
Reincarnation with a OP ability

_Tsuki_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

Réincarnation (Chapter 1)


It was a sunday, i was really drunk, I had work tomorrow so i needed to get some sleep, as i was walking to my room I suddenly collapsed.

The next morning, i woke up in my bed. No idea how, but i just did.

I got dressed and got my work equipment, My name is Akira Yamamoto, im 29 years old and im a scientist. A smart one if i do say so myself.

Every day, it takes around 15 minutes to walk there. On the way there, i usually walk to McDonalds to get a coffee.

But while i was in line for my coffee, the fire alarm got pulled. It suprised me at first, but i just guessed it was a teenager prank.

But when people started to run out of the building, i realised it wasnt a joke at all. I coudnt feel the fire on my back, but when i realised it, it was to late.

I woke up in someones house, i seen two people smiling at me, a lady and a man.

As i lifted my arm, i realised, i had been reincarnated into a new world.