
Revenge of the Grandducchess

In the early hours of July 17 1918, the leader of the secret police knocked on our doors and told us to dress up then go to the basement. “ Another family portrait” My sister Tatiana said. I knew something wrong was about to happen but Papa was hopeful and ecstatic. “ We are going to be rescued. Our supporters and loyalists are on their way!” He said with a glimmer of relief on his tired and broken face. At the basement, one of the guards held a piece of paper and he read it loud in front of us. None of us saw it coming.. It was an order from the Bolsheviks sentencing us, the Romanov Imperial Family to death by execution at that same moment. Then there were gunshots everywhere... We were being murdered right then and there. More gunshots followed until the loud screams were no more.. And silence followed Their Majesties Tsar Nicholas ll and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, Emperor and Empress of all Russia, died in an instant. They were my Papa and Mama. My sisters, the 3 Grandducchess’ Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia were wounded but still breathing.. And Alexei.. the Tsarevich, heir to the throne, my brother, the future head of the Romanov Dynasty that ruled Russia for almost 500 years.. Long live the Romanovs!

Pinkshowgirl · Tổng hợp
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A body in the water..

I asked Amelie to distract my guard and I wrapped Nina's body on my bedsheet. Later that evening, my servant and I threw her on the water..

" This would look like an accident.. as if she slipped and drowned.. or maybe she decided to end her life.." I told myself.

It was a tough decision to involve Amelie on this event but I needed to make a gamble. If she decided to betray me, no one would believe her. It would be her words versus my words.. And in reality, a servant's voice meant nothing in a world of money and privileged.. I could easily deny anything.

" If you tell anyone about this, I will tell my Uncle Willly who happened to be your Kaiser to punish everyone in your family." I warned her.,

" You have my word and my loyalty. My lips are sealed my lady." She responded.

I went to bed that evening with some recollections of the number of times I saw Nina inside the palace.

She was a bit older than me.. the same age as my Tatiana. She used to come with her dreadful father, Rasputin. Mama gave her and her family some valuable jewels and golds when their father was killed so they could get out of Russia safely and start a new life abroad..

Who would have thought that in less than a year or so, we were the one who would not get out on time..

The next morning, I was awoken by my brother. He sat on my bed and I gave him a warm smile..

" It's still too early for breakfast my precious boy.. Let your poor sister sleep some more.." I whispered.

" They found a body on the sea.. A girl.. " He screamed.