
chapter one: Betrayal

Dorry sat their looking lost . She didn't know how she got to the bus stop. She sat there looking into space. How could she process what had just happened to her. Tears had dried on her cheeks and her eyes had lost focus. Her soul had died.

Her phone kept ringing but she didn't hear . She was confused and her heart was in so much pain that she clutched her chest. But even with all the pain ,her eyes remained soulless.

She stood up slowly and boarded the bus before it left. After half an hour,she was at her small apartment. Opening the door, she had a movement behind her but she didn't bother to know what it was. She entered the house and before she could close the door, she saw Lina her best friend looking at her in shock.

"What happened to you Dorry?" Lina asked.

"You look like you have been crying and you even lost some wait." She added holding her hand. Her heart ached for her friend.After calling her several times without a response,she knew something was wrong and decided to visit. But looking at the lost look on her face, she knew it was something deep and painful. Dorry had always been strong. What could make her seem so confused and lost?.It must be something big.

Dorry went directly to her bed. She looked at Lina and the tears that had dried up started falling when she saw the concern on her face. She hugged her tightly and started sobbing.


Lina looked at the sleeping figure and felt heartbroken for her friend. She must have suffered a heavy blow. But she didn't know what happened for her to console her. She had to wait for her to talk about it.She decided to make her some porridge . She closed her bedroom door and proceeded to the kitchen.

After busying herself in the kitchen,she went to the sitting room and decided to watch a drama program. She was so immersed in the drama that she didn't notice Dorry who had woken up and was sitting on the couch with a bowl of porridge. She just noticed her presence when her phone started ringing.

After answering the call, she looked at her friend inquisitively.

"What happened?"she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." She responded

"But you need to release it from your heart dear."Lina said

"I am so sad and angry at myself for believing in him Linah." Dorry said

"Tell me what he did and I will go beat him up for you." She answered.

"There is nothing you can do about it Linah. It's already too late." Dorry said sadly.

"Okay just tell me what happened."she added


Dorry started remembering how she had left her work station that evening. She worked in a jewelry company as a designer while her boyfriend Matt worked as a departmental head in a supply and manufacturing company. She was used to passing by Matt's office after closing for the day.

During the day, she had caller Matt but there was no response. She had booked a hotel to celebrate His birthday. So she decided to drop by as always. Many of the employees knew her because they always saw her with Matt. Going straight for the elevator,she pressed Matt's floor and entered the elevator.

She reached the floor but the receptionist wasn't there,so she decided to go in without waiting for her presence to be announced. As she was about pushing the door,she heard voices.

"Baby when am I meeting your family?" aA female voice asked.

"Soon baby. For now let's celebrate my birthday."Matt's voice answered.

She couldn't take it anymore and stomped into the office. What she saw made her unable to react. Matt's secretary was sitting on his lap kissing him.Upon seeing her ,Matt didn't even stop but continued with the kiss.

"What is happening here?"She managed to ask.

"What else do you see happening?" Matt fired back.

"But honey, I just got you cheating." She responded.

"Who is she baby?" Matt's secretary asked.

"She is just a nobody who keeps disturbing my life. She thinks I will fall in love with an opharn . She is a jinx that brings sorrows to whoever comes close to her." He said looking at Dorry with a disgusted expression.

Dorry couldn't believe her ears. Wasn't he the same person who told her he couldn't live without her? Is it her fault to have lost her parents? She couldn't hold back her tears.

"Why Matt? After all the promises you made to me." She asked.

"I never promised you anything. You are not my type. Look at your dressing style. Look at your looks . Who would want such an ugly person. I love Stephanie and nothing can come between us, not to talk of you." Matt said.

Dorry stood there looking at Matt . This was not the Matt she used to love. What happened overnight. She remembered pleading with Matt to let her be his secretary when the position was open. She was jobless by then and needed it but he refused. Now she knew he had been cheating on her all the while.

Matt kissed Stephanie before looking back at Dorry.

" She gives me everything you denied me. How can I not love her?"

