
chapter two: Following a new path

Lina whom Dorry was thinking about was now sitting in a private room in the hotel she worked at facing a handsome stranger. She had planned to leave work early today when her manager said she had a visitor waiting to see her. She was confused up until now because she could swear she had never met this handsome guy before her.

" Mister, do I know you?" She asked looking at him skeptically.

" Not really, but I know you. You are Dorry's friend." He replied looking at her.

After hearing Dorry's name, Lina became angry.

" If Matt send you here to use me to keep tormenting and hurting Dorry, then go back and tell her he has failed. I will protect her with everything in me. Over my dead body will he ever hurt her again. He has done enough." She said in one breath before standing up to leave. She didn't give Andrew any space to talk.

" Do you think I was send here by Matt? Am here to seek for your help." He said looking at her. Lina froze at the door. She had just turned the door handle when she had Andrew add.

" My name is Andrew. I want to help Dorry but I know approaching her wouldn't help. That is why I need your help."

She looked back shocked before asking,"Does it mean you are not here for Matt but for Dorry's sake?"

" Yes , if only you can listen to me first. I know what she has gone through and I wouldn't want to add to her problems." He explained.

" But how do you know Dorry and how did you find me?" She asked sitting back on her seat.

This reminded Andrew on how he got her work address. Immediately Billy send the email, he had gone through before leaving the office to come meet her. He couldn't wait.

" I have met Dorry several times and as for you , I saw you once with her at the park so I asked a friend to help investigate." He answered truthfully.

" Okay what do you want me to help you with."she asked.

" First, tell me everything about Dorry and then we can discuss how to help her." He replied.

Lina went ahead to tell him all she knew about Dorry. She was an opharn whose parents died in a car accident. No family member came to claim her and that is why they sent her to the opharnage. They attended the same junior school and that is when they became friends. They later went to the same high school and later got enrolled in the same college. She went ahead to tell him about how Matt broke her heart and made her loose her job.

Andrew felt pity for her. She had gone through a lot since she was young. Matt knew all this but he still hurt her. He was so cruel. But what he didn't understand was why Valerie could allow Matt influence her. He had to investigate this further to understand better.

He looked at Lina who had been quiet observing him after finishing the story before asking, " How is she feeling now?

" She is better now although she is just trying to be strong." Lina responded sipping her juice.

" How is she planning to survive after loosing her job?" He queried.

" She hasn't said anything to me and I didn't want to ask because I know she is still hurt and it will take some time for her to come around." She answered

" By the way, why are you interested in Dorry?" Lina decided to ask. She had been burning with that question since they started talking.

" You will know with time." Andrew responded smiling. Whenever he remembered that face, he wouldn't help smiling.

" By the way why would Matt give up on such a wonderful person?" He asked.

" According to him, she refused to give him what he wanted and as a man he has needs which his secretary satisfied." She responded angrily. She hated such men who made promises and later broke them.

" Okay thanks for meeting and trusting me. Take my contact. We will communicate more and discuss the way around helping her." He said before exchanging contacts and leaving.

Lina finished her juice and left the room. The bill had been taken care of.


Dorry had been restless all night. She kept thinking about how her life would change direction. She had to make a good decision. After tossing and turning around all night, she woke up with dark circles under her eyes. She prepared breakfast before using her laptop to send her cvs to different companies. She hoped for the best. She had finally decided to great a new path for herself and forget the past. It wouldn't affect this new Dorry and her life.

She also decided to settle for any decent job so long as the salary could help pay her bills. She had given up on love. She would focus completely on making herself better. Even she couldn't believe she had moved on. She would be strong for herself and fight for a better life.


In the evening, Lina visited and was happy to meet her seeming happy. They chatted and discussed different topics until Dorry remembered what had happened the previous day. After hearing the story from Dorry, Lina was so happy that she kept praising her. She was happy for her.

" You know after an encounter with Stephanie, I got to realize I should now make a decision on what I want . And I decided to avoid love and focus on my career. I would take care of myself and stop worrying about those who don't matter to me." Dorry said to Lina.

" I know, you should now be happy and keep going. The future is limitless my friend." Lina added.

" I have send out my applications to different companies, I would wait and see if any of them will consider me." She said

" I wish you all the best. I will keep praying for you." Lina said

They continued talking and prepared supper. After the meal, Lina left. She had to rest early for she had an early shift the next day.

Before going to bed, Lina texted Andrew about her discussion with Dorry.


Andrew who had been sleepless heard his phone chirp and after reading the message, he finally calmed down. He was happy she had decided to move on. Nothing could break her. Very soon,she would rise again. He had to try and help her.

