

This story of young witch named Judith. She was happy with her mother once and good family they are once but one day tragedy strikes and now we have to see her darker path, where she will goes

NIGHTMARE32 · Kinh dị ma quái
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32 Chs


"Black magic leaves a permanent stain on the soul forever tainting those who engage in its wickedness".

Sam's eyes opened,blue eyes shining like pearls,stretched her hands,took a step out from bed.Taking steps ▶ ️ wash room.

"Spencer concerned" How are you Judith, are you okay? I heard what happened yesterday, in the area near you,"with a concerned voice. Judith replied simply, "Yes, I'm fine. Accidents happen every single day, dude."

Few Minutes passed,Madison stepped towards her with a concerned voice and said, "Oh my, Judith darling, I heard what happened in the area near you. Are you fine? I was worried about you the whole night."

Judith turned an aggressive gaze and replied, "Yes, I'm fine." Madison asked, "Did I say something wrong, my dear?"

Judith in a low voice , "Sorry, I was just frustrated about people over-concerned. Like they all forgot I'm not the one who got in the accident, or that the van fell 5 feet near me by blowing up." And so it began, another day in the drama-filled lives of Spencer, Judith, and Madison.

{ Truth is Judith is concerned about the attention she got so much earlier than she expected, like she knew she had to take a step back in her revenge because if she had killed anyone more people may suspect her or started creating rumours.}

Madison looked at Judith with concern in her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper as she suggested, "Hey Judith, you really shouldn't have to speak like that. These town people are so suspicious, they will start to suspect you. People in my town are always doubtful. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check until you get used to the way things work around here."

Inside, Judith thought to herself, "Yeah, these town people are really that stupid and over-doubtful. They killed my mother over their paranoid suspicions. They never realised that their suspicions were the reason she's gone. Now they're going to be the ones digging their own graves in this town."

As she stepping towards motel room,walking here and there over over, clenching her first,hit the wall,luckily no one saw her keep stepping forward ⏩ town people mysterious staring at her,Inner voice:-"Wow! rumours started so quickly."

But suddenly her uncle's words hit her mind: "You can seek help from your mom's friend, a powerful practitioner of Indian black magic. Her daughter, named Nandhu, is also skilled in these arts."

(Nandhu, who was a young and gifted Indian practitioner, 27 years old)

Turning pages from the book,in the middle little slip placed on it.took the slip out,holding my mobile other hand, dialling...faced the front camera.

(Nandhu here she is her Indian friend she sent all of her details about black magic in email.)

( Sam expresses her thanks to in return she also shared her French spells and wished best of luck on her mother revenge finally instructed her french spells and potion making details to both expresses best of luck to each other. )

Then they started some funny chat

Sam friendly asked "Since we don't know what is our future how about we can know or learn few things before we die".

Nandhu simply answered "Yes I liked your idea, what can we discuss?"

Sam started a few topics to discuss"How about starting with famous and tasty food in India?For us here Ratatouille and socca we French people always die to eat it."

Nandhu and Sam found themselves lost in a wave of nostalgia, their thoughts lingered on memories of their mothers. Nandhu's voice cracked with emotion as she whispered, "When my mother was alive, she used to make me eat samosa and jalebi daily. Indian people always love to eat it." Sam's eyes teared up as she continued, "My mother also made me Ratatouille, the food I mentioned, a few times. I still remember those memories."

Nandhu getting tears as their conversation continues."My mother was one of the kindest person I ever know she left her black magic long ago but one day i got severe sick no way of curing me with medicines so she tried black magic to save me but became victim of witch burning act by villagers."

She's sobbing so hard 😭😭😭

Surprised by the sudden turn in the conversation, Sam felt a pang of guilt and quickly said, "I'm sorry if my words hurt you. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. I've never had many friends in my life, and I felt like I could share my feelings with you. I didn't realise our conversation would stir up memories of our mothers."

I'm really sorry to hear about your pain. I can't even imagine what you must have gone through," Sam replied, shaken by Nandhu's revelation. "It's not your fault, Nandhu. You were just a child, and no one should have to go through something like that. It's not fair to blame yourself for what happened."

Nandhu looked at Sam with tears in her eyes, and murmured, "I know, but it's hard to shake off the feeling that I could have done something to change the outcome. I wish things had been different."

As Nandhu wiped away her tears, Sam calmed down . "I understand," she said softly. "But I believe that your mother would want you to be happy, to live your life without carrying the burden of guilt. You have to let go of the past and move on. Your mother would want that for you. Accept the fact they are monsters, not you and your mother."

Nandhu nodded silently, feeling a sense of warmth and understanding from Sam's words. She knew it would take time, but perhaps, with Sam's support, she could find a way to heal and let go of the heavy weight that had burdened her for so long.

Nandhu started crying so much.

Than sam comforted her "Don't cry it wasn't your fault .you supposed to burn your black magic flame i suppose to burn my red blood flame and we suppose to spill rivers of blood of these mother fuckers who took our mothers from us it was never ours or our mother fault humans will sooner or later found a way to harm us.so this time first strike will be ours we have to strike them on a way like they can't strike back or harm any more witch".

Both agreed through aggression on their experiences and injustice they faced they will get their vengeance no matter what.

Sam on final talk she expressed her feelings "I have to say one

The final thing to you is that even if we complete our revenge, our goal still has to be ready for alternatives to what or how to deal with humans so that no humans ever cause harm to us".

Sam and Nandhu both nodded each other's heads, smiled And hung up their phones.

Sam opened her laptop reading Indian black magic which can be used to kill people from far distance if she got blood or people hair.than that midnight only Sam stepping towards saloon in town she showing her palm up enchanting french voice,hair samples flew in the air all coming right through her palm.stormed into room,opened doors of cupboard,took laptop out,she clicked email,next ,she held one of hair sample in hand, enchanting by watching laptop.sky 27 years old guy blonde,simple looking face,laid on sofa, suddenly felt unease, discomfort, placing hand on his heart,face looks impaled red,can't breath,unable to groan the pain, crawling straight few inches and stopped.step father of his stepped into room eyes wide opened"this is why I told you to stop drinking and weed".

Next day she held another hair sample, enchanting black magic spell.another guy got his face pale, Suffocating so much,can't breath,crawling out ➡️room low voice "help.."mobile in hand,fingers hard to move and dail, few steps away from room took a stop.Town people came,they given simple gesture on body,whispering"asshole had lot of drinking problem."next she sat down holding hair samples enchanting black magic spells.

( 4 people on one night died that moment raised some suspense and fear.what if they are getting targeted by another witch again after all those years) Edward and friends took hard and quick steps toward sam old house where they killed Alan.( because since they are the major reason for her death they are so curious about it they were curious checked and see someone there or not) .

Crow flying through sky, flying circles near them,sighting them straight.crow eyes teleported to Judith eyes she widened open eyes,heart beating increased little up.

Sam parked her car, straight to her gas ⛽,room got some name [HiGH MILEAGE GAS STATION](which was away from town little there she seduced Joe gas station owner with her charm and she stayed with him whole night.Now she started her new plan as out of town for few days no one will suspect her so she already messaged Spencer and Madison she's going to see her aunt she was sick in .)

Why did Judith planned black magic instead of her Witchy power?

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