Dorry had always told him to wait for their wedding night. But he was a man and he had needs. And Stephanie decided to help thus making him fall in love with her. Was he to blame.

Dorry was shocked,she thought he was ready to wait for her. But now she realized how naive she had been. Looking at the couple before her,her heart was shattered but she still smiled and said,"Then I wish you happiness." Before she stomped off.She didn't even look back . Nothing was left there for her . Her dreams with Matt had been shattered.


Lina was so angry that she started cursing Matt. Who didn't he think he was? He was the one who kept telling her not to overdress and to stop using makeups.Her friend was so beautiful even without the makeup.

"We have to make him regret ever hurting you." Lina said

"I don't want trouble with anyone Lina. I will just move on and focus on my life and career." Dorry answered

"You don't need to do anything neither do I. We just need to get on with life . You need to move on and show him you are not a jinx but a successful young lady. You need to live for yourself and make yourself look better. I know he wants to see you miserable." Lina said looking at her mischievously. She was going to make Matt see what he had just lost.

"Okay dear , I will follow your lead."Dorry said

"Hope you don't forgive him if he comes back to you?" She asked

"Of course I won't. I can't give him a chance to hurt me again." Dorry responded.

Lina had been Dorry's friend since childhood and knew that although she seemed strong, she was really hurting inside. She was just trying to put herself together and control her emotions.


Dorry thought she could live her life and move on without any problems,but that was just a dream. Her fate had played out another game on her. Lina left after dinner after discussing some matters with her. She went to sleep but she couldn't sleep a wink. Everything kept playing out in her mind.

Early in the morning,she woke up early and prepared herself for work. She made herself simple breakfast, pancakes with tea. She boarded the bus as usual, she had been taking the bus to save some money.

Within twenty minutes, she had arrived at the company. Going straight to her office, she passed by her colleques who greeted her. She just smiled at them as she was still not in the mood to chitchat.

"Hello Dorry," Christina greeted. She was one of her colleques she got along well with.

"Hello Christina," she responded with a smile.

"Ms. Valerie came to the office looking for you. She said you should go see her immediately you arrive." She informed her.

"But I don't have any business with her. We always deal with our department manager. How come she is looking for me?" She asked feeling confused.

" I don't know,you will only get to find out after meeting her." She answered.

"Okay Christina, thanks for informing me. I will get going now." She said heading for the elevator.

"Okay." Christina shouted behind her.

She entered the elevator feeling nervous. Something seemed off about this early morning summon.

Arriving at the top floor,she asked the secretary to inform Ms. Valerie the CEO of her visit. As she was waiting,she felt her heart beat increase. Her palms were sweating. She had never gone to the CEO's office since she started working here two months ago. Something was definitely going to happen.

As she was still thinking about what could be the reason for her summon, she had the secretary call her .

"Hey Ms. Dorry, the CEO is waiting for you. You can go in." She said.

" Okay thanks." She replied before pushing the door to the CEO'S office gently. Ms. Valerie was sitting on her chair working on the computer. When she had the door open,she looked up to see who has entered her office.

" Oh so it's you Ms. Dorry. You can have a sit." She said

" Thanks boss ." She replied sitting down.

"You send for me." She said sounding nervous.

"Yes I came looking for you but you had not arrived. I have something I need to tell you. I know you are a good employee who has been delivering her best for my company but am sorry we no longer need your services." She said

" What? Did I do something wrong?" She asked. She couldn't believe she was being fired just like that.

"No, but the person who recommended you for the job has cancelled his recommendation stating some reasons we can't overlook." She answered. She was sad to loose such an employee but she owed that person a favor.

" Okay, I understand." She responded in a small voice. She already knew who could sabotage her this way.

She stood up looking lost again. She had been looking for a job since she graduated one year ago and managed to get one two months ago after Matt helped her. How was she going to survive without her job. The rent, the food and other necessities. Was she a jinx as Matt had said or was she just unlucky?

Ms. Valerie looked at Dorry and felt pity for her. She seemed so lost and sad. She seemed to have lost all joy for she always smiled. This blow had gone deep into her heart.