He replied to the text message before going to sleep.

Lina who had received the reply, also went to sleep. She would wait and see what Andrew wanted with Dorry.


Dorry woke up with a new start. She called Lina to borrow her some money but didn't get a straight answer. Lina told her to wait till later in the day . She would try and give her any amount she got. She decided to make a shopping list as she waited for Lina. She had to buy some new official clothes and some shoes in preparation for a new look.

Lina who had received the call didn't have any money. She decided to call Andrew later and see if he can borrow her some money.


Valerie had been friends with Andrew since he was young. She had gradually fallen in love with him as they grew up but he always treated her as a sister. She even tried using Bill who was the closest to him among all the friends but he didn't want to help.

Today, she decided to go visit Andrew in his office. She dressed in a sexy dress and put on light makeup. She arrived at his office but he was in a meeting. His office was locked. She had to sit at the reception area and wait.

She had been waiting for almost an hour before she saw Andrew appear. He didn't even notice her presence. He had been waiting for the meeting to end to call Lina back. She had been calling when he was in the middle of a presentation.

Valerie who was not noticed stood up and followed him into the office. That is when Andrew noticed her.

" What brought you here this morning?" He asked sitting down at his desk.

" I just came to visit a friend. You have been scarce this days." She responded.

" You know am a busy person who likes doing my business thoroughly without letting anyone interfere." He said making Valerie feel unsettled. He spoke like he was talking about her indirectly.

" Do you have time for lunch today?" She decided to ask although she knew the response.

" I have a meeting before lunch which might take time. I will have my lunch in my office today." He said looking at his phone .He had to call Lina .

" Can I join you then?" She persisted.

" I don't like eating with anyone. I like solitude when eating." He responded dialing Lina's contact.

Within two rings , Lina received the call.

" Hello Andrew, I almost thought you wouldn't call back." She said

" I was in a meeting when you called. Did something happen?" He asked.

" Not really, but I need your help. Dorry wants me to borrow her some money to change her wardrobe but I don't have enough money. I thought you could help then we refund later." She explained.

" How much are we talking about. I was also thinking of that. She has left herself loose for a long time." He added.

" I know, I was even the one who adviced her to change her dressing code . I need twenty thousand to add on the fifteen thousand I have." She responded.

" Okay I will send you fifty thousand. Buy something for yourself as well." He said

" Okay thanks, I will send you the account number." She said.

" Okay, have a good day." He said before hanging up.

Valerie who hadn't left had been listening in on the conversation and couldn't help but feel jealous. It was clearly a woman on the other end and he was patient with her. He never talked that long on phone with her. He would always find an excuse to end the conversation.

" Who was that?" She asked.

" When did you start prying into my private life?" He asked

Valerie kept quiet. She could only blame her jealousy.

" Sorry I will take my leave." She said leaving but she didn't get any response. She left feeling humiliated. She wish she couldn't have visited.But she won't give up on him. She felt he loved her. Who wouldn't love his childhood friend.


Linah who had received the money called Dorry after requesting for a day off.

" Hello Dorry, prepare and meet me at the mall in a half an hour." She said immediately Dorry received her call.

" What is making you this happy. Am ready, I will just take the bus." She responded.

" Okay I will meet you there. Am happy because I am joining you on this shopping spree." She responded hanging up to create suspense.


Dorry changed into something nice before leaving her apartment. She went straight to the mall after alighting from the bus. She saw Lina waving at her. She hadn't even asked her anything when she dragged her to the first boutique. Lina kept selecting dresses for her. Then some shoes before selecting some things for herself. They left the mall exhausted. After arriving at her apartment, Dorry tried some of the stuff again before arranging everything. She had an interview the following day. She didn't tell Lina about the interview, she wanted to be sure before letting her know.


Lina arrived home , packed her things and called Andrew.

" Hello Lina." He answered the call.He had been waiting for her update.

" Hello, I just wanted to let you know the shopping went well. She has an interview tomorrow but she refused to let me know. I just happened to see the mail." She gave out the details.

" Which company is she going to attend the interview at?" He asked.

" I didn't manage to see the name of the company. Again I forget to tell you that she applied for a secretarial job in your company." She responded.

" Okay let me know if everything works out tomorrow. If not, I will call her for an interview." He said

" Okay thanks ." Lina said cutting off the phone. She didn't understand Andrew's interest in Dorry. Why would he be so generous. But her friend needed someone like Andrew to take care of her. She would try her best to matchmake them.


The next day, Dorry dressed in a formal blue dress and put on some make-up before leaving for the interview. She arrived at the company early but she didn't see anyone around who seemed to have come for the interview. After waiting for almost an hour, she was informed the interview had been cancelled.

