

This story of young witch named Judith. She was happy with her mother once and good family they are once but one day tragedy strikes and now we have to see her darker path, where she will goes

NIGHTMARE32 · Kinh dị ma quái
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32 Chs


NEXY having aside walk on street in morning middle of the street sounds and noices are full town is in so rush with all people wondering about witch daughter may be in fear town people woke up early and walking on streets".There he sighted up with something his eyes got wide opened hanging him him straight 2 bodies same with green liquid from mouth the flag pole in middle of street and road suddenly all town people gathered.


Edward took place with his eyes widened, biting teeth clenching fists, and jaw tightening as usual, while burning scars made it all creepy. No minding it.

"This is the work of that dead witch. She's not going to leave any of us. We have to find her daughter, wherever she's hiding in our town. She might be inside only; otherwise, there's no way she passed through the few men's security without sound or notice."

Ricky Stanford rushed in rage, eyes widened, hands swinging with speed, teeth biting bitterly, heart beating with blood pressure.

"My men and I surveilled the town all night, yet two people were killed. Interestingly, both of these individuals, Matty McCall and Brandon Brewster, had a habit of staying home. They wouldn't step out after 10 PM."

Edward, NEXY, and Town were astonished. Both Town and Edward's hearts were beating 100 times faster, as if riding a motorcycle. They came to the realization that danger could be lurking even in their homes. No one was safe to sleep either.

Edward's eyes widened, his mind filled with thoughts of danger. His heart raced, sweat forming slightly, and his skin trembled with paranoia.

"I am pretty sure the daughter of the devil may not enter young men's rooms by directly teleporting there. If she had that kind of power, she would have killed every one of us already. It means that was your mistake; that witch fed my son to the demon Nathom. He was just a 19-year-old boy but got eaten by a heinous demon creature. I found his body half-eaten by the demon. So, step back and let me and my friends handle this."

Adamson came at them, walking gentle,steady posture,tied up gentle,cherish smile, maintaining stable eyes and skin always as usual.

"Voice calm down calm down gentle man don't make our matter so far."

Edward agressive,teeth biting as usual.

"You had no buisness in our town in first place it doesn't fucking matter even you are Vip or rich you have to join us if you want to revenge about your son."

ADAMSON not even shaken little by it, slightly lips up,face to face with no fear,regret , insult, sharpening eye look

"Edward Edward your mind is half burned as your face."

Edward eyes open wide in 🤬 anger.

Adamson continued smiling

"You still don't realise how much powerful that witch daughter is she killed that many of town people more than 40 or 50.I say so you think you and your men have any choice against it."

Ricky Stanford:-"So what we suppose to do sir you offered her guns but now you are saying this."

ADAMSON smitely smiles"Guns were just start up let me introduce to Jonathon Constantine."

     Man wearing black dressed like preist who wearing cross in his chest,there is blue tatoo cross on his neck with Bible he came and saying prayers to dead man.

His eyes got glow blue whole town people wide eyed,Nexy even more widened slowly went far away from them without any one noticing.

Preist introduces

"Hey there me Jonathon Constantine you can call me Jonathan my blue eyes is sign of divine powers."

     Placed hand on one of the town guy's shoulders; it was clawed by Abaddon's priest, gently enchanting prayers with his glowing eyes. Miraculously, his wounds are getting smaller and smaller, and they completely went away, leaving no claw marks.

    Whole town people astonished

Preist proudly stood up straight posture,chin up, looking straight

"I'm here to hunt that witch and her allies."

Everyone in town is amazed by Jonathan with awe and giving astonished looks at him. Ricky Stanford's eyes are looking here and there; they turned back to where he sighted NEXY behind the backyard of his bakery, watching them.

NEXY steps forward, heart pounding so fast, mind kicking nightmares of holy gods swallowing demons, hands shaking.

Inner voice:

"Hey, what is this? This is the first time I've ever felt something like that. My heart won't beat that fast. What's happening?"

With tense legs slowly moving forward, the whole town gathered at the location of the bodies he found. The town was empty, in silence. He heard suspicious footsteps, slow and deliberate, as if someone was following him. He turned back and sighted someone hidden behind a truck, 200 meters away. That man's inner feeling...

"Wtf, How can he notice me from over 200m away? "

Took a deep breath but still sweat and loud heart beat is noisy to stop.He turned back by leaning on 🚛 truck eyes were wide opened mouth too 😲.NEXY with red glowing eyes as devil infront of you, stepping forward slowly, as he steps forward heartbeat pounding faster faster, sweating on forehead, tightening fist.

"Why are you following me?"

Man heart almost skipped away beating 100 times so fast eyes are widened n straight in shock hands were shaking n legs were trembling in fear, almost shit his pants, sweat heavily from forehead.

"You are the one who is doing this."

Nexy simply by maintaining his calm devil posture and glance. "No,you didn't answer my question yet."

Man still hard to speak, jaws closed in presence of fear, eyes wide open like gonna  come out from head,

"Ricky Stanford it's Ricky told me to do it. Idk why I just did please forgive me 🙏 forgive me 🙏😭 leave me alone"eyes are getting tears over fear."

NEXY filled with dark aura, dark aura taking over him, eyes are so stable, stable red glow, wicked smile same as devil.

"You will go to hell".

Man lift his hand to punch NEXY but NEXY with super strength control he thwarted man's punch by gripping his fist with a single hand. Pressing fist, as he pressing fist is bleeding badly, whole silence filled with agony of man, released his bleeding fist, as man holding his blood wound, face turn pale,  every nerve is shaking trembling in sense of fear, mind kicking thoughts of death, as he above to plead again.

  NEXY hands placed in his face.slowly moving fingers towards eyes on the trembling fear face n sweating face.Fingers finally reached its destination within a moment before scream coming out of mouth blood flowing from his halo eyes like pool n left final breath in fraction of seconds.NEXY unleashed his super speed with blood covered in his shirt he stormed on way to Judith room.

Town people, Edward, Ricky Stanford, Adamson, priest gathered around a man's body. They saw his eyes had been peeled away by something sinister. In fear, Jonathan's voice rang out, "Again, which witch performed this brutal massacre in broad daylight?"

"This is not work of witch,it's work of something demon or real demon."

    Judith sat on the sofa, taking a sip of champagne. In despair, she suddenly felt a sensation of high wind that moved her hair and caused her to drop her champagne glass. Nexy stood in front of her, blood staining his clothes. Her eyes widened in amazement, and her little mouth pouted in a sense of cherishment, as if she had seen a real flash.

"I found another body recently, also there is some one named Ricky suspicious about me n I killed a man who's following me."

     Judith eyes Wide open, heart pounding quicker, Got hold of temporary control, inhaled.

"Hey slow down tell me everything on clear detailed manner."

Some house in town, filled with moanin sounds.

Two couple in sofa kissing and moaning girl  place hands on guys zip,guy place hands on girl tshirt, slightly up,as he about to completely up, door knocking sound followed through their ears, having sense of frustration dissatisfaction of incomplete sex,

"Hello, who is it hello excuse me who is it ?."

Black hood man in full black n black mask with serious look on his eyes stabbed them with needle so quickly before voice from mouth comes out green liquid comes out from their mouth in place of their voice and blood.