
Revenge Of The Magic Swordsman

In a world once plunged into darkness, the Leonidas family stood as legendary swordsmen, revered and feared. Among them, Declar Leonidas was destined to inherit their legacy. Yet, as fate would have it, he became the family's greatest disappointment. In the aftermath of a victorious war that restored peace, a sinister plot brewed in the shadows. The "Valor Guardians" made of all powerful forces of the continent, once allies, turned against the Leonidas family, orchestrating a tragic demise that left Declar the sole survivor. At death's doorstep, salvation arrived in the form of a mysterious old man who uttered cryptic words, "Your journey isn't over, my boy." With newfound purpose, Declar embarked on a quest for vengeance, fueled by his late-blooming swordsmanship skills and the magical powers coursing through his bloodline. Overflowing with an intense fury born of betrayal, he set his sights on the Valor Guardians and all who conspired against his family. As the course for retribution unraves, Declar Leonidas becomes an unstoppable force, destined to reclaim his family's honor and rewrite the dark tale that has plagued his bloodline.

Llumie · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Hexagon Table

The castle of Teranum, a place known by the people as the land of the strongest, Teranum stands as a symbol of chivalry, honor, and the pursuit of noble ideals.

This fabled castle, with its towering spires and majestic architecture, exudes an air of mystique and grandeur that seems to defy the passage of time.

At the heart of Teranum lies the legendary Hexagon table, a centerpiece of both power and unity. This massive, hexagon table, crafted from the finest materials and adorned with intricate carvings, serves as a powerful emblem of equality, unity, and justice.

It is here that the masters of all 6 forces gathered to discuss the matters of how to abolish the Legion of Doom and make the decisions to shape the destiny of the Lukar continent, and embark on epic quests in the name of survival, honor and righteousness.

Another gathering has been called after many years of conquering the demonic force, In respect of the 5th leader of the blade fortress.

A gathering has been summoned, marking the rise of a new master of the six great forces. It has been 30 years since this meeting was held, after the vanquishing of the demonic threat.

Two masters of the hexagon table arrived with their majestic mounts, one of which was the leader of the Elixir Seekers Stavros Caesar riding a griffin, a powerful creature born from years of research and alchemy.

Then George Adler the Eagle Questers leader on the back of a nine tailed shadow Fenrir, both creatures bowed to themselves as they both got down from their mounts smiling, they shook each other's hands.

"Master Adler, Timely and precise as ever, just like the information the Eagle Questers provide " Stavros said.

"Thank you for your undeserved praise master Caesar" George replied

They both majestic figures walked forward as they were welcomed by an alignment of maids and butlers giving a humble bow to the legendary guardians of the Lukar continent, the doors of the castle creaked open, they proceeded to the hexagon table and took their seats.

Not quite long after the announcement of the leader of the Reformist confederation Thomas Christos, he arrived majestically on his pegacorn, a flying unicorn representing spirituality.

"May the gods bless you and bless this gathering"

He said as he took gentle steps with his hands clasped together holding a rosary, he approached the hexagon table.

"I see you have been well master Christos"

George said as he stood to welcome him.

"The gods be praised as they watch over us, we tiny creatures in the vast universe, you both don't look forsaken by the gods master Adler, master Caesar".

Caesar and Adler let out a loud laugh

"Hahahaha, yes, yes I think we are still worth a spec in their eyes, master Christos " Stavros Caesar replied.

They all sat as they enjoyed themselves as they all caught up on things that had happened since the last time they met.

Soon another announcement was made, the arrival of the master of the Magic tower Jack Tempest and the new leader of the Blade fortress Axel Evandros.

Jack Tempest riding a blazing phoenix, while Axel evandros arriving with a Black drake belonging to the previous master of the blade fortress Nikos Leonidas.

Their hushed conversations ceased as the grand doors opened. All eyes turned toward the entrance, and the air grew still with anticipation.

As the footsteps grew closer, they all rose in unison, their expressions reverent, and their demeanor poised.

In the doorway, a figure of paramount importance with golden hairs running down his neck with jade blue iris, holding the mana as vast as the ocean, entered, bathed in a gentle, golden light.

The masters, with heads slightly lowered, offered deep, synchronized bows. It was a symbol of allegiance, a show of honor to the Magic tower master, who had graced their presence.

With grace, Jack Tempest acknowledged the gestures and proceeded to sit where an opulent chair awaited. Only after he had taken his seat did the other master follow suit.

The Magic Tower master has always been recognized as the leader of the Valor Guardians.

"There's still a vacant seat?" Jack questioned.

"Yes the master of the dragon family is yet to arrive" Alder replied.