" Why didn't I receive any communication on the same?" She asked the receptionist.

" It is a decision that was made this morning and all candidates were informed. Am sure you received the mail but didn't check your phone." She responded going back to her work.

Dorry checked her phone and confirmed she had received the mail. She had been so happy to check her phone. She left the company feeling sad but all hope was not lost. She will keep searching for something to do.


Valerie phoned Matt. She had implanted Matt to be her informant. He always gave her every detail about Andrew's movement. The phone was received on the second ring.

" Hello Ms. Valerie, what happened? Am always the one to call and give a report." He said after connecting the call.

" Hello Matt, has any lady visited Andrew in his office lately?" She asked.

" None that I have seen or heard off. Who gave such information?" He inquired fearing that he might have neglected his duty.

" Nobody but I was at his office yesterday morning and he kept talking to a certain lady on phone. I can't help but worry." She explained

" Don't worry, I will follow up on the issue for you." He promised.

" Okay I will be expecting to hear some news from you." She said before ending the call. She had an unsettling feeling like something wasn't right. She wouldn't allow any woman take Andrew away from her. Andrew had even stopped inviting her to his house . Even his grandma wasn't enthusiastic seeing her as before since she learnt Andrew does not love her. Even his friends seemed to be avoiding her these days. She had to come up with something else to get Andrew for herself.


Matt was just coming from lunch when he saw a familiar figure. Dorry had called Christina out for lunch after the interview got cancelled. They had just finished with their lunch when Matt saw them. But before he could see her face, she dissappeared. He convinced himself it couldn't be her. She couldn't change that much in a week.

Christina who was about to board the bus , looked at Dorry before smiling.

" You look beautiful and charming dear. Keep up with the plan." She said leaving for the bus. She had discussed with Dorry about what she saw the other day at the party and was shocked to learn Matt dumped her for Stephanie. But she was happy her friend was a strong lady.


Lina clocked off work and called Dorry but she didn't pick her calls. She went to the grocery store to pick up some fresh vegetables. She had just paid when she saw a handsome young man struggling to pick some groceries. With a smile , she approached him and asked," What do you plan on cooking sir? I might be of help choosing the groceries."

The gentleman looked at her smiling and was mesmerized for a second before coming back to his senses.

" I just want to make some soup." He responded

" Have you ever made one before? How would you know how to prepare soup when you don't even know the ingredients?" She asked laughing out loud. She found the situation funny enough to laugh.

" I will look for a recipe online." He said feeling embarrassed.

" Oh God, anyway just buy some vegetables and I will help you choose some of the ingredients you need to make the soup. I will write you a recipe to follow." She explained before going ahead to help him. After picking up everything needed, she borrowed a pen and a paper from the teller and wrote down a recipe and left before he could even thank her.

Bill was left astonished. Why did she leave without waiting for even a simple thank you. She was unique. He also felt some familiarity. Anyway he decided to try her recipe and wait to see if he sees her again. He didn't even ask her name.


Lina arrived at Dorry's apartment and met it locked. She had an extra key which she found helpful in times like this. She entered the apartment and saw Dorry's phone on the table.

" She might have left her phone and that is why she could not answer my calls." She murmured going into the kitchen. She started preparing some vegetables soup and rice . She was almost done cooking when she had the front door open.

" Dorry must have come back." She said to herself going to check. She met Dorry changing her shoes.

" Where did you go leaving your phone?" She asked.

" I just went to the gym to work out. I need to keep my body fit." She responded sitting on the couch. " Am so exhausted." She added.

" Just go freshen up and come eat ." Lina said going back into the kitchen.

She liked this new friend. This was the real her . Nothing could break her neither could anything shake her decision.


After having their meal, Dorry opened up about the interview. She hoped to get a job soon but she already knew it wasn't easy. She would be hopeful and patient. She had learned to be strong in this life since she was young. Life had never been fair to her. She had suffered until she got used to suffering.

Lina could tell she wasn't in a good mood . She encouraged her with a few words and left for her apartment. She had left her father's house for three years now. She also had her own stories but it wasn't as bad as Dorry's. Her father had remarried when her mother passed away. She had suffered in the hands of her step mom. Her father had tried protecting her but immediately her step mom got pregnant, he started favouring her step mom in everything he did. He would scold her and even slap her for something she didn't do. She had left home and never returned. Even her father didn't go looking for her. He didn't care if she was still alive or not. Dorry had adviced her to move own and forget the past. Even fate allowed, her father would come looking for her.

