
Revenge Of The Magic Swordsman

In a world once plunged into darkness, the Leonidas family stood as legendary swordsmen, revered and feared. Among them, Declar Leonidas was destined to inherit their legacy. Yet, as fate would have it, he became the family's greatest disappointment. In the aftermath of a victorious war that restored peace, a sinister plot brewed in the shadows. The "Valor Guardians" made of all powerful forces of the continent, once allies, turned against the Leonidas family, orchestrating a tragic demise that left Declar the sole survivor. At death's doorstep, salvation arrived in the form of a mysterious old man who uttered cryptic words, "Your journey isn't over, my boy." With newfound purpose, Declar embarked on a quest for vengeance, fueled by his late-blooming swordsmanship skills and the magical powers coursing through his bloodline. Overflowing with an intense fury born of betrayal, he set his sights on the Valor Guardians and all who conspired against his family. As the course for retribution unraves, Declar Leonidas becomes an unstoppable force, destined to reclaim his family's honor and rewrite the dark tale that has plagued his bloodline.

Llumie · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ascension and Bereavement

Axel Evandros, awaited his coronation, followed by a group of loyal, yet equally sinister, advisors as he arrived at the blade fortress with an evil smile tugged at the corners of his lips almost cutting his face in half, without further ado he headed for the throne room of the blade fortress.

His cold, calculating eyes glinted with ambition as he prepared to ascend to the highest echelons of power in the blade fortress.

As the grand doors swung open with a ponderous creak, revealing the assembly of dignitaries and warriors, Axel's heart raced.

With a congregation awaiting to congratulate the new master of the blade fortress, he alone approached the throne, on the lush, crimson carpet stretched before him, his footsteps resonating in the silence, each footfall reverberating with a sense of malevolence.

He raised his head to the gilded throne, adorned with distinguished symbols and blood-red velvet. It was a symbol of ultimate power, and as Axel ascended the steps.

He was met with thunderous cheer from those who had one way or the other partake in the master's downfall.

He stood before the throne as he admired it in all awe he could muster

'Yes! You have been on my gaze from far off all these years, but finally you are mine!'

He sat himself upon the throne. His fingers caressed the armrests, feeling the icy weight of authority within his grasp.

With a chilling grin, he raised his hand, and a servant approached, bearing a bejeweled cup filled with the highest class wine, he proceeded to give a speech.

"My brethren, today we stand on the verge of a new era, an era marked by the Ascension of power, and the rejection of the weak, we are the blade fortress… shall we be led by the weak??"

Replied the congregation as if there was a thunderstorm.


Axel's grin grew even wilder as stood.

"I, Axel Evandros, has seized this throne, not through chance or fortune, but through strength, and unwavering ambition, Power is the currency of our realm, and I shall wield it with an iron grip, never to be led astray by the frail and feeble".

He drank from the cup as he continued.

"Warriors of the Eternal blade, revered council, and devoted subjects, enjoy yourselves tonight…"

He raised his cup.

"for we shall no longer bow to the capricious winds of weakness and mediocrity"

They all screamed.


Axel sat as he gave a devious laugh with another hand wave, a bustling procession of servants emerged from behind ornate curtains, each bearing platters and dishes of exquisite cuisine.

They indulged in a hearty feast, until their hunger and thirst were utterly satisfied.

**** In the treacherous Valley of Death ****

The deepest part, where Darkness cast a perpetual shadow and danger lurked at every turn, here the elderly man resided.

Days turned into weeks, as he tirelessly nursed Declar back to health, providing him with food, shelter.

**** Meanwhile in Declar's consciousness ***

Declare draw a big sigh as he open his eyes facing a glaring light, the last thing he remembered was him lying lifeless in the valley of death

'Have I died?, Haha- such a cruel fate'

He hovered gently towards the mysterious light, he couldn't help but be in awe of this dazzling white light.

'Heaven must be on the other side of this light, I thought I would be welcomed by a choir of children that sings angelic hymns'.

He thought as he got closer to the light, the forcing pressure that made him hover forward suddenly stopped, and he was held in one position unable to move even a single limb.

"Eh- what's going on??? perhaps- I'm going to hell?!"

A faint chuckle was heard coming from within the light, Declare was startled a little but summoned the courage to call out.

"Who is there? Are you my guardian angel?"

The mysterious being within the light could not hold it in anymore as it let out a loud laugh.

"Hahahaha~ What an interesting protege we have here"

Declar's heart quickened, a voice faint, yet unmistakable, this voice was the voice of his mother, tears welling in his eyes as he called out.

"M- mother, is that you?"

The voice in the light, reluctant to give an answer.

"Wait… you are not… mother, are you?"

"Yes, I am not"

The apparition admitted.

"I am not who you think I am, I only appear as a fleeting reflection of your memories, conjured by your own desires."

"Who are you? And where is this place?"

Declare requested.

Suddenly, descending from the mysterious light, a luminous figure began to take shape, slowly coalescing into a form having resemblance to his mother.

