as the Camnaim soilders.

But they had a medic with them.

Kaz counted 4 people in his head.

"One footmen, two archers, and one medic." He whispered to himself.

He grabbed a stick near him and threw it at one of the archers knocking the bow down. Then Kaz jumped from the bushes and swung his sword at the other archer. The sword lodged halfway into the archers neck.

The footmen slashed at Kaz's back injuring him. He turned and jabbed both of his thumbs into the soilder's eyes, then kicking him in the crotch. He turned to the other archer that had his bow preparing to launch a shot.

The arrow flew through the air Kaz tried to dodge but it hit him in the shoulder. He grabbed the arrow and pulled it out and stabbed the archer in the throat.

He then walked to the medic and stared at him menacingly. And Kaz thought that this man could treat his wounds.

"Medic, treat my wounds or I shall make your own mother bury you." Kaz said.

This was not like him, he was previously a kind and gentle lad who struggled to stand for himself. The Medic nodded since he had no choice in the matter.

Kaz sat there as he got his wounds treated. The medic went and put stitches in and after that he turned to grab a knife and stab Kaz.

Kaz grabbed the medic by the throat and lifted him up.

"Thank you for that. Say hello to Satan for me, you bastard." Kaz said with a grin.

He gripped tighter slowly killing the medic.

*Snap* *pop* His head flopped over his shoulder.

Kaz the proceeded to lay down and sleep through the night peacefully.

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