She now had Dorry as her only family. They only had each other. They always supported each other as sisters.

Lina opened the door and went into the bathroom to bathe. She had always taken care of Dorry if need arises and Dorry would do the same for her.

She cleaned up before wearing her pajamas. She remembered that she hadn't informed Andrew about the results of the interview. She called him and explained what happened to him. Andrew promised to call Dorry for an interview after Lina make her apply for it. They would make sure she goes to the interview. They knew it would be difficult considering Matt worked there. But Lina had promised to make sure she applies. She knew how to handle her.

After the conversation, Lina went to bed. She also needed a better job but would keep working as a waiter as she searched for another good job.

Unbeknownst to Lina , Andrew had thought about how to help Lina. He knew she was only managing her job as she needed to pay bills. Dorry had once worked at the same hotel as a cleaner. He would arrange something for her. She deserved better.


Matt woke up to a call from his boss. He had to go for a business trip abroad for almost two weeks. The boss was even sending Stephanie with him. He didn't sense anything fishy and just accepted to go. Anyway the company would sponsor everything.

He called Stephanie to give her the news. She was so excited that she couldn't help but squill loudly. This was more of a romantic trip than a business trip. They would have enough time to spend together and enjoy themselves.

After the call with Stephanie, Matt called Valerie and informed her of the news. She needed to find someone to keep an eye on Andrew for her as he wouldn't be around.

Valerie wasn't happy as she didn't have another informer that could do the job well as Matt did. She finally decided to handle it herself. She would visit Andrew regularly at his office. Matt wasn't in support as he knew the way Andrew functioned but Valerie cut off the call before he could say anything.


Bill couldn't stop himself from thinking about the beautiful lady he met at the grocery store. He even dreamt about her. Her smile was edged in his mind. He had had many girlfriends but none of them made him loose his mind this much. He kept feeling like he had seen her somewhere before but he couldn't remember where. Maybe he could ask her next time they met. He decided to put everything behind his mind for now and left for his office. He had a lot of work to handle.


Lina called Dorry after two days of her failed interview.She sounded so happy. After some greetings, she explained to Dorry that she had sent her an advertisement. She wanted her to apply.

" Don't look down on yourself. Apply for the job. I have a friend who has promised to help us secure the position. I know you will have some concerns because of the company that is advertising for the vacancy. Just face it and stop belittling yourself." Lina said in one breath and ended the call. Dorry was left confused but immediately she saw the company's name, she wasn't brave enough. She hesitated but after remembering her promise to Lina to move on, she applied. She would not let herself down . She knew Lina meant well. She didn't have a good job but she considered her first immediately she got an opportunity. She would make her happy and apply. Her life won't stop because of Matt. He didn't deserve her sacrifices at all.

She sent Lina a screenshot of the application letter and thanked her . Lina who had been anxiously waiting for her response, looked at Andrew opposite her and smiled. Their first step had succeed.

" How come she agreed faster than I thought?" He asked . He was beginning to think she still loved Matt.

" She can't break her promise to me. I knew she would do anything to honour our agreement." She responded.

" What agreement?" He asked

" After erasing everything concerning Matt from her apartment and life, I made her promise to move own and not let Matt affect her life. She had promised to focus on her career and better herself." She explained.

Andrew was relieved. He will test her after giving her the job. He would like to see Matt's face after coming back to find out she was working in the same company.

After discussing a few details with Lina, he promised to surprise her for helping him before leaving. Lina shrugged it off, she was doing this for her friend and did not expect any reward but she would wait and see.


Dorry woke up to an email inviting her for an interview the next day. She called Lina to inform her and requested she visit after work to help her choose a dress for the interview. She wanted to look her best. She would not allow Matt look down on her as usual. She would make him regret ever hurting her.

Lina was happy for her although she knew the plan. She clocked off work early and went straight to Dorry's apartment. They rummaged through all her clothes and after the fitting and trying out the clothes, Lina chose a blue skirt and a white chiffon top. She suggested black high heels and Dorry was satisfied with the look. Lina decided to sleep over and help her with her makeup in the morning. They prepared some food and ate before going to sleep. They had a long day ahead of them tomorrow.


Dorry was woken up by Lina who had already freshened up. She left her to use the bathroom as she went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After breakfast, she helped Dorry with the makeup before leaving for work. Dorry waited till 9a.m before leaving for S company.

She arrived at the receptionist feeling nervous but after waiting at the reception for some minutes, she gained some courage. She decided to face it head on. The receptionist led her to the top floor and entered the CEO'S office before coming back to usher her in.

Sitting there behind the desk was a handsome man. Dorry was dazed for a while before composing herself. She had always thought that Matt was handsome but now she had a different perspective.