"Hmm… this curiosity is quite expected "

The apparition said as it lifted Declar's head by the chin, hovering around him, changing its figure into another form, with a manly voice it said.

"Father-" Declar said as he saw the figure the apparition has taken.

It slowly ascended back into the light while switching from a figure liking to Theron and Josiah, it looked back and smiled while becoming one with the light again.

"And as for who I am… through the countless generations I have been called numerous names"

It began, its voice like a choir of seraphic melodies. "I am the Herald of Dawn, the Eternal radiance, the Guardian of Luminance, the Keeper of Light, the Beacon of Hope, the Sentinel of Light, the bright morning star…"

It paused as Declar's initially awestruck expression had evidently transformed into one of sheer boredom.

"Ahem- I am Vivalithan, Master of all Illuminations".

The ray of light shone, more luminously and wonderfully.

"And this place is called the sea of consciousness, this is where you draw mana from as my contractor".


Declar puzzled, as he couldn't recall signing up or ever getting in contact with a being such as Vivalithan in his life.

"Yes, a contractor", she replied.

"The generations I was talking about earlier was the generations of the bloodline which exists in you"

At this point her voice slowly felt distant.

"We don't have time anymore, I'd be here watching… looking forward to your growth, dear contractor~"

A sudden pressure began pulling Declar away from the light, he felt himself plummeting as a meteor falling to earth, everything turned bright blur forcing him to shut his eyes.

Declar feeling so dizzy, slowly and painfully opened his eyes, He found himself lying on a bed made with fur in a strange environment dimly illuminated by a flickering flame dancing in the obsidian shadows.

Other than himself there was the old man who he has only seen once in his life but unmistakably he recognized him as the person who saved his life

The old man sat in a cross-legged position, his whole body enveloped in a faint light and seemed to be meditating.

Bewildered and cautious, he held his reservations, Declar could feel some strength in his body, he clasped his fist as he uttered from his parched lips with an obvious rage on his face.

"Valor Guardians".

Tears rolled down his eyes, the poor boy who was thankful to be alive, also regrets being alive at the same time,

"M-mother, father I'm sorry…"

"If only I had unlocked my powers earlier, I would have been able to save my folks' lives…"

"Is what you must be thinking right?" The old man asked Declare with a goofy smile on his face.

Declar pounced up in fear, as the old man who was sitting at least 10 feet away from where he was laying was right in his face.

'How did he appeared right in front of me, I could hear a single sound'

His body ached, he let out a little groan.


"Haha I like how nimble you are, but I wouldn't move just yet if I was you, sit back I'll bring to you what to eat".

The old man said as he slowly walked to a pot placed on the fire and prepared a meal, and gave it to Declar.

Declar with an obvious look on his face of being skeptical about the food he was given, the old man let out a roaring laugh.


"You think I'd poison you? What's this expression on your face as if you ate cow dung by mistake, haha, you should eat while it's hot kid".

Declar wasn't actually skeptical about the food, it just appeared so, he knew he would have died if it wasn't for this old man.

"W-why did you save me and what do you want in return".

The old man looked at him and smirked.

"Hmmm… it's because I'm just so gracious"

He said with his chin held high and expressed a sense of elation, Declar looked at him with utmost dissatisfaction, the old man realized then cleared his throat

"Ahem- I saved you because of that fiery will of yours kid… you had the will to fight even if you knew you couldn't win, As for what I want in return, Hmmmm…it's a secret"

He stood up as he slowly approached the entrance of the cave they sheltered.

"Meet me outside… Once you are done eating, there is something you must see" he said.

Declar savored the meal, every scoop he could feel little of his vitality being restored, he ate most of the meal with little left as he was curious to what the old man wanted him to see.

He steadied himself on his unsteady legs, he stood up, he spotted a stick he used as a staff to support himself and took gentle steps toward the cave's mouth.

He squinted as he stepped out the cave, he blinked to adjust to the brightness of the little light that penetrated through the walls of the canyon.

He saw the old man standing in the distance. He took a few steps closer.

"Here I am…".

he called out, his words tenderly riding the wind, he took a few steps closer, reaching where the old man stood he said.

"What was it you wanted to show me?"

The old man took a deep sigh as he pointed forward at a grave, made from gathered stones, forming a humble yet heartfelt tribute to a life now at rest, Indisputably Declare could tell it was his mother's grave.

"I retrieved her body and buried her here". The old man said.

Declar letting go of the stick in his hands as he took wobbly steps towards the grave, tears welling in his eye, brimming with sorrow he knelt down and extended his trembling arms to embrace the stone marker.

His sobs echoing in the hushed stillness of the valley of death. It was a poignant moment, as the boy sought solace in the unforgiving stone

His tears were testament to the deep loss he felt in his heart.

He stood up and slowly walked to the old man, he knelt in front of the old man and smash his head on the floor as he exclaimed.

"Old man!!! Everyone I cared for has been hurt because of my weakness!!! I know you are powerful, teach me to be strong like you, I don't want this happening again, I want to protect all that I choose to protect".

He looked up, with blood running down his face from a wound he got from bashing his head into the floor.

"Please teach me, old man!".