Dorry didn't know how she left the CEO'S office to her office. She packed her things in a small carton before leaving.

"Hey Dorry, what happened?" Christina asked. She loved Dorry for her dedication to work .

" I just got fired without a reason ." She replied smiling deprecatingly.

" What? "

" Yeah , I have to go Christina but I will keep in touch." She said taking her stuff and leaving. She couldn't break before this people.

She left the building that had given her hope for the past two months feeling complicated. Why would they just fire her for the sake of Matt who was even their employee. Was her contribution nothing compared to him? Tears were breaming in her eyes but she held them back. She couldn't cry.


She had been walking aimlessly for a long time before she received a call. Matt was calling.

" Do you think you can live without me helping you?" He asked without even courtesy of greetings.

" You will have to come beg me soon. You will always live under me. You are just my slave." He added laughing like a maniac.

Before he could say another word, Dorry cut off the phone before blocking his line. She didn't have the time to argue with him. But she wasn't going to let him dictate her life. She would prove that she didn't need him in her life. But how?


Matt sat in his office chair frowning. Did she just cut off his call? He knew she was always proud and he wanted to break her ego,yet she just disconnected the call. He had to call her again to give her a piece of his mind. He didn't need her in his life. He already had Stephanie who was more classy and beautiful.

He phoned her again but she had blocked him.

" What? She actually blocked me?" He was shocked.

Before he could think more about it, Stephanie appeared at the door.

" Hello babe." she greeted.

" Hello beautiful." He responded smiling

" My friend is having a party this evening, will you come with me ?" She asked.

" Okay babe, I will." He replied pecking her lips.

He had fallen in love with her the day he set his eyes on her the first time she came to his office. Now that she was his, he was a fulfilled man. He was even planning to marry her.


Dorry arrived at her apartment exhausted. She had been walking for a full one hour in heels. He legs were almost swollen. Sitting on the couch, she started sobbing.

" Why is my life so bitter? I don't have anyone in this life anymore. Even my own destiny has betrayed me. Where did I go wrong. Mum, dad I miss you so much. I wish you were here, all these wouldn't be happening. We would be a happy family. The world has rejected me mom and dad. What do I do?" She kept sobbing . She was tired of this life. Fate was busy playing games with her.

Dorry cried herself to sleep. She slept on the couch with swollen eyes. Tears had left marks on her face. Anybody who saw her in this condition would pity her.


Lina had been waiting for Dorry to call her. They had planned to go shopping for her new look. She wanted to help Dorry change her wardrobe and buy some make-up. She had been waiting since she closed for work. Lina worked at a hotel as a waiter. She had settled for this job after searching for a job without luck. She was an accountant. She graduated the same year with Dorry.

Looking at the time, she decided to call Dorry but her phone was off. Her heart was restless. Something wasn't right. Her apartment wasn't far from Dorry's,so she decided to go check on her. Arriving at the door, it was open. She entered the house only to cry out in fear and shock. Her friend was sleeping on the couch with swollen eyes. She didn't even cover herself. She had thrown everything on the floor.

Linah went for a blanket to cover her first before tidying the place. That is when she saw the termination later.

" What? Her job contract was terminated?" She murmured after reading the letter. She now knew what had happened. She had undergone another heartbreak.


Matt closed for work before going home to prepare for the party. He didn't want to disappoint Stephanie. He put on a blue suit and combed his hair. He was handsome and dressing up made him look even better.

He left the house in his car to Stephanie's place to pick her up.

Stephanie wore a long black dress that outlined her curves. She had light makeup on her face making her look beautiful and seductive.

Matt was amazed when he saw her. She was extremely beautiful today. He got out of the car to get the door for her. After settling in the car, he started the car before looking at her.

" You look so stunning." He complimented

" Thanks dear, you look dashing too." She replied

" Seeing you looking this beautiful makes me want to hide you away from everyone." He said to her smiling.

" Then I will have to hide you too." She responded.

They chatted for the rest of the journey before arriving at the party. Everyone looked at them when they entered hand in hand. They were eye-catching.

