
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

Temporary Base

I felt an intense chill in the air as I was trying to sneak around the back alleys of the city to avoid the invading orc army.

almost all of the people that I passed by began to panic and run in terror because it had been almost one thousand years since a massive work army had invaded the human capital city of White Falls. so I had noticed when I spent my spare time reading up on local history so that the fact that I was a member of The Reincarnation Protocol would not become too obvious to those around me.

"please help us you are an adventurer right" some of the people said as they ran past me in haste.

"do your job and protect the people of this city" other civilians told me while I was walking through the back alleys of the city to avoid contact with the invading army.

despite all of their hatred and dislike for me not helping them at the moment I knew that it was more important that I meet with my team and see what we are going to do about the current situation.

the owner of the local adventure's guild told me about a secondary meeting place that was a lot more rundown but that is where we were all supposed to meet in case of a national emergency of any kind.

when I made it to Sixth Street I noticed a small group of orcs patrolling and killing civilians that got in their way. to avoid being noticed I stayed in the alleyway and waited for them to walk past me.

"wow these humans are really weak; I was expecting more of a challenge" I heard one of the guards say as the group was walking past me

when they finally walked out of sight I made it across the street. I then continued to walk through the small and thin alleyways until I made it to Eighth Street and I entered into a brown building that was quite small in height and it looked a bit more rundown than the buildings that surrounded it.

I knocked on the door of the building in front of me and then the door was opened slightly which I slid through to get inside.

after I inched my way through the small opening that I was given to enter the secondary adventures guild building I was pinned to the wall by the front door guard.

"what is your name and rank as an adventurer"

"I am a silver rank and my name is Aleesia" I told the guard while trying to catch my breath since he had me pinned to the wall barely able to move or breathe.

"okay" the guard said as he loosened his grip on me and allowed me to freely move. "go to the end of the hall and the guild Master will tell you where each team is being assembled to take care of the situation at hand".

then I walked down the hallway which was very dimly lit I was supposing to avoid drawing attention to this building when I made it to the end of the hall I noticed a massive wooden table and behind the table I saw a tall but bulky female human that had a black crossbow on her back as well as a set of white bolts on the right side of her her waist.

the room was very massive and open with four oak columns supporting the roof. there were a set of tables on the left side of the room. the right side of the room had five doors against the wall. they also had a kitchen set up against the rear wall to feed those that were in need of nourishment.

"what is your name, and what group are you a part of; or do you adventure solo?" she asked me as I made it into the massive room where she was standing.

then I gave her the same information as I gave the guard before telling her that I was a part of the group that was all made out of different elf species.

"your group is meeting in the first door on the right side of the room." she told me as she went back to talking to the guard that was to her right; and ignoring everything else around her.

I made my way to the door that she told me to go through and I saw my entire team except the leader sitting around a square table. when I made my way to the empty chair I saw a crystal ball that was being used to communicate with our leader I was assuming since I saw his face on the ball.

"so that is the situation that we are facing here in the city of White Falls." Neia said to the ball before she sat down.

"I cannot make it there yet. the council of elves are still making up their mind if they want to join in this conflict. until then I cannot help you in person, but my orders are to slay as many orcs as you can; as well as saving as many ... ." our squad leader said as everything went static and I could no longer see him through the crystal ball.

" they must have jammed all communications with the outside. then we will be following our general motto of doing what he told us as well as saving as many civilians as we can in the process" Neia said to all of us in a commanding voice.

"you know Aleesia that it is highly likely that the leader of the orcs Zog the Destroyer is probably one of the candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol" my bat said to me telepathically while it landed on my shoulder.

"what are your orders then Neia?" I asked her while I pet my bat companion on the head.

"I want you to go to the imperial palace and see what the king is doing about this situation" she said to me. "I want the rest of us to kill as many of these works as we can so that we can minimize the collateral damage to the city."

then after she finished speaking everyone began to rise from their seats and move on to do their assigned jobs.

after everyone else left I made my way out of the makeshift adventures guild and snuck my way around the city until I made it to the giant wall of the imperial palace.

I noticed that there were no guards stationed at the gate so I quickly scaled the wall and made my way to the other side of it.

when I landed on the other side of the gate I was stopped by a guard and he questioned why I was there.

"I am here to see Dr Robert. he can vouch for me that I'm not here to steal anything." I told him as he had a sword pointed at my neck.

"well let's see if you're telling the truth" told me as he guided me through the palace to the meeting area of the Kings cabinet.

"what is it guard that is so important that you are going to interrupt our cabinet meeting!" the king exclaimed due to the urgency of the situation at hand as the guard and I entered the room.

"this elf said that she had something of great urgency to tell you and that someone called Dr Robert could vouch for her." the card said as he bowed to the king.

I saw the group of people that were near the king begin to shift in movement until I saw Robert make his way to the front of the group.

"yes I can vouch that this female moon elf wizard adventurer is not here to harm anyone or steal anything. she is actually one of my more reliable customers."

"well if you say she is safe to be near without any risks then I accept her with absolutely no regrets" the king said.

then I explained everything to the king about how the orcs had invaded the city and what they did to start it. after I told him everything he decided that we would bolster the army so that we can retake the city from the orcs.

I felt truly excited and yet very fearful about what was going to happen in the next few hours. would my plan that would lead me to wealth and power succeed; or would it fail miserably only time would be able to tell.