
Resident Evil: Resurgence

Starr_Dakota · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs


"What are you injecting me with?" Carlos asked as Alice stuck his arm with the syringe. Nick watched them from the back seat with curiosity while the building with the helicopter came into view.

"The anti-virus." Alice explained while she put the syringe back in its case and L.J. pulled the car over. Nick was the first to get out and saw several Umbrella soldiers standing in various locations around the building. They others got out and watched as Nick began to casually make his way to the soldiers. They pointed their guns at Nick, and he stopped as they walked up to him. Everyone's eyes widened as blood sprayed from under the helmets, and Nick was facing them with his knife out.

"You guys find your own way in, so they think I'm the only one here." Nick told them as he walked into the building.

"He might be an asshole but his logic isn't flawed." Jill said as they went to the back entrance, and Alice found a way to the roof. She watched as Nick tore through Umbrella's forces as if they were paper, and she smirked before tightening a cable and jumping from the roof. She landed behind the three soldiers and quickly killed them as the others made it to the roof. Carlos threw a knife into a soldier behind Alice, and it took her a moment to realize what had happened.

"You missed one." Carlos told her with a grin before they were surrounded by Umbrella's soldiers and taken hostage. Nick watched as their wrists were bound, and they were forced onto their kness. He was too far away to hear what was said, but judging from what was happening, Alice was being forced to fight Nemesis. Nick stepped out of the shadows as the man who seemed to be leading the Umbrella forces threw Alice two batons, and he looked at Nick with a smile.

"I was wondering when you would show up." The man said as he watched Alice and Nemesis continue their battle, "Your prime directive is to hunt down bioweapons, so it was only a matter of time."

"It used to be." Nick told him as he leaned against a concrete barrier, and the man pointed a gun at Angie, "What do you think you're doing?"

"You agreed to save this girl, didn't you? Both of you stop!" He yelled to Alice and Nemesis, who looked at him with confusion, "Nemesis, I want you to kill Requiem."

"Real bitch move to use threaten a little girl." Nick said as Nemesis picked up his rocket launcher and pointed it at him. Nick knew that if he dodged then Angie would be killed and let the rocket slam into his chest, slamming him into the wall.

"Nick!" Alice yelled as the flames blocked their view of him and she glared at the man. He laughed at their reactions as a silhouette appeared in the flames and Nick stepped out looking feral. Before one of the soldiers could react Nick straightened his hand and shoved it through the visor of his helmet. Nick dashed towards the soldiers and as one turned to open fire Nick grabbed his head before slamming his gun through his helmet. The man tried to pull it out but Nick snatched the trigger and the rifled emptied its magazine into the soldier's head.

"Jill now!" Carlos yelled as he jumped the soldier in front of him and Jill followed his lead before Carlos punched the man and pulled Angie away from the fight.

"Nemesis kill Project Alice now!" The man as yelled the he recovered from the punch and Nemesis picked up its minigun before killing the men beside her. Alice sprinted inside as a helicopter opened fire on her and she made it past the windows just to see three men with rifles pointed at her. She dropped her gun before dropping to the and shooting the three men and walking back outside. She saw two helicopters waiting for her and she began to try to shoot the pilots with no success as Nemesis fired a rocket at one, destroying it and the second helicopter narrowly avoided it but Alice watched as Nick lept into the air and slam into its side, sending it straight into the crashing helicopter.

"No!" Alice yelled as one of the helicopters bounced across the ground and crushed Nemesis as Nick landed on his feet. When he saw Nemesis's under the fireball his face contorted in anger and they could feel his bloodlust. His irises turned blood red as two soldiers rushed him with batons but he kicked the men's legs from under them and shoved their batons into their chests. Alice shot two soldiers behind Nick and his face was calm as he looked at her with his eyes returned to their natural light blue before they saw that multiple zombies made it to the roof.

"Nick we don't have time!" Alice yelled as she ran to the helicopter and he followed her lead as its rotors began to spin. They both made it on last second and Nick watched the zombies below as Jill held a gun to the man's face.

"If you expect me to be-" He started before Nick grabbed his arm and threw him towards the ground. He looked at Nick in utter shock as the zombies surrounded him and Nick watched as they began to tear into the man.

"Everyone grab something!" Carlos yelled as the missile flew past them and wiped the city out. The shockwave made the helicopter spin out and Nick fell onto a large rock below them. He watched the helicopter crash before his vision faded and he stopped moving.

"Do you remember anything?" Isaacs asked Alice as the gave her a jacket to cover up with and a scientist told Isaacs that Nick was waking up as well. Nick's eyes opened and he locked eyes with Alice, making them both remember what had happened in Raccoon City.

"My name is Alice and I remember everything." She told Isaacs as Nick's container shattered and he landed on his feet while she took out three scientists. Nick placed his palm on Isaacs chest and shoved him across the room. The two looked at each other again before Nick killed the guards running towards them as Alice handled the scientists around the room. He took the armored pants off of one of the guards and slid them on before they walked through the halls of the building. He saw Alice stop and felt some kind of power come off of her as she stared at a camera above them before she smirked and they walked outside to see Carlos talking to the guards waiting for them and they climbed into the car their friends had brought.

"What the hell did they do to you two." Jill asked but Nick remained silent as Alice began to record herself on the video camera.