Christina who had attended the party was shocked. She looked at Matt feeling confused.

" Isn't he supposed to come with Dorry as his girlfriend? Dorry would be so heartbroken if she found out especially after loosing her job today." She murmured.

A handsome man who had been sitting their quietly turned to look at the couple after hearing this. He was shocked to learn that Dorry had lost her job. Just today morning, his personal assistant had told him about what happened in Matt's office yesterday. She had just suffered a heartbreak and now she lost her job. Andrew's heart ached for her. She was such a lovely young lady who didn't deserve all this.

Christina wanted to call Dorry and inform her but she couldn't bring herself to be the one to break this heart shattering news to her. She looked at Stephanie who seemed to be enjoying the attention and sneered.

" She thinks she has hit a jackpot. Matt is just blind . Dorry is two times beautiful than she is. Only a blind man will leave her for such an ugly thing." She murmured sipping her wine.

Andrew looked at Christina and gave her a thumps up in his heart. She seemed to be Dorry's true friend.

The party continued late into the night before people started leaving. It was an engagement party.


Dorry had been sleeping for a long time without waking up. Lina who had already prepared dinner was beginning to worry. Dorry had slept almost for seven hours without any sign of waking up. Walking up to her, she extended her hand to tap her to wake up. But when she touched her , she was shocked. Her temperature was so high. She had a fever. Lina rushed to the kitchen to get get some water before using a wet towel to try and cool her off, but the more she tried the higher the fever got. She had no option that to call one of the neighbors for help. She was planning on taking her to the hospital but the neighbor suggested calling a doctor over.

Within a few minutes, the doctor arrived. He diagnosed her first before giving her an injection.

" Make some soup or porridge and give it to her before giving her this medicine." The doctor said handing the medicine to Lina.

" Okay doctor. Thanks for coming to help us." She responded.

" That is our job." He said smiling.

The neighbor volunteered to see him off . Lina thanked them before closing the door. She had to take care of Dorry.


The next day , Dorry woke up feeling weak. She couldn't remember what happened after getting fired yesterday. Looking at Lina who was sleeping beside her, she knew something happened. She looked around and noticed the medicine on the table. Before she could call out to Lina,she woke up.

" You are awake. How do you feel now?" She asked looking at her eagerly.

"I feel weak and hungry." She answered feeling confused.

" Thank God the fever is gone. Let me prepare breakfast for you before you take your medicine." She said hurrying to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Huh! Was I sick." Dorry was shocked.

But looking at Lina and how the room looked, she knew she had been sick and Lina had been taking care of her.

After half an hour, Lina came back with a bowl of porridge.

" The doctor said you should eat before taking your medicine." She said handing her the bowl.

" Did we go to the hospital? How come I don't remember?" She asked perplexed.

"Not really, I asked one of your neighbors for help and he helped call a doctor over." She responded.

" Oh, thanks Lina. You are always the best." She said smiling.

After breakfast and taking medicine. Lina had to go to work. She promised to come by after work and see how she was fearing on.

Dorry was left alone feeling better after the fever had healed. Although she was weak, she felt much better. She couldn't stop thinking about loosing her job. Loosing Matt wasn't that big of an issue but now loosing her job had made her loose the only tinge of hope she had. How was she going to get through this?


Matt had been trying to reach Dorry and taunt her but her phone wasn't reachable. He even send her a photo of him and Stephanie but he didn't get a reaction from her. He didn't know why he was disturbed. He knew she would come begging for help soon. He had broken her to the point of no recovery.


Dorry who had been home feeling idle, remembered she had a phone. She opened her phone to find several missed calls from Christina and Linah . She didn't see the photos Matt had send because she had already blocked him everywhere. She decided to call Christina, she might be nervous as for Lina , she knew her missed calls were of yesterday.

The call connected on the first ring.

" Hello Dorry, you finally called. I was so worried about you . What happened?" She asked

" Hello Christina, I had a fever and my phone was off ." She responded feeling touched. At least she had people who worried about her.

" Ooh, how are you feeling now?" She asked

" Am better now. Why did you call yesterday?"