"Well he has always been detached from the official and aristocratic settings, his barbaric nature can not be quenched, he's probably in the wild somewhere subduing mythical creatures, Let us proceed…"

As soon as Jack said that a thunderous screech was heard from the skies, it was as if day turned into night as a ginormous silhouette covered the skies.

It was a red dragon, it landed magnificently shaking the walls of the Teranum castle.

"W-we welcome the dragon family lord" Said the announcer with a faltered voice.

Helio Dragonheart, a staggering height of 11 feet, with silvery hairs running down his neck with blood red iris, holding the radiance of the sun, possessing a body meticulously sculpted with the prowess of a god of artisans.

puzzled as he replied.

"Huh?... I'm not the dragon family lord at least not for the time being, I am Helio Dragonheart, the first son and a flagbearer of the Dragonheart family"

He said with a smile as he unmount his dragon, he tapped and rubbed on the body of the dragon as if it was a good dog.

Their jaws dropped in disbelief as the servants of the Teranum castle could not believe what they had just heard, their thoughts echoing without words.

'This is the son? If the son is this domineering, what about the father?'

He walked down approaching the doors of the castle while he was reannounced.

"Master Helio Dragonheart, The flagbearer of the dragon family has come!"

The masters of the six forces puzzled at the hexagon table, Stavros Caesar unable to contain his anger, stood with a frustrated motion and slammed the ornate table with a resounding thud.

"Is he for real?Is he trying to slap us in the face? We understand him not attending the gathering, he sent his son who hasn't even been born the last we had this gathering?"

Their eyes all glowed in anger, Jack Tempest replied.

"Master Caesar I know you are angry, but what would a greenhorn think of the masters of the Hexagon table if he sees you like this?"

Immediately Stavros Caesar comported himself.

"I have done something shameful, I apologize" Caesar said.

The doors of the castle creaked open once more as Helio walked in with every gentility a man could behold, his aura fierce as a beast but well hidden.

He graced the presence of the five masters with a bow.

"I greet the masters of the Hexagon table, I, Helio Dragonheart have been sent as a representative of my father, Alexander Dragonheart"

They all smiled at him and welcomed him warmly, while Jack Tempest sent a sound transmission to Axel Evandros saying.

`Go teach the brat a little lesson`

Axel immediately stood up and approached Helio, stretching out his arm in a gesture of a friendly handshake.

"You must be formidable for the master of the Dragon family to send you to the meeting of the Guardians" Axel said

Nervously ruffles his hairs as Helio replies.

"Compared to the legendary Guardian of history, I pale in comparison"

"Oh is that so?"

Axel's body began to glow with an ethereal radiance, as he manifested immense mana. His powers surged, putting Helio under great pressure.

At that moment, Helio remembered his father's words.

"Son, when you get there they'll test you, they are vicious, they only believe in power, do not be polite"

'Oh so this was what father meant, then I will go all out'

Helio, who held the power of a Dragon coursing through his veins, returned the favor by releasing his mana, he embraced the challenge .

As both confronted each other with great power, a shockwave of power rippled through the stone floors. The ground beneath their feet quaked, sending ripples through the very foundations of the castle.

Helio, unable to suppress his eagerness any longer, his voice resonating with a mixture of challenge and enthusiasm.

"I expected this much!" he exclaimed in a feral manner.

'Like father like son" was the thought coursing through the minds of every member of the hexagon table.


Jack Tempest spoke to Axel through sound transmission.


Axel laughed as he withdrew his mana.

"You are indeed the son of the Alexander, the Dragon lord, you have enough qualifications to sit on the hexagon table" Jack said

Helio smiled as he drew his mana as well.

"It sure feels good to be recognized by the leader of the hexagon table"

"But relay this message to your father".

Jack Tempest irises had an ethereal glow as he was about to relay his message.

"This would not be tolerated another time"

Helio could feel chills down his spine, he felt like a prey in the presence of a predator, the man he withdrew subconsciously was let out I'm order to protect himself.

"Did I just experience a sense of fear?"

Helio Dragonheart, who has never felt like this, except for the presence of one person, his father.

Like nothing happened, Jack Tempest said with a warm smile.

"Please have your seat master Dragonheart".

"Thank you master Tempest" He replied humbly as he sat himself on the hexagon table.

********** The valley of death **********

Declar still on his knees kowtowing in front of the old man, waiting for the old man's response

The old man's response was simple.


As if lightning struck through Declar's heart, shocked by the old man's response, regardless he asked.

"W-why, may I know the reason why?"

The old man said.

"It's simple you are too weak, with your mediocre talent you would last at most a decade".

Declar puzzled… the old man continued

"Being my disciple makes my enemies your enemies, what if I told you, Masters that are stronger than I am would be your enemies, can you shoulder that burden?"

Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead, he could never imagine someone stronger than the old man.

"Masters stronger than this monster???"