
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

A Traitor Among Us

the council continued to move about while the captain of the guard was gathering the pieces of the war table; and showed the king where we were going place all of the troops to minimize the damage that is done to the city by Zog and his forces.

"now let us discuss the plans for taking back the city from the orcs who have invaded us." the king said.

"well if you want to know my opinion your highness the best thing for us to do would be to take five different strike Force teams that consists of all the different variations of soldier types we have in our army and have them take out the captains of the orc army first." the captain said to the king before he bowed to him.

when everyone was gathered around the war table and each council member was giving the king their opinion on how take care of the Invaders; I could hear movement around the castle. so while everyone else was listening to the king's orders I chose to ignore them because I found it to be smarter to pay attention to all of the noises being made since they originated from a very unusual position where it was usually quiet.

after hearing what sounded like light footsteps getting closer to me I chose to interrupt the king while he was in the middle of speaking to all of us in the room.

as I interrupted the king all of the guards pointed their swords and spears at me.

"it is against the law to interrupt the king since every word he speaks is law. not even you Dr Robert can be allowed to interrupt him in any way shape or form" the captain of the guard said to me.

the king continued to speak about the plans that he had for the army in an attempt to try to save the city while the guards grabbed me and moved me further away from the King and closer to the main door of the meeting hall.

I was unable to move from my place where the guards put me because there were four guards surrounding me to ensure that I would not interrupt the king any further.

then I saw a statue of the king that was standing against the rear wall move to my left, and I saw a group of orc assassins made their way into the meeting hall.

the group of assassins wore black leather armor; one of the members for white armor I was assuming that he must be the leader of the group. they had either daggers on their waist, or a massive throwing star on their backs.

"well I am very lucky to have run into his Imperial majesty." one of the orc assassins said as he removed his mask, and I saw his green face before he bowed at the king; then he began to laugh loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

one of the assassins through his giant throwing star and it decapitated the heads of all of the guards except for the captain who was right by the king and the four guards that were surrounding me after the group leader snapped his fingers.

everyone began to gasp due to the shock of what had just happened and they stopped moving or speaking at all.

"well it is good to know that I have everyone's attention. it seems that humans are not as dumb as we are told" the leader said.

"what do you want?" the king asked the leader of the assassins.

"well let's see; we are here to invade this world and bring an end to the age of men. so to do that we are wanting to take the approach of you know severing the head of the snake and all that" the leader said while he began to pace around the war table around everyone except me and placing his dagger near their throats so that he knew that they could be killed if they did anything stupid at all.

after the leader finished his paces around the table he killed one of the elderly male council members by severing his head. when that was done he grabbed the head before it hit the ground and began to play with it by juggling it around while laughing about what he had done.

"now can our spy please step forward. this city is going to belong to Commander Zog so there is no reason for you to hide anymore".

after the leader of the orc assassins stop speaking I saw the captain of the guard walk towards the orcs and one of the assassins with black leather armor through a small purse of money at him.

"you will see that we have held up our end of the bargain and paid you 5000 gold pieces in exchange for your services." the assassin that threw him the pouch said.

the king turned around and saw his captain counting the money before smiling.

"why would you betray your country for money? I pay you enough to survive and support your family" the king said in a very angry tone at the captain of his guard.

"do you even know the kind of life that most people in this town live?" his captain asked the king. "did you know that most people in the city live in a very slummy lifestyle where they cannot afford to take baths more than three times a week; and that is if they are lucky enough to have water to bathe in at all."

"they may not live insanely comfortable lives but they get to be protected by the empire and are forces" the king said back to him out of arrogance trying to prove that he is still superior to the guard in his own way.

"at least by citing with Zog and his forces I have secured my family's survival in this conflict. we Will rise from the ashes and help Zog form an entirely new world where all are equal no matter their social status or racial origins" he said before he walked away and behind the group of orc assassins.

"now is it our inside man has gotten his point across it is now time to begin the cleansing. the only two people that are not allowed to be harmed are the adventurer known as Alicia and the Imperial Alchemist known as Dr Robert. they are going to get special punishment from Zog himself. I truly am excited to see what he will do to those two individuals."

the leader of the group of assassins severed everyone's head and then tossed them to the entire group of assassins.

when everyone caught the heads they began to play with it just like the leader of the group had done with the first individual that he had killed.

"all right now that that is all done I will have both of you follow me" he said as he pointed his dagger at me and then at Alecia. "now before you do anything stupid I am going to take your grimoire. after all without a grimoire wizards cannot cast any spells."

after he grabbed her grimoire one of the assassins bound both of us by our wrists and pushed us forward until we followed them willingly down the passageway they had used to infiltrate the castle without alerting the guards at all of their presence.

"I do not understand why Zog values you too so much but soon we will find out why that is. he he said that you were to be left alive he did not specify that I could not have my fun with you two first." the leader said as he lightly stabbed me in the back with his knife and evilly laughing while we walked out of the narrow hallway that led us outside of the city.

I knew that this orc assassin was going to mean a lot of trouble for myself but I was truthfully worried about what would happen to Alecia as we made it to the woods outside of the city.