
Resident evil - The last message for night lily.

This is season 2 of Resident evil - Faded of twilight wings. The incident on the cruise ship may have ended. Even though it took many victims and several BSAA members sacrificed to save people who could be saved. All of this requires a lot of struggle. Rachel is cared for and supervised by the BSAA at Hans' request. Arthur returns to his uncle. Meanwhile, Chris is trying to continue his duties and also find out about Jill's whereabouts. Unfortunately, this time... Chris received news from the BSAA that Hans Campbell was kidnapped. He is in a facility where there is a nest-shaped BOW and is able to release BOW just by eating humans, dead or alive. Worse yet, Rachel, who heard this, forced herself to go with Chris because she felt guilty for letting herself be kidnapped and used as a BOW soldier. Like it or not, Chris let Rachel help him. Moreover, with the help of 3 BSAA members, he tried desperately to save Hans. During the mission, Chris and the others found out the reason why Rachel's body was resistant to a drug. Can they conquer this mission?

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

Chapter 05 : reunion, and new threats..

Back for now..

The situation may be starting to calm down. But soon, panic set in.

Several doctors and nurses rushed to one of the patient rooms.

Chris and Hans found out that they rushed to Rachel's room. Seeing that, Chris took Hans to the bathroom to wash his face first.

After looking calm enough, they then returned to the waiting room. They were both patiently waiting for the completion of the examination by the doctors and nurses.

About 20 minutes later, a doctor came out of Rachel's room and met Chris and Hans. They listened to the doctor's explanation carefully.

A long time later.. they were invited to come in and meet Rachel in the room.


At that time..


"I know it won't be easy. But I'm sure that Rachel also feels the same way. You just need to explain it, calmly and honestly. Then Rachel will definitely understand. Let Rachel know how much you miss her, let Rachel know how you feel as the older brother she misses."


Chris let Hans meet Rachel first. As soon as he entered, Hans saw that Rachel had opened her eyes. Slowly, Hans approached Rachel. He saw her silent and in a confused state.


"Who are you? Where am I?"

Hans was surprised because Rachel didn't recognize him. Even so, he tried to calm himself first without looking surprised.


"Sir! What is this place? Why am I alone in this place!"

Suddenly Hans sat down and held Rachel's hand.


"You may not recognize me. Or don't remember me. But, I always remember. That I was always like this.. and crying. Because I was always waiting for you to wake up. That's all. Rachel."

Seeing Hans who was holding Rachel's hand trembling, Rachel suddenly began to remember. That the one who always held her hand while waiting and holding back his sadness was none other than her older brother.

"Brother. Is that you, brother? You look... different."

"Yes. Rachel. It's me."

Knowing this made Rachel unable to hold back her tears of emotion.


She cried, even though she couldn't get out of bed. She continued to cry while calling her older brother. Hans even didn't want to let go of Rachel's hand and he continued to hold her hand. The two siblings express their longing for each other.


(It seems to be going normally. Maybe it's better if I let them go first. Philip. Cassandra. At least you two can be calm there. Even though only a few survived, at least.. the struggle of both of you is not in vain.)

Chris who was outside the room could only smile. Because he didn't want to disturb him, he decided to let the Campbell siblings enjoy their time first.

Because Chris was at BSAA, he decided to go to his old room, before he left and looked for accommodation because he had to find out about the clues he had been looking for. After all, it had been a long time since he had been there because he had been through so much. Moreover, knowing that now is a full moon night and also filled with shining stars. He wished he could see that view all the time.

Unfortunately, he can't. While he was walking while looking at the stars in the sky, he recalled the incident on the cruise ship. Moreover, the incident may have left him with quite serious injuries. Apart from the physical wounds that had not fully healed, he also felt emotional wounds. All the wounds were so painful.

However, the injury may not be as serious as the one he received since the incident at Spencer Mansion.


Suddenly the phone rang.



At first it sounded quiet.

Until then...


Suddenly, his phone emitted some kind of strong frequency, which made Chris faint.


The voice sounded weak. But somehow, the voice sounded like a threat.



Hans and Rachel were able to meet and express their longing for each other.

But it seems something has happened to Chris.

What happened to him?

Scarlet_Wolf96creators' thoughts