
Chapter 1

"Run faster Jeeon! speed! loud and breathless cry of his brother who followed him running through a vast forest. The rival Alpha is chasing them after they had killed their—."

"Your story is always like that, grandpa, isn't there anything new? it's irritating to hear it over and over again." I said while fixing my p.e uniform. Today is monday and we have school. I put my p.e uniform in my bag to take to school and there will be an activity at p.e later. "I'm leaving!" I shouted to my mother who was behind the house, she was fixing Dad's tools that were scattered on the ground.

Grandpa turned to me and smiled slightly and nodded. "Be careful, Sandra, there is a duty that you must fulfill at the right time," he said, causing my forehead to twitch. I don't know why he always tells me that everytime I'm leaving for School or somewhere.

"There you go again, grandpa, I'm leaving now, bye!" I said goodbye and ran out of the house.

Sometimes I thought that maybe what grandpa told me and my sister in kindergarten might be true, because what if it's true that wolves really do exist? very cool, isn't it? I once dreamed of seeing a werewolf after watching the movie twilight but I thought it was impossible because those shown on tv are not true, only if it is based on a true story that is being acted out.

"Sandra wait up! hey, do you have your p.e uniform?" Selene ran when she saw me get off the bus, we are now entering the main gate of this campus. "Yup, why? don't tell me you left yours?" She nodded and made a sad face in front of me. She's always like that, very forgetful.

"Come on, you'll be dead to miss Marianie later. why are you so forgetful?"

"That's why it's really annoying! Wait, I'll call dad, I'll ask him to bring it over," she said and dialed her cellphone. When we arrived at the classroom, miss Jones, our homeroom teacher, also arrived. we sat down and took out the notes we had left unfinished on friday.

"Okay class, prepare your papers and pens and listen carefully," she said which immediately surprised us all. "We have a quiz, after the quiz I will leave first, personally mster," she added. I winced when I looked back at the annoyed looks of my classmates while looking in front of the blackboard. It's because we didn't do a review, so I can understand their reaction.


"You said you didn't study?" Selene asked with a frown after Miss Jones left. "It's true, is there anyone who didn't study and got a perfect score in the sudden quiz?" Bianca replied. She is my cousin from the west who just moved here in North Carolina. "There is, I am." I proudly answered. We laughed at my answer while walking to the gym. It's our p.e so we're already wearing our p.e uniform before we go straight to the gym. It's good that Selene's dad dropped off her p.e. uniform on time otherwise, she would probably be absent from our p.e teacher's class.

"Hurry up because we're about to start!" I hurried to Selene. "Okay okay! I'm done!" She answered and quickly left the gym's dressing room. Miss Marianie arrived a few moments later, but she was not alone, as she was accompanied by a handsome man with thick eyebrows that stood out in his personality. I didn't notice that he was also wearing a uniform, so I was just shock when ma'am said that he would be our classmate in our p.e. and he would be our trainer?

"He is Fridolf Munard, and he's gonna be your new trainer in my subject." she explained. I understand what Miss Miriana said, but sheet! why is he so handsome? he looks like an exotic boy from another planet. while he was introducing himself and talking, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by him. He was so handsome and so perfect in my eyes that I couldn't stop myself from imagining him in my mind.

"Hey, are you okay? You were out of your mind a while ago, what's going on with you?" Selene shook me when she noticed that I had been motionless and was only staring in one direction. "Oh. huh? do you think he has a girlfriend?" I asked out of nowhere. "What?" She laughed when she heard my question and slapped while looking at me. She didn't expect to hear that from me.

"I don't know, how do I know when we don't know each other?" She answered while taking a selfie with her new iPhone14 promax. I was still looking at fridolf until he saw me looking at him. "Oh my god! did he see me? so embarrassing!" I covered my face with a piece of newspaper due to embarassment. A few minutes later I looked at him again where he was busy talking to my male classmates, but our eyes met when he immediately looked back at me while forming a hot image on his face while smiling.

Fredolf has fair skin, rather thick fur and brown hair. His round eyes and a mixture of blue and red stood out the most in his entire personality. The first time I looked at him I knew he was different from everyone else, because he was the only one who captivated my sleeping heart and soul.


The last subject wasn't even finished when the bell rang, so everyone crowded into the hallway. Why the hell are they always competing with each other going out the room? They we're pushing each other in the hallway so I waited for everyone to leave before I left the room. When I didn't see any students, I put on that bag and left the classroom and walked calmly in the hallway.

"Hey!" a voice echoed in the hallway, I turned around but was surprised to see Fredolf ​​standing not far from where I was standing. I didn't say anything, I just looked at him with my mouth closed. "ka-kathrana, right?" He asked. I didn't know what to do so in the fact that I was also ashamed of him, I ran. he chased me because he wondered why I ran. "W-what's the problem? wait!" He shouted while also running after me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DaoistKIrcErcreators' thoughts