
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Power on the Next Level

"I choose the path of evolution".

As soon as Vexen uttered these words from his mouth, he fell unconscious.

His next evolution would be a major upgrade, for both his body, and soul.

[You have done well on your journey of power, and revenge. Your efforts will be rewarded ten fold. You will now undergo an evolution like no other, and have a taste of what true power feels like.]

{Major Evolution in Progress}

{Reforming Musculoskeletal System}

1% . . . 100%

{Reformation of Musculoskeletal System complete}

{Evolving Mana heart, and Demonic Essence core, into a Miasma Core}

1% . . . 100%

{Miasma core Evolution complete}

{Creating Soul Realm}

{WARNING: soul has a High amount of Abyssal Energy. Calculating Solution}

1% . . . 100%

{Solution Reached: Your soul Realm Will Evolve Into A soul Reality.}

1% . . . 100%

{Soul Reality Formation Complete}

{Perfect Fusing of Body and Soul Progress}

1% . . . 100%

{Perfect Fusion of Body and Soul Complete}

{Updating Spells and Abilities to match new Evolution}

1% . . . . 100%

[Congratulations, Your evolution is complete. You will now be woken up.]

Vexen then woke up, and the first thing he did was check his status screen.

{Name: Vexen Ravenlocke}

{Level: 10}

{Exp: 0/1,100}

{Race: Elder Demonic Revenant of Discord} (Progenitor Demonic Undead)

{Patrons: None}

{Bloodlines: Archdemon Kavosis / Eye of the Abyss }

{Reputation Ranks}:

(Planes of hell: Demon Noble)

(The Void: Greater eye of chaos)

{Souls Currently Collected: 358}

{Ritual of Rebirth lv.2: People turned: 1/30}

{Familiar: N/A}


Health: 30,000/30,000

Miasma: 40,000/40,000

Chaos: 500/500

Hunger Meter: Relieved - You have devoured flesh recently and have sated your hunger.

Existence Rank: Primal: 1/10

Strength: 10,500

Intelligence: 20,000

Vitality: 15,000

Defense: 12,000

Speed: 5,000

Charisma: 3,500


Spells Known:

{Flesh/Soul Manipulation} (LV.1) Mana cost: Depends on circumstance

[Living beings are your clay and you are the sculptor. You can make golems and other monstrosities out of living beings. Your imagination is your limit.] (must be level 50 or below)

{Discordant Mind Puppeteering} (LV.1) Mana cost: 10 Miasma per minute for 1 mind (cost increases by 10 per mind)

[Sentient Beings are your Puppets, and you are the Puppeteer. Any intelligent being capable of rational thought, will become a puppet with its strings in your hands.] (must be level 50 or below)

{Realm Rendering Bolt} (LV.1) Miasma Cost: 15

[The Realm Rendering Bolt is powerful enough to instantly kill anything below level 15, and will critically wound anything below level 30. In other cases Realm Rendering Bolt will still do decent damage. This spell will also corrode the opponents very existence over time.] (spell can stack limitlessly)

{Discordant Spell: Planar Summoning}(LV.1) Chaos cost: Depends on the Summon

[You can now summon a Being From the Planes of existence to Do your Bidding.]

{Revenant's Field of Undeath}(LV.1) Miasma Cost: 2 Per second

[You can continuously raise an unlimited amount of undead in a 120 ft. radius, to do your bidding as long as you have the Miasma to fuel this spell]

{Spirit Summoning Arts} (LV.1) Miasma Cost: 30 per spirit

[Spirits are a non-physical type of summon that can be used for many useful tasks. Spirits will only stay summoned as long as they want to.]


{Progenitor of Demonic Undeath} (passive)

[You have become a unique existence. Demonic Undeath is different than normal undeath because normally, undead would not be able to house any demonic blood, But you have defied logic and done so. You will be able to traverse the planes of hell with little to no difficulty. You are the Original Demonic Undead.]

{Soul Manipulating Claws} (passive)

[As a Elder Demonic Revenant of Discord ,Your claws of bone will corrode the flesh and even slice through the toughest of dragon scales with ease. You can Grasp onto your enemy's soul and rip it from their body. (Effectiveness depends on circumstance). ]

{Soul Reality of Discordant Chaos} (lv.1) (passive)

[Your soul Reality can be fed souls to Construct planetary systems and Unique forms of life. You can also store anything in your soul reality and it won't be damaged.]

{Eyes of the void Gazer} (Passive/Togglable)

[Your eyes are a tool of absolute knowledge, and destruction. You can now peer into the void, and make contact with an eldritch being.(Allows you make contact with a void god and get a patron) You can see through any lie, or illusion, even those created by demi gods. You are also able to look an undetermined amount of time into the future. Your eyes can peek into alternate Realities.(Depends on circumstance) Your eyes will invoke a primal fear into any target of your choice. ]

{Mind of Discord} (passive)

[Your mind is incapable of being affected by mind spells, and will reflect any damage against your mind. In addition, those who try to peer into your mind, will suffer a debuff depending on how they try to look. (EX. Nausea, Blindness, Insanity, or confusion. Effectiveness depends on your level.) You can form extra consciousnesses in your mind to increase your thinking capacity. ]

{Miasma Core}(lv. 1)(Can level this skill up using souls)

[Miasma is a Unique energy Only Available to Demonic undead, It is a highly corruptive, and highly powerful energy, That will corrupt anything it comes in contact with. Spells casted with miasma are 10 times as deadly as spells casted with normal mana.]

{Contract With The Discordant One} (lv.1)

[You are now able to use the power of select few powerful demons, and make a contract with sentient beings. Everything in the contract must be upheld, or Consequences will follow.]

Hello everyone, todays chapter is a longer one, because i wanted to list every status chage that Vexen went Through.

I hope everyone is enjoying the novel so far.

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