"I just wanted to check on you after what happened. I knew you must be feeling sad." She said. She had grown to love Dorry and treated her as a friend.

" Thanks Christina, life has to go on but if you hear of any vacancy please let me know. I need a job." She said

" Okay I will be on the lookout for you. Let me go back to work. We will talk later."

"Bye." Dorry answered feeling happy.

She felt better talking to someone. She had to start looking for a job. She had a lot of bills to take care of.


Andrew couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Dorry.She was still young to be going through this. He had to find a way to help her. He remembered meeting her at the park the first time with a certain girl. Sighing , he looked at his phone contacts before opting to call his friend Bill fo help.

" Hello Andrew, you finally decided to call me.What's up?" It was unlike Andrew to call him during work hours.

" Does it mean I usually don't call you? Anyway I need your help. " He responded

" You know I didn't mean that. What do you want my help with?" He asked.

"I want you to help trace someone for me. I don't know her name, but I know her friend." He said

" Have you finally fallen in love. I will help you look for her immediately. Give me the details."

" Actually, I only need her help with something. Her friend's name is Dorry. She has been working for Valerie for two months before she was fired yesterday." He gave the details.

" Okay that is an easy one. But why would Valerie fire her? She always hires competent people." Billy couldn't help asking.

" Even I don't know, we will find out after you complete the task." He replied

" Okay, give me two days and I will give you the information." He said before hanging up.

Andrew knew he was busy and wouldn't read meaning to him hanging up. He couldn't wait to help Dorry out. He knew she wouldn't accept his help if he approached her personally. That is why he had to find her friend to help.


Dorry had been in the house either sleeping or watching for two days. She was getting frustrated with having to sit idle. She had to find something to do. Lina had been visiting her every evening but today she said she was working overtime and couldn't come by to visit.

Dorry felt suffocated in the house and decided to go grocery shopping with the little money she had left. She had used her savings to refund Lina for her treatment and medicine bills. If she didn't find a way to earn money soon, she would be in for trouble with the landlord.

She dressed up warmly before leaving the house. She couldn't risk getting a fever again since she didn't have the money to pay for medical expenses. Arriving at the grocery store, she picked everything she needed before paying for them.

As she was leaving, she bumped into Stephanie. She had decided to ignore her but Stephanie wouldn't allow that.

" Look who we have here. The jinx herself buying groceries to go feed her demons." She started insulting her.

" Stephanie, I don't have any problem with you. I already decided to give him to you since you like second hand things." She fired back before leaving.

Stephanie was left dumbfounded. Did she just fire back? Now everyone was looking at her. She couldn't swallow this insult. She left the store without even going in to buy the groceries she needed. She immediately called Matt after leaving the store.

" Matt , you won't believe what that ex of yours said to me ." She said crying.

" Okay babe, stop crying and tell me what happened." He comforted.

" She insulted me in public. Saying you are a second hand thing and that is why she gave you to me. " Stephanie went on to even add lies to make it seem big and as expected, Matt was so angry.

He hung up the phone seezing with rage. He couldn't believe Dorry would say all that.He had to give her a piece of his mind. Loosing her job wasn't enough to teach her a lesson. He quickly dialed her phone number but that is when he remembered she had blocked him. Before he could find a way to reach her, he received a private message with an audio.

After listening to the audio, he couldn't believe Stephanie could lie to him. Dorry just fired back after her insult. She had said that Dorry even slapped her and insulted him. Thank God he didn't call Dorry to lash out on her. He would have made a fool out of himself. But who send her the message. He tried calling the line but it wasn't connecting. Therefore, he had to give up on finding out who it was. Anyway the person just saved him from making a fool out of himself.


Dorry went home feeling better. She felt better after firing back at Stephanie. Lina had encouraged her to be strong and fight back. Kindness was for those who deserved to be treated kindly. Humming a song, she entered the kitchen to start washing the vegetables and cooking. She cooked several dishes as she was ina happy mood. She will tell Lina what happened and see her reaction. She would be so happy for her. She had always wanted to see her stand up for herself.