" You can have a seat." The man said in a deep beautiful voice.

" Thank you." She said sitting down.

Immediately she settled on the seat, the man started asking her questions which she answered without any hitches. Andrew was impressed.

" I like your professionalism, although this is not your area of study, you are suitable for the candidate I have in mind. When are you free to start? The office is ready." He said looking at her flustered look.

" What? Just like that? " She asked .

" Are you not happy about the job?" He inquired.

" Am happy I will start tomorrow morning."

" Okay , your office will be opposite mine. Report to me before you go to your office and sign your work contract. Hope you won't disappoint our company." He explained.

" I won't disappoint you. Thanks for the opportunity." She said smiling.

They discussed a few things before she left. Immediately she stepped out of the door, she called Lina and shared the happy news. Lina squealed and congratulated her for her success.


Lina called Andrew to call to thank him for helping make her friend happy.

" Hello Andrew, she just called me and was so happy. Thanks for helping her."

"You are welcome , I also have a surprise for you. My friend needs an assistant and I recommended you. He will call you immediately he comes back from his business trip tomorrow to arrange when to start." He explained.

" Are you serious?" Lina couldn't believe it.

" Yeah you deserve it. You have a good heart." He responded.

" Thank you so much. I need to share this good news with my friend . She told me I will get a good job soon. I will talk to you later." She said before ending the call. Andrew couldn't help laughing. This two friends were just funny and interesting.

Lina called Dorry immediately and shared the good news. Dorry was so happy that she promised to prepare a lot of dishes to celebrate their success. Lina also promised to come back early to help cook. Dorry was to go shopping for the ingredients needed before she came.


Valerie had been feeling nervous sitting at the reception waiting for Andrew to finish the meeting. She had prepared some dishes for him and brought them over. Her mom had told her to try out cooking for him to see if he could change his mind.

She had been waiting for almost two hours and was beginning to feel impatient when she saw the doors to the conference hall open.Andrew came out followed by a group of workers who just glanced at her and left without even a greeting.

" What are you doing here?" Andrew asked without giving her a second glance.

" I brought you lunch ." She said feeling shy.

" That won't be necessary, I already had lunch." He responded before walking away.

Valerie felt so humiliated. All the words she had prepared to convince him disappeared. She felt defeated. She picked the lunch box and left . The employees around looked at her leaving and couldn't help but laugh. She had been trying for a long time.


In the evening, Lina came by early and they started preparing some dishes. Dorry was so happy. She had a job with a better pay.

" After working for sometime I will change places." She said slicing the onions.

" I don't understand." Lina said adding salt to the meat.

" I mean I will leave this apartment. I don't want to remember anything about the past." She explained.

" That is a good idea. You can still move now. I will lend you some money then you pay back after stabilizing your situation." She said smiling.

" Okay I will think about it." She replied and continued preparing the vegetables.

They cooked and cleaned the kitchen before settling down to eat. Dorry's appetite made Lina to eat more. By the time they had finished eating, they were so full and couldn't move immediately. They chatted for a while before Lina left. She called Andrew and informed him of Dorry's decision to move from her apartment and made arrangements before going to sleep.


Dorry arrived at the company early and was briefed about her job before she started working. She was efficient and good with her work and that made Wesley happy. She was a young lady with focus and determination. He kept looking at her smiling while she answered customer calls. All calls directed to the CEO'S office were received at her office. She was the one to report later.

Dorry didn't bother about anything else and emersed herself in work. She didn't even notice that it was lunch hour. She just kept sorting the files out until Wesley knocked on her door.

" Sir can I help you with something?" She asked

" Not really I just wonder if you are not going for lunch today." He said looking at her.

" Oh," she said holding her forehead. " I almost forgot."

" Okay go and eat something." He said before leaving.

Dorry didn't waste time and immediately went to the cafeteria to eat something. The food wasn't to her taste and she decided to start bringing her own lunch box to work. Her first day at work ended without much work. She had handled everything before leaving the office. She went into the CEO'S office to report before leaving.


Lina had been working without a break. Today they received more clients than usual. She had just breathed a sigh of relief after serving the last customer when she received a call from a new number.

" Hello is this Lina?" A man's voice asked.

" Yeah ,who is this please?" She asked

" Andrew gave me your contact and said you needed a job. I have a lot of work and need a secretary to help. If interested come find me tomorrow morning in my office at F company." He explained.

" What! Okay sir."she managed to say before Bill could end the call. She was so happy that she almost called Dorry but she restrained herself and decided to tell her after confirming everything. She couldn